
Problem with form direct submitting

If I visit the link, enter the captcha code and click the Download button, I can download the file. I wonder if I can submit the form without clicking the 'Download' button? I mean typing the captcha code directly on the address bar and hit Enter? I try

what's openID? just a test for question submitting

what's openID? just a test for question submitting ...

getting strange error when submitting to iTunes Connect

Hey there, I am on the last stage of my upload, and i clicked submit, only to receive the error; There was an error saving changes: NullPropertyException. Stack is: [Ljava.lang.StackTraceElement;@5528cffb what does that mean? I am 99% sure I built correctly. the error changes ( the @ bit) after a refresh and click of submit again. ...

Joomla. PHP self submitting forms.

Hi all, I have a PHP file that has a self submitting form. Does anyone know of any plugins that I could use in Joomla to directly use this file and show the results on the same page that it was called from? I've tried a few like DirectPHP and have the form showing on the page fine. The results from the PHP file show fine on the page e...