
DocType xhtml1-transitional.dtd ignores table cell height

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns="" > <head runat="server"> <title>Untitled Page</title> <link href="Stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <table style="height: 100%...

styling the last td in a table with css

I want to style the last TD in a table without using a CSS class on the particular TD. <table> <tbody> <tr> <td>One</td> <td>Two</td> <td>Three</td> <td>Four</td> <td>Five</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> table td { border: 1px solid black; } I want the TD containing the text "Five" to not ha...

How to get information about used tables from processed query?

Hi, Previous programmer left me with "beautiful" piece of code and he kind of forgot to apply something to it. There is a query which selects several items from several tables. 6 Items can be chosen. It means 6 tables can be chosen, however there can be more tables - even 20 of them. I need to get that list of tables from processed que...

Linq to SQL File Size

Hi, What I wanna learn is if we put every table into one LinqToSQL file, do we lose performance ? Is it better to put each table in different LinqToSQL Files or it's the same thing with putting in single one. I hope I could explain my question. Thanks and Regards... ...

HTML Table issue

I have a HTML table issue that I'd like to understand better. Let's assume that I have a 3 row HTML <table> <tr> <td style="text-align:right;">A1</td> <td>A2</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:right;">B1</td> <td>B2</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">A very loooooooong string here</td> </tr> </table> With a very long ...

Add a field in ACCESS with a default value

I'd like to insert a new field with a Default value using Visual C++ Code. I have wrote this: CADODatabase pDB; String strConnessione = _T("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;""Data Source="); strConnessione = strConnessione + "MioDatabase.mdb"; pDB.SetConnectionString(strConnessione); pDB.Open(); query.Format("ALTER TABLE TBProva ADD Fa...

Code in Visual C++ for adding a field to a table with default value

I'd like to insert a new field with a Default value using Visual C++ Code. I have wrote this, but it doesn't function as I want: CADODatabase pDB; String strConnessione = _T("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;""Data Source="); strConnessione = strConnessione + "MyDatabase.mdb"; pDB.SetConnectionString(strConnessione); pDB.Open(); qu...

Xaml FlowDocument table - how to get the header on each page on a multi-page table?

I've got a XAML FlowDocument containing a table with a lot of rows, spanning multiple pages, and I'm converting this FlowDocument to XPS. Now I'm looking for a way to repeat the header of the table on each page. I see two possible approaches: 1) Get the table to automagically print the header on each page. 2) Somehow by program find...

How to open Sql2008 Table

I want To open Table By Sql 2008 Enterprise Manger Interface as in Sql2005 Enterprise Manger Interface by Right Click Then Click open Table ...

html table horizontal spacing

How can I set an X spacing between html table's columns? Using cellpadding or cellspacing I got vertical spacing too (and I don't want it!). I can't use CSS. Suggestions? ...

Tables vs CSS

Duplicate: and I am working on building a web app using ASP .NET MVC (needs to run on IE 7, FF 3.0), does it matter if i were to use tables rather than css for positioning and design? As a developer I have...

Wildcard search on column(s) in a large table (>10.000.000 rows) in MySQL

Which techniqes would you use to implement a search for contents in a column on a very big table in MySql? Say for instance that you have 10.000.000 emails stored in a table in the database and would like to implement a subject search, that would enable me to search for one or more words that was present in the email subject. If the us...

Formatting Tables to not look like tables / JS Sorting without tables?

I'm designing an interface to display sets of data. I'm interested in organizing the information in a customized format using DIVs and SPANs to identify where specific data will be (not in the typical row-by-row format tables provide) but still having the flexibility of sorting and organizing the data that most JS libraries provide for t...

Table problems with WebKit

I'm having trouble getting this code to show up correctly in WebKit browsers(chrome/safari). It looks fine in IE6, IE7, and FireFox. <table width="100%"> <tr> <td rowspan="2" style="vertical-align:middle;"> <a href="http://http://{$smarty.const.DOMAIN}/company/a_cherry_on_top/line/gift_cards/?v=s2"&gt;&lt;img src="/i/thumbnails/a...

Web displays: Paging vs. long tables

It seems that the trend in web design is to provide paged output, where long tables are displayed a page at a time. My customers don't like that, and have requested that the web sites I design for them show all entries in long tables. The arguments for paging seem to be mostly based on the performance hit of displaying long tables, and...

How do you show a list of tables in another database?

I can use select * from sys.tables in mssql to show a list of all tables in the current database. Is there anyways I can use similar syntax to show list of tables in another database? Say I am using A with use A statement, can I show tables in database B? ...

HTML Table cellspacing or padding just top / bottom

can you have cellpadding or spacing just on the top/ bottom as opposed to all (T, B, L, R) ? ...

HTML frame allocation Problem

I having Trouble in Dividing the HTML frames, I have using following Fields in HTML <table width=900 border="1" cellspacing="10"> <tr> <td width="500" height="170">section1 </td> <td width="400" rowspan=2> section2</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="500" height="400" valign="left"> <div id="response"> </div> ...

A Proper One-to-One Mapping Table

I want to make a table that simply has two integer columns to serve as a mapping table between two different data sets and I wish to put the correct constraints on it. I initially set the two columns as a compound primary key, but then realized that represents a many to many, only keeping duplicate many to many mappings from occurring. ...

Putting tables side-by-side if there is enough room on the screen

I have two HTML tables which would ideally be placed side by side on the screen. Widescreen monitors will cope with this fine, but the tables are too wide to be side by side on most old-fashioned monitors. So I want to use css (or even just HTML, if possible) to place the tables side by side only if the resolution is high enough. This w...