
SQL strip text and convert to integer

Hi all, In my database (SQL 2005) I have a field which holds a comment but in the comment I have an id and I would like to strip out just the id, and IF possible convert it to an int: 'activation successful of id 1010101' The line above is the exact structure of the data in the db field. And no I don't want to do this in the code of ...

php quotation strip

In my webpage, I want the website to greet the user, but the username is surrounded by 'single quotations'. Since this isn't to prevent MySQL injection, i just want to remove quotes around my name on the display page. Ex: Welcome 'user'! I'm trying to find the way where i can strip the quotations around the user and have it display on t...

Why isn't HTML::Obliterate obliterating my HTML?

Hello, I am trying to use the following code, which I have not been able to test yet, because I get the following errors: #!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Text::Wrap; use Mail::Box::Manager; use HTML::Obliterate qw(extirpate_html); open (MYFILE, '>>data.txt'); binmode(MYFILE, ':encoding(UTF-8)'); my $file = shift || $E...

Strip Comments from XML

I've encountered the need to remove comments of the form: <!-- Foo Bar --> I'd like to use a regular expression that matches anything (including line breaks) between the beginning and end 'delimiters.' What would a good regex be for this task? ...

Best way to automatically remove comments from PHP code

Whats the best way to remove comments from a PHP file? I want to do something similar to strip-whitespace() - but it shouldn't remove the line breaks as well. EG: I want this: <?PHP // something if ($whatsit) { do_something(); # we do something here echo '<html>Some embedded HTML</html>'; } /* another long comment */ some_mo...

How to strip HTML attributes except "src" and "alt" in JAVA

Hi, problem: How do I strip all attributes from HTML tags in a string, except "alt" and "src" using Java? And further.. how do I get the content from all "src" attributes in the string? :) ...

Android Strip Audio From Video

Hello, In my program, it gets MP4 video in, and I want it to output a MP3 (without any server-side stuff.) Since Android (and my app) needs to run on many different hardware configurations, this means I probably cannot use FFMPEG :( I know this may be very battery and processing power intensive, especially for a mobile phone, but I need ...

Strip symbols for iPhone application

What are the settings in Xcode to strip symbols for an iphone application? I use these settings in Xcode but still see classnames and their methods in the executable using a binary file editor. Deployment: 1) Deployment Postprocessing (checked) 2) Strip Debug Symbols During Copy (checked) 3) Strip Linked Product (checked) 4) Use Separ...

C# Stripping / converting one or more characters

Hi all, Is there a fast way (without having to explicitly looping through each character in a string) and either stripping or keeping it. In Visual FoxPro, there is a function CHRTRAN() that does it great. Its on a 1:1 character replacement, but if no character in the alternate position, its stripped from the final string. Ex CHRTRA...

C# - Context Menu Strip has scroll behaviour when user hits arrow keys

I have a context menu strip with 8 items and two separators. When the user brings up the context menu strip, then hits the arrow key to scroll through the items, hitting the eighth item causes the menu to 'scroll' up, leaving blank space at the bottom. Is there any way to prevent that behaviour? ...

Stripping/Substitution with Perl Regex

Hi, So I'm quite new to programming in general, so this may be a stupid question, but I am specifically trying to use regexes to strip a CSS tag. Basically I have this: .style1 { font-size: 24px; font-weight: bold; color: #FFEFA1; } and I want it to look like this: .style1:color:#FFEFA1 I want to maintain the s...

Stripping HTML Comments With PHP But Leaving Conditionals

I'm currently using PHP and a regular expression to strip out all HTML comments from a page. The script works well... a little too well. It strips out all comments including my conditional comments in the . Here's what I've got: <?php function callback($buffer) { return preg_replace('/<!--(.|\s)*?-->/', '', $buffer); } ...

How can I strip HTML in a string using Perl?

Is there anyway easier than this to strip HTML from a string using Perl? $Error_Msg =~ s|<b>||ig; $Error_Msg =~ s|</b>||ig; $Error_Msg =~ s|<h1>||ig; $Error_Msg =~ s|</h1>||ig; $Error_Msg =~ s|<br>||ig; I would appreicate both a slimmed down regular expression, e.g. something like this: $Error_Msg =~ s|</?[b|h1|br]>||ig; Is there a...

Strip wav header in c#

I want to be able to strip off a header from a wav file. Is there any way to do this in C#? ...

strip all classes from p tags

Hi everyone, I was just wondering if any one knew a function to remove ALL classes from a string in php.. Basically I only want <p> tags rather than <p class="..."> If that makes sense :) ...

Replacing <p>, <div> tags within <td> tags?

I'm working on a specialized HTML stripper. The current stripper replaces <td> tags with tabs then <p> and <div> tags with double carriage-returns. However, when stripping code like this: <td>First Text</td><td style="background:#330000"><p style="color:#660000;text-align:center">Some Text</p></td> It (obviously) produces First Tex...

PHP stripping strings..

Hi all, I would like to strip everything in a string before a - and leave what's after that. For example: 15.11-101 I want to strip 15.11 and leave 101. I've tried a few different things, but can't seem to get it working, if anyone could help me out, that'd be fantastic :) Cheers Leanne ...

How do you cut off text after a certain amount of characters in PHP?

I have two string that i want to limit to lets say the first 25 characters for example. Is there a way to cut off text after the 25th character and add a ... to the end of the string? So '12345678901234567890abcdefg' would turn into '12345678901234567890abcde...' where 'fg' is cut off. ...

Umbraco CMS stripping ALT tags from images when content saved

Umbraco is taking: <img alt="Your Title - for example Mr., Mrs., Ms." src="../media/21283/q16x16.gif" width="16" height="15"/> And turning it into <img alt="" src="/media/21283/q16x16.gif" width="16" height="15" rel="16,15"/> If I alter the alt tag after this processing then the alt tag is saved. ...

gcc -s and bash command strip

Hi, I wonder what is the difference between these two: gcc -s: Remove all symbol table and relocation information from the executable. strip: Discard symbols from object files. Are they having the same meaning? Which one do you use to reduce the size of executable and speed up its running. Really appreciate your detail info. Thanks...