
Rendering UML diagrams from text files

Is there any good tool or tool-chain that allows UML images in the .svg format to be created from a textual source file? The reason for this question is that I want to automate the generation of these images to avoid having to manually create and update this set of images. ...

How to calculate center of an ellipse by two points and radius sizes

While working on SVG implementation for Internet Explorer to be based on its own VML format I came to a problem of translation of an SVG elliptical arc to an VML elliptical arc. In VML an arc is given by: two angles for two points on ellipse and lengths of radiuses, In SVG an arc is given by: two pairs of coordinates for two points on e...

Are there any libraries for generating flash swf files or converting svg to swf

I was wondering if anyone knows of any libraries for programatically creating flash swf files. Or for creating swf from svg. ...

Are there any tools to transform SVG data to Canvas friendly input?

Are there any tools to transform SVG (XML) data to Canvas friendly input? ...

What is the state of native SVG support in the most popular browsers?

What is the state of native SVG support in the most popular browsers in their latest releases? Internet explorer Firefox Opera Safari Chrome Konqueror Camino ...

What is the best way to serialize SVG from the client DOM?

I am working on interactive SVG/AJAX interfaces where elements are created and repositioned on-the-fly by users. I'd like to support the ability for users to export their current view to a PNG image and/or an SVG document. I'd really like the SVG document to be as simple as possible (without a lot of nested transforms). Is there any fram...

Get size of SVG graphics by javascript

To add a svg graphics in html page, it is common to use object tag to wrap it like this: <object id="svgid" data="mysvg.svg" type="image/svg+xml" wmode="transparent" width="100" height="100"> this browser is not able to show SVG: <a linkindex="3" href=""&gt;;/a&gt; is free and does it! I...

Vector graphics clipboard format for Qt.

I want my Qt application to be able to save simple vector graphics to clipboard in a compatible way. On windows I want to be able to paste the graphics into Microsoft Word or Powerpoint. On Linux I want to be compatible with the Open Office. Which format would you recommend? Can Qt generate EMF in an easy way? Is SVG an option? Update...

Access to svg's scripts

svg is an xml based graphics and you can add JavaScripts to it. I have tried to access to the script functions defined in a svg. The script in my svg is something like this: <svg ... onload="RunScript(evt);"...> <script type="text/javascript"> ... function RunScript(loadEvent) { // Get object in my html by id var objElement =

SVG repaint

I'm working on drawing an SVG grid using Javascript. I've managed to get the axis drawn, as well as my quadrant labels. However I've run into an issue adding my dynamic points. I'm trying to draw the points in the onload event of the SVG element. When using Firebug I have been able to confirm that the circle elements representing my poi...

How to resize text in svg dynamically?

Hello everybody, I'm working on a report that includes an embedded svg diagram. The diagram is drawn using relative coordinates, so when a browser window resizes the diagram resizes pretty well. The only exception there is text - it remains the same. Is it possible to draw text in svg that is resizable? ...

How do they draw the charts/graphs on stackoverflow?

I spent ages learning VML and creating charts for a website once, but since VML only works in Internet Explorer, it's not much good these days. I notice stackoverflow has graphs on my profile page, under 'reputation', but I wasnt able to see how they did it. Can anyone suggest a way to create client-side charts or diagrams, that work i...

Is there any standard way of storing vector information in a database?

I want to store a very large amount of vector data on a server and only poll the parts I need at a given point... This shouldn't be a problem. Is there any way to take a vector file like an svg file and import it into a database? I could always write an svg parser to import it into my database, but is there any standard way of doing th...

Programming simple drawing application

Hello, to do some visualization of data I would like to include rectangles, circles and text within my graphs. Does anyone know a Java based framework (maybe similar to very basic Powerpoint functionality) that can export SVG graphics? ...

Learning SVG ?

Does anyone here know SVG ? If so how did you learn it. Any books/ tutorial pointer will be beneficial ? Also I am a programmer not a designer so I want to pick up some skills there too. ...

How to check if an embedded SVG document is loaded in an html page?

I need to edit (using javascript) an SVG document embedded in an html page. When the SVG is loaded, I can access the dom of the SVG and its elements. But I am not able to know if the SVG dom is ready or not, so I cant' perform default actions on the SVG when the html page is loaded. To access the SVG dom, I use this code: var svg = do...

Display SVG gradients using Flash?

I'm using AS3 (Flash) to read SVG files and display them. The problem is correctly displaying a linear/radial gradient. Following is an example of a simple linear gradient from Red to Blue, in SVG. <linearGradient id="GRADIENT_1" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="107.3938" y1="515.5684" x2="105.2488" y2="428.8614" gradientTransform="m...

Silverlight tutorial of Cartman

Few months ago, I have came across a Silverlight tutorial of Eric Cartman (South Park). Which used the vector image from to animate him. However, I cannot seem to find that tutorial any longer. Can someone point me in the right direction, please? ...

Can a two-dimensional gradient be created (or faked) in SVG?

I'm trying to create a color-picker which must dynamically generate its images and figured it would be a whole lot easier to generate SVG than a raster image. Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to represent the big, two-dimensional gradient which will form the centerpiece of the picker. For example, if the currently selected axes ar...

Preview SVG using Javascript?

Is there an easy way to render SVG inside a page using javascript? What I want to do is set up a big textarea where a user can type SVG and click a button that renders it on the page. ...