
Scala dotless call syntax with curried function

Update: detailed answer to the more general problem at, thank you for the answers! The following works: scala> List(1,2,3) filter (_ > 1) reduceLeft(_ + _) res65: Int = 5 And also the following: scala> List(1,2,3)....

Ruby syntax question: Rational(a, b) and!(a, b)

Today I came across the strange ruby syntax in the Rational class: Rational(a,b) (Notice the absence of the .new()portion compared to the normal Ruby syntax). What does this mean, precisely, compared to the normal new syntax? More importantly, how do I implement something like this in my own code, and why would I implement something...

explanation of assembly code

Can anybody explain me this piece of assembly code? LINEAR_DATA_SEL equ $-gdt dw 0FFFFh dw 0 db 0 db 92h ; present, ring 0, data, expand-up, writable db 0CFh ; page-granular (4 gig limit), 32-bit db 0 Here I have already googled about the command equ, dw and db but I can't understand what this code act...

Can anyone tell why this JPA criteria query generates an invalid SQL statement when executed (Hibernate) and how to fix it?

Hi! I'm having a hard time constructing a criteria query to get the "permissions" attribute from the Role entity with id = 2. The permission attribute is of Set type, so I'm creating a join and selecting from it, but the query fails with invalid grammar exception reporting "Unknown column '2L' in 'where clause'" The criteria query that...

PHP parse error

i am trying to get player logic in place with those if statements player 1 fires 1st -> player 2 2nd then start over again (an user checks a box)then the unset removes the pieces from the board as they are hit Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting ']' in on line 93 the problem is this line of code: ...

if-else shortcut surprise

Hi, i was totally surprised that the 3rd solution doesn't work (Compiler says: ; is missing). bool isFoobar = true; isFoobar == true ? isFoobar = false : isFoobar = true; // [1] works ( isFoobar ? isFoobar = false : isFoobar = true ); // [2] works isFoobar ? isFoobar = false : isFoobar = true; // [3] failed Ehm, why does the last on...

Is using bad?

Possible Duplicate: Why is 'using namespace std;' considered a bad practice in C++? Every time I use using namespace std I always get that "thats a terrible programming habit". Now I'm graduating this December with my B.S. in C.S. but I don't claim to know everything, but no one has ever explained why this is so bad. I underst...

Am I missing anything here in my statement about c++?

You can't have code outside of functions except for declarations, definitions and preprocessor directives. Is that statement accurate, or is there something I'm missing? I'm teaching my nephew to program, and he was trying to put a while loop before main. He's pretty young, I want to give him a hard simple rule that he can understand....

VB.NET - Using an XML file to syntax highlight in a custom code editor?

Hey Overflow, I'm creating a code editor for a sub-version of Python in Visual Studio 2010. (.NETFW 4.0 Client) The thing is, I can't figure out how to write the XML file and then how to parse text in a RTB based on the info from said XML file... Just now I'm resorting to locking the control and filtering through the whole RTB to check...

Which is more proper javascript syntax?

if (//some condition) { //some code } else { //other code } or if (//some condition) { //some code } else { //other code } ...

Can't find string terminator "str" anywhere before EOF

Why I get this error? use strict; use warnings; my $str = <<str; 88087 23/11/2010 35192 25/07/2010 B3J 5X9 17/08/2011 C8U 5L6 16/08/2011 F4Q 3B4 17/10/2010 D3X 9P4 11/05/2010 O7L 6Z8 28/02/2010 W8L 9P2 05/09/2010 str print $str; my @arr = split/\n/,$str; foreach (@arr) { my @tmp = split/\t/; print "$tmp[...

Where can I read about conditionals done with ? and :

Possible Duplicate: Reference - What does this symbol mean in PHP? I've been doing conditionals with if/else or a year or so now. Looking at some new code, I'm seeing a conditional that appears to use ? and : instead of if and else. I'd like to learn more about this but am not sure what to google to find articles explaining ...

How can I get context dependent syntax coloring for the same keyword in Vim?

I am creating a vim syntax file for a niche language that has no syntax file yet. The language has the following syntax when setting up a simple function. foo(parameter) if parameter then print("yes") else print("no") end end I want the end that is paired with the if to have the syntax coloring for condition...

Is there a shorter way to write this script? (Targeting multiple elements to run the same function)

So I have this nice slider script that I want to use on this page: for several instances on the page. (In other words each rod posting will have it's own slider, a total of about 11 sliders on the page) In order to run the script I have to include this function declaration: $(document).ready(function(){...

Syntax choices for accessing child objects.

I'm wondering which is semantically and technically most optimal of my choices here. I've created a simple object registry class, but the method of object access has me wondering what's best. I'm currently using the first variation: //the Registry methods can chain, each returning a self reference $registry = Registry::getInstance()->re...

Abstract classes - syntax help

I am having a bit of a problem with abstract classes. I have a bunch of classses. In the StackAsLinkedList.h class i have a linked list of pointers to Objects as seen here LinkedList<Object*> list; The syntax is wrong and i dont know what to do. if i name it a int or char i get the same syntax error.. I am fairly new to ADT / class hi...

counting letters in an array (java)

Hi, level: beginner Below snippet is part of code that counts letters in an array. How do you say this in english? counts[letters[i] - 'a']++ ; I understand the substraction mechanism but i'm a bit confused by the shorthand way to write the letter count incrementation. full code: class CountLettersInArray { public static void...