
UISplitViewCOntroller + TabBarCOntroller + iPad

Hi all, I am developing a tab-based iPad application in which corresponding to each tab, I have to show an UISplitViewController . I have done this by adding two navigation controllers to my tabBarController and assigning a subclass of UISplitViewController as RootViewController of both navigationController. And also I have to show bot...

iphone tabbarcontroller PNG

I've run out of places to look for why my image will not display in the tab bar controller. Whether I use Inkscape, Pixelmator, or an antique version of Paint Shop Pro to create and then export the PNG, I get a blue, highlighted square of nothingness or a dull gray square of nothingness. All are 30 x 30, but white on black, black on whi...

iPhone TabBarController switching with selectedViewController doesn't show the view

I'm getting crazy on this. I've got a TabBarController with threw viewController and it's working ok in my app when I push the selection on the items. When I try to call self.tabBarController.selectedViewController = [self.tabBarController.viewControllers objectAtIndex:2]; (index 2 exists and the problem is with the index 1 too), I s...

A simle view with a button that calls another view with a tab bar controller

It is quiet embarrassing but I just don't get it. How should I browse prom viewA to viewB to viewC if I have a main view "viewMain"... how can I make it call a view with a tab bar controller for the views viewTabA, viewTabB and viewTabC. (All views should give me the option to go back to the main view "viewMain") It just so frustrati...

iphone sdk: how to correctly switch controller

hello, I am struggling with my app for a couple of days now and there are some things I am not sure to do correctly. I have an app with a login view controller, a tab bar view controller and a landscape view controller that should only be used when the first tab is in landscape mode. I have added those 3 controllers as attributes of the ...

reload view controller when tab pressed

Hello, I have several tabs in my tab bar controller and only one (the first one) for which I would need an automated reload each time I select its tab (and also when the app come back to the foreground). I did not find how to do this, do I need to recreate the tab bar controller manually each time ? Do I need to add a new set of view c...

UITabbarController in Landscape only mode

I have a landscape only app with uitabbarcontroller with just two tabs Works fine, except for "two-stage rotation" warning i get. If have done the follwoing: Added key/string pair to info.plist for landscapeorientation For All view controllers - -(BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientati...

After relaunch, application hides navigation bar in three20

Hi everyone, i've got a small problem: i've written a small project which is using tabBarController, implementation file have only this methood: - (void)viewDidLoad { [self setTabURLs:[NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"tt://tableWithShadow", @"tt://launcher", @"tt://characterList", @"tt://mapViewController", nil]]; } in appD...