
.persist() returns no errors, but where is my persisted data?

Hi, In my DAO implementation I'm doing Stripersist.getEntityManager().persist(client);, this doesn't seem to return any errors, but I can't find the data that it persists. My client object looks like this : @Entity public class Client implements Serializable { @Id @GeneratedValue private Integer id; @Column priva...

Problem with Stripes' submit

Hello, I'm currently experiencing a problem with submit button in Stripes. It completely ignores event, that it should call. Actionbean is working on links with no problems... Im stuck on that for like 3 hours. event in actionbean @HandlesEvent("addc") public Resolution addc() { log.debug("addc() contract={}", contract); contra...

Stripes: I can pre-populate a form, but after submit the formBean is null

Hi, I can pre-populate my Stripes JSP form with an object, client in my case, but when I submit this form, my object is returning as null. I have created a second "temp" object that is a parallel duplicate of client and this retains its values, so I can't see an issue passing an object in the request My form is as follows : <s:form ...

Handling data in ActionBean

Hello, how do I save data between two events in ActionBean? In the following example I create contact in addContact(), preserve it and save it to attribute contact. When i try to access that contact after redirectction, in addNumber(), its null. private Contact contact; ... public Resolution addNumber() { log.debug("addNumber() to ...

Setting createdBy and updatedBy in JPA entities automatically

Hi everyone, I'm working on a JPA (Hibernate implementation of), Spring and Stripes web app. I have a number of JPA entities that have the following fields in common for both audit and query purposes: createdBy - the user ID of the person who created the entity. createdOn - the date the entity was created updatedBy - the user ID of the...

Unit testing stripes validation annotations directly

Stripes allows you to validate your form input values using the @Validate annotation on your member variables. Does anyone have any experience testing these annotations directly. I could do this by testing the validation errors that come back from the ActionBean, but this seems a little long winded and I would like a more direct method o...

Mapping Relationships with Hibernate

I'm still learning how to set up these mappings using the JPA annotations so this may be a beginner mistake. I have a User class and a Course class. In the database each Course has a User foreign key in each row (think of the User as the teacher teaching the Course). So each User can have multiple Courses, but each Course has only one U...

How can I display a JFreeChart in web browser with Stripes Framework

This is the situation: My 'metrics.jsp' page submits a couple variables that are needed to create the chart. The '' calls down to a few other java classes that create the JFreeChart. I can display the chart in a pop-up but I want it to be displayed in the original browser window. JFreeChart placeChart = ChartFacto...

Open source CMS in stripes?

Is there any existing open source CMS in stripes? I'm especially looking for a very tiny and lightweight one that I can take a look on and learn from :) ...

Spring not initializing bean(dbunit); what have I missed?

Hi, I'm following some guidelines in a tutorial for setting up Stripes MVC with Spring integration, and I'm trying to integrate DBUnit to initialise my DB on startup so I don't have to waste time manually inserting data each time. Unfortunately I can't link the tutorial as its from a paid for eBook. In my web.xml I have referenced Spri...

Java Web Application Error - Can't understand why it's happening now

I am using eclipse and I can build the webapp and deploy it to Jboss4.2.1. It was working previously and I haven't changed anything really extensively to make this error come about. When I go to the webapp thru my browser, I previously have been signing in with a generic username and then I could use my webapp as usual. Now when I go t...

Error moving JSP file into WEB-INF directory with Stripes

I have the following Stripes ActionBean: package myapp; import net.sourceforge.stripes.action.*; public class WelcomeActionBean extends MyAppActionBean { @DefaultHandler public Resolution view() { return new ForwardResolution("/welcome.jsp"); } } When I load /myapp/Welcome.action in a browser, the contents of welc...

How to make fmt:setLocale work on fmt:formatNumber with only language code in JSP?

Hello, I'm trying to localize currency on my JSP web application, problem is when I ask for locale, I only get language code ("en") instead of full language and country code ("en_US"). Problem with this is, formatNumber doesnt work when setLocale's value doesn't contain language and country code. I can solve it by checking for locale la...

How to remove the file suffix/extension (.jsp and .action) using the Stripes Framework?

I'm looking to use pretty / clean URL's in my web app. I would like the following URL: .. to resolve to: com.mydomain.myapp.action.CalculatorActionBean I tried overwriting the NameBasedActionResolver with: public class CustomActionResolver extends NameBasedActionResolver { public static fi...

[Java Stripes] How can I use List of object with Stripes "option" tag ?

I have a List of object, produced by JPA q.getResultList(). I would like to use it in a drop down, but Stripes "option" tag cant accept List, just Collection, Enum and Map. Im new to Java, that why perhaps the List can translated to each of them but I don't know how can I solve this issue. (Stripes select,option-map,-enumeration, -col...

Stripes : RedirectResolution; How can I redirect to specific action event?

Hi, I have an action bean in my stripes application. The default handler/method will display a list of data, a list of all my MarketResearch objects On my JSP, I can click on one to view its details, this takes me to a different JSP with a pre-populated form based on the particular MarketResearch object that you selected. I have anoth...

How to propagate .java file change to .class under eclipse, tomcat & stripes

Hi, i'm new to java and i got some problems. i'm developping a web application using the framework stripes on tomcat 6.0. I'm working with eclipse EE on windows. i successfully managed to get the stripes example application (called Bugzooky) up and running on my tomcat server. I imported the .war file and stripes libs in Eclipse. Here is...

GoogleMaps JSP taglib; maps not showing

I have followed the instructions on the googlemaps website but I'm unable to get any maps to show (attempting example 1 and 2) I did the following Added jar to web-inf/lib, included it in my jsp using the taglib declaration (This should be correct since my IDE netbeans now recognises the tag and makes it bold when used) I then added t...

JSF vs Stripes, which is best?

Which is best, or in other words, whish is easiest to use? Stripes or JSF. Although I haven't used both in anger I need to gauge what is the best option to work with for both starting new projects and converting existing Struts projects. I have a fear that JSF won't render as nicely as I want but what are others experiences? Seems Str...

How to create zebra stripes on html table without using javascript and even/odd classes generation?

I want to zebra-stripe a html table without using any js stuff or writing server-side code to generate even/odd classes for table rows. Is it ever possible to do using raw css? ...