
iPhone multiple subview animation

Hi there, I'm writing my first app with animations and I'm getting into some troubles. I have a ViewController which creates programmatically a certain number of UIView added as subviews. Now, when I touch one of these views I'd like to move it in one direction (up, right, down, left) but only if in this direction there isn't another vi...

How to remove sub view When clicks the UIBar Button in iPhone?

Hi Frieds, I am developing on iPhone application. I have created UIImage view, on clicks the image view, it navigates one custom view and loading a web view. In that view, i had one tool bar and one bar buttons in the tool bar. When clicks the bar button, it removes the custom view. My problem is some time the custom view doesn't remove...

Memory Management: Is insertSubview retaining it's views?

The question is if insertSubview is retaining the views and if I'm doing it right. I would say yes. Since I'm not using the property anymore I don't receive an EXC_BAD_ACCESS. I think when releasing the view all subviews are also released. And so mapView is over-released. I'm right or do I still have a memory management issue? My ViewC...

In Cocoa Touch, is it possible to load a view onto another view?

Sorry if this is an annoying question, but I just want to know if it is possible to have an iPad view that is functioning, then load a smaller view on top of that with different content. And then be able to use both at the same time. I have been trying to look this up, but I don't know what terminology to use. Thanks to anyone who c...

Retrieving values from subviews Objective-c

Hi, I have created a subclass of a UIView which is a rotating wheel. This wheel is part of another UIView which has an image in the top right corner. When the wheel is turned, in the touchMoved function the right most item is returned (its number). I need to then change the parent's image automatically when the subview is turned (when ...

Why won't the onDraw method get called when attaching its View to a ScrollView?

Hi All. I'm trying to create a sample project using the ScrollView. I want to be able to draw a simple graphic, which is taller than the device screen height, in a sub view of the ScrollView such that it will vertically scroll. If I modify my below code slightly, such that I setContentView(cv) instead of setContentView(sv), the onDraw me...