
< ajaxToolkit:TabPanel - would like to set "focus" on a different tab

i have a < ajaxToolkit:TabPanel initially when the page loads, the first tab is "open" ("focused on") can i do something (preferably server side) so my second tab would be the "default" selected tab? ...

Ajax ToolKit Tabpanel Error

I´m working with visual studio 2005 and ajaxtoolkit 2.0 . I´m using ajaxtoolkit Tabpanel control in a webpage. I have one Tab for adding data, and i built dymanically other Tabs for loading data (DB) and update. The Tab of adding data, does not give me any problem, since the controls are put in the page from the beginning. But the cont...

How to disable tabbing in a tab panel in gwt

I have a tab panel in the gwt. I want allow the user to select the tab only by mouse. For this one I have disable the tabindex for all the tab in my tabpanle. I tried with this code: DOM.setElementAttribute(cdrMeseTabPanel.getElement(), "tabIndex", "-1" ); but it is not working. Any ideas please? ...

Using RichFaces jquery to add another class to a tab

Hello! I have a rich:tabPanel with several tabs in it. I want to use jquery to record changes on each tab so that when a change is made within a tab I change the background image of the tab. It looks like this: <h:form id="form"> <rich:jQuery selector="#tab1_lbl" query="addClass('testClass')" timing="onload"/> <rich:tabPa...

Ajax Control Toolkit - Use client-side button to activate tab

I'm using the TabContainer/TabPanel components of the Ajax Control Toolkit. I'd like to hide the tabs themselves and use a button elsewhere on the page to activate (bring to the front) one of the tabs without posting back to the server. I can show and hide the tabs by grabbing their clientIDs and manually setting the visibility and ...

GWT: Creating a scrollable FlexTable in a full-screen TabPanel

I'd like to create a TabPanel that occupies the entire browser client area, and inside that put a FlexTable that scrolls if necessary. However, I'm having trouble acheiving this. I've tried: public void onModuleLoad() { TabPanel test = new TabPanel(); test.setSize("100%", "100%"); FlexTable flex = new FlexTable(); for (int i = 0; i...

Extjs gridpanel doesn't expand horizontally within a tabPanel

Each of my 3 Extjs gridpanels do not expand horizontally within a tabPanel. The each grid's properties: id: grid_id, ds: ds, cm: cm, loadMask: true, view: grouping_view, plugins: [expander, filters], stateId: which + '-grid-stateId', stateful: true, stateEvents: ['datachanged', 'column...

controling the tabs of the tabs bar in gwt

hi, sorry for stupid question i am new to UI in general and gwt specifically how can i control the tabs width when using tabs panel in gwt? how how can i know what css attributes each widget has? i would like to control the tabs color (selected and not selected) and remove the tabs frame thanks ...

rich:tabPanel and problems when filed has required="true"

Hello, Let's consider following, simplified example: we have 2 tabs withing , each tab has and at the moment we want to switch from one tab to another, and the inputText is empty (we dont want to submit value from it anyway, we want to go to another tab) we get "Validation Error: Value is required." the example code: <!DOCTYPE html...

ExtJS TabPanel content does not shrink in IE6

I'm using ExtJS 3.2 and have content inside of a tab panel, and the tab panel inside of a container in a Viewport. The actual TabPanel resizes correctly on the viewport size changes, but the content inside a panel in the TabPanel seems to be a fixed width and will not shrink when the window is resized.The strange thing is it grows if I ...

ExtJS Tabpanel Height In IE6

I'm using ExtJS 3.2 and TabPanels do not grow to their content's height in IE6. This works correctly in FF and Chrome, but in IE the panel in the TabPanel shows as being about 10 pixels tall. Is there any workaround for this? What event should I bubble up or fire? Thanks in advance! ..., enable/disable tabpanel

Why isn't this working? <ajaxToolkit:TabPanel Enabled='<%# User.IsInRole("admin") %>'... While this works: <asp:TextBox Enabled='<%# User.IsInRole("admin") %>'... ...

ASP.NET 3.5 AJAX control toolkit - is it possible to change TabOrder on existing tabs at runtime?

I'm working on an application with a TabContainer. Some of the tabs in the tabcontainer are hard-coded in the page while others will be configured using settings in Web.Config. For the dynamically added tabs, I can set the tab index to the value from Web.config, and things work fine. I'm doing this in Page_Init. When I try to set the...

Panel does not expand vertically in a TabPanel.

Hi All, Using Extjs, I've got a TabPanel containing two Panels. Those panels do not automatically expand vertically. All layout are set with type 'fit' and forceFit is true. I've pastebin my code here: Edit: I've updated my code according the Kunal's suggestion: To describe t...

Dock Panel component for .NET that allows docking inside tab-pages?

I want to build a user-interface that, for historical reasons, has a lot of "columns" of information. Many of these aren't relevant for all users in all cases, so I thought I'd look at dock panels to allow the users to hide or rearrange the columns according to their job scenario. This is Winforms in .NET 3.5. As such, I'd like the fol...

ui:include disables menu

<rich:tabPanel id="profileChangePanel" switchType="client" > <rich:tab id="profileCompetenceTab" label="Kompetenser" labelWidth="80"> <ui:include src="/panels/tab1.jsp" /> </rich:tab> <rich:tab id="profileInfoTab" label="Information" labelWidth="80"> <ui:include src="/panels/tab2.jsp" /> </rich:tab> ...

Problem with GWT TabPanel and Google Maps

Hi everybody. Working with Google Web Toolkit (with Google Maps Extension) I got a little problem: I want to insert a Google Map into a TabLayoutPanel. Without that TabLayoutPanel everything worked fine. But as soon as the Map is inside of a tab it behaves really strange (its not centered right, and "jumps" when you try to scroll.). T...

WPF: Changing the layout of Tabs in TabPanel

Instead of at the top I wan't my tabs on the left side. I changed the template for the the TabControl so that the TabPanel would appear in first column and the second column would host the content. Problem is I'm not sure how I change the TabPanel's layout so the tabs appear stacked vertically. I know in normal ItemsControl objects its...

Ajax Control Toolkit custom Tab extender to close tabs client-side

I'm attempting to write an AJAX control extender that can modify an AJAX Control Toolkit TabPanel so that the TabPanel's header has an image after the text that, when clicked, hides the tab header using client-side script (without a postback). I would also like to be able to specify an onClientClose function that is also called when a ta...

extjs show validation when switching tabs

HI, I hope somebody can help me here with the extjs framework. The problem I am having is that the field validation is not being rendered for the tabs that are not visibele on initialisation off the panel. It only starts working when clicking in the textfields. What I need is something to force the validation cue's for the fields on a...