
jQtouch tap and link problem

Hi, I'm having a problem with jQtouch when using tap on links, I'm trying to get a link to change background color when tapped a la iphone appstore (the blue color) so I'm using this code : <script> var jQT = new $.jQTouch({ statusBar: 'black', useFastTouch: true }); $(function(){ $("a").live('tap'...

Double Tap for certain part of view

I am bit stacked with a functionality that should perform a certain task after double taping on a certain place on UIView. I know how to count number of taps, but do not know how to determinate which place has been tapped and I guess to compare with CGRect of view which was specified for doing this action. thanx in advance ...

tap detecting garbage value

Hello, I'm using Apple TapDetectingImageView class from Autoscroll example. Static analizer shows the following warning: Classes/TapDetectingImageView.m:68:30:{68:17-68:29}: warning: The left operand of '==' is a garbage value if (tapCounts[0] == 1 && tapCounts[1] == 1) { ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^ for the attached code ...