
extjs submit tabpanel under formpanel??

layout:window-->tabpanel-->formpanel. if i want submit formpanel,but have a lot formpanel, i don't know how to do! is layout problem ? i'm java programmer.i use struts2+extjs... ...

TabPanel Internet Explorer Problem

Hi, I have a TabPanel where each tab is a ManagedIFrame. A dark blue block (below the tab panel) as shown in the image gets added whenever a new tab (also a maangediframe) gets added. It happens only in IE 8. It does not happen in Firefox. Any suggestions? image:

ExtJS Tabpanel and JSON data not loading?

I am using a tabpanel with two panels, where I am retrieving data through JSON. Retrieving data in the first tabpanel seems to work great, however, I can't parse the data retrieved from the JSON in the second tabpanel. Any ideas? var registrationformPanel = new Ext.form.FormPanel({ frame:true, border:true, labelWidth: 125, ...

WPF Styles for TabControl / TabPanel / TabItem

Here's a newbie question on the WPF TabControl, TabItem and TabPanel. There is a related question on StackOVF with an answer I happily used in my app. Here's a link to the answer, and the code snippet as well: <TabControl> <TabControl.Res...

How to handle tab change event in coolite tab panel?

I am working with a coolite tabpanel. I want to handle the tab change event from client side. Please help me with the code. thx in advance ...

How to handle beforetabchange event?

I am using ext.js tab panel of coolite. How to handle the beforetabchange event in case of tab panel. Please help me with some sample codes. thx in advance EDITED: Here is the following html code and I need the handler which will stop the tab-change propagation based on certain condition. [code] Tab-1 </ext:Tab...

change the default activate model of a tabpanel of extjs

Hi: The default activate modle of a TabPanel in extjs is the 'mouse click' event,so How to change it to mouse over? That's to say, when my mouse over the title of one tab of the TabPanel, this tab should be activated,any ideas? ...