
iphone - Can self.view transitions be animated?

The code below is from another SO post, and my question is can the transition from one view to the next using this method be animated, and if so how? // origView is an instance variable/IBOutlet to your original view. - (IBAction)switchToPhoneView:(id)sender { if (origView == nil) origView = self.view; self.view = phoneViewContr...

Alternative to the "switch" Statement

Hi all, I do not want to use Switch in my code, so I'm looking for some alternative Example with Switch: function write(what) { switch(what) { case 'Blue': alert ('Blue'); break; ... case 'Red': alert ('Red'); break; } } Example without Switch: colors = []; colors['Blue'] = function() { al...

How do I get selected background color from SecondView to pass to FirstView?

I am going insane! This is a simple app with two Views. FirstView is a text field with info button to flip to SecondView. In SecondView I have 6 buttons for background color choice. When button is pushed the color of background changes perfectly but cannot make it also change background color for FirstView. Any help would be GREAT! ...

Eclipse HotKey: how to switch between tabs?

How to switch opened windows in Eclipse? There is Ctrl+F6, but it's asking me which one i want, but i want switch it like tabs in browser or window in operating system (Cmd/Win+Tab) without file-selection from the list. How to do this easy thing in Eclipse? I've tried to assign hotkey for events: forward forward history next page but i...

using variables for the cases and a function for a switch?

In PHP I'd like to do this: switch (function_foo($bar,$bar2)) { case $fu: *Do Stuff* break; case $fubar: *Do Other Stuff* break; } Is this a terrible idea? Will it work? ...

mysql_fetch_array() problem

So I have 3 DB tables that are all identical in every way (data is different) except the name of the table. I did this so I could use one piece of code with a switch like so: function disp_bestof($atts) { extract(shortcode_atts(array( 'topic' => '' ), $atts)); $connect = mysql_connect("localhost","foo","bar"); if (!$connect) { ...

Jquery Switching browser instances

Hi, I am using jQuery along with a large number of other jQuery plugins. I have an issue where if I have two instances of Firefox or IE open (in Vista), then when my page loads it automatically switches to the other browers instance (either other FF or other IE). If there isn't a second browser instance then nothing happens. I have adde...

How to simplify this php switch statement?

I would like to change this: // use appropiate lang.xx.php file according to the value of the $lang switch ($_SESSION['lang']) { case 'en': $lang_file = 'lang.en.php'; break; case 'es': $lang_file = 'lang.es.php'; break; case 'zh-tw': $lang_file = 'lang.zh-tw.php'; break; case 'zh-cn': $lang_file = 'lang.zh-cn.php'; break; d...

Converting switch statements to more elegant solution.

I have a 9 x 9 matrix. (think of suduko). 4 2 1 6 8 1 8 5 8 3 1 5 8 1 1 7 5 8 1 1 4 0 5 6 7 0 4 6 2 5 5 4 4 8 1 2 6 8 8 2 8 1 6 3 5 8 4 2 6 4 7 4 1 1 1 3 5 3 8 8 5 2 2 2 6 6 0 8 8 8 0 6 8 7 2 3 3 1 1 7 4 now I wanna be able to get a "quadrant". for example (according to my code) the quadrant 2 , 2 ...

Using switch and enumerations as substitute for named methods

This pattern pops up a lot. It looks like a very verbose way to move what would otherwise be separate named methods into a single method and then distinguished by a parameter. Is there any good reason to have this pattern over just having two methods Method1() and Method2() ? The real kicker is that this pattern tends to be invoked on...

Is a switch statement the fastest way to implement operator interpretation in Java

Is a switch statement the fastest way to implement operator interpretation in Java public boolean accept(final int op, int x, int val) { switch (op) { case OP_EQUAL: return x == val; case OP_BIGGER: return x > val; case OP_SMALLER: return x < val; default: r...

Can you explain why gcc -S output something like assemble?

$ gcc -S buffer-overflow.c && cat buffer-overflow.s _foo: pushl %ebp ;2 movl %esp, %ebp ;3 subl $16, %esp ;4 movl LC1, %eax ;5 movl %eax, -4(%ebp) ;6 leal -4(%ebp), %eax ;7 leal 8(%eax), %edx ;8 movl $_bad, %eax ;9 ...

Ruby switch like idiom

Hey, I have recently started a project in Ruby on Rails. I used to do all my projects before in Python but decided to give Ruby a shot. In the projects I wrote in Python I used a nice little technique explained by the correct answer in this post: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/277965/dictionary-or-if-statements-jython I use this...

Why is the Switch module deprecated in Perl?

Why was Switch deprecated in Perl? I know that a switch/case be made with elsif, but I don't like that very much. ...

PHP endswitch; - Is this normally practiced?

I was reading some switch statements and noticed one using endswitch;. Why or why not should one use this? Is it even necessary? ...

Why can't your switch statement data type be long, Java?

Here's an excerpt from Sun's Java tutorials: A switch works with the byte, short, char, and int primitive data types. It also works with enumerated types (discussed in Classes and Inheritance) and a few special classes that "wrap" certain primitive types: Character, Byte, Short, and Integer (discussed in Simple Data Objects ). Ther...

Help with a simple switch statement

I need to find the value of a variable and use it to add a class to a div, based on a switch statement. For example, my variable is $link and if $link has google.com IN IT at all, I need $class to equal 'google', if $link as yahoo.com IN IT at all, $class then needs to equal 'yahoo' So, I need something like this, but I'm not sure how...

Why do we need break after case statements?

Why doesn't the compiler automatically put break statements after each code block in the switch? Is it for historical reasons? When would you want multiple code blocks to execute? ...

SplitView in iPad -- Maintain two views without popover

Hi all In a switch view mode in iPad, is it possible to maintain the two views in landscape mode and also in portrait mode without having to use the popover?(Maybe just adjust the width of each views in portrait, instead of the popover) How would I do that? ...

uiview to Uiview switch

I have a uiview class and i want to switch to other uiview class but without using addsubview is there any other way to do that except the one (addSubView) ...