What is the difference between function template and template function?
What is the difference between function template and template function? ...
What is the difference between function template and template function? ...
Consider: p { ... } .foo { ... } #bar { ... } What is the correct name for these statements in CSS? I've seen them called selectors, rules or rulesets, but which is correct? ...
This question has a discussion of progressive enhancement. My question is about the alternative type of web application. If you have a web app in which the UI is constructed almost entirely in Javascript, won't gracefully degrade, has a desktop feel, etc., what is that kind of web application called? ...
If a function in a thread is going to return, how can we describe this behavior. The thread returns. The thread is dying. What's the meaning of "thread is dead"? ...
Is there a name for a syntax used for SQL? E.g.) When you go to this page on BOL (SQL Books OnLine), it shows the syntax of BEGIN DIALOG CONVERSION BEGIN DIALOG [ CONVERSATION ] @dialog_handle FROM SERVICE initiator_service_name TO SERVICE 'target_service_name' [ , { 'service_broker_guid' | 'CURRENT DATABASE' } ] [ ON CON...
I've always put languages into 2 types... ones that let you refer to "undefined" (uninitialized, freed, etc.) memory, such as C, C++, COBOL (?), Assembly, etc. and ones that you can't such as Java, Perl, C#, and Basic. Is there a "computer science" term for this distinction? While we're at it, is there a computer science term to what I...
What does the phrase "Be qualified at the Tertiary level" mean in the context of a New Zealand listing for programming jobs? ...
I've been taught that "assembly" is what you write in your files, to have your "assembler" convert it into binary code. But I see these two terms mixed and matched in various works. I've even heard that you write "assembler", after which an "assemblator" makes it executable. Tell me, please, what's the right words to use? ...
Are "65k" and "65KB" the same? ...
Hi All, In Ruby, I know that Method#arity will return a value representing the number of arguments accepted by a method, however I do not know why it is called arity. Can anyone provide some insight into why it would exist in such a seemingly random namespace? and, how do you pronounce it? THX :) -C ...
There's a special name for it, but I can't remember what it is. There are two different terms, one for casting an array of a subclass to an array of its superclass, and the other way around. ...
Don't overthink this - there's a very commonly used term and I ... have ... completely ... forgotten ... it ! ;-) What is it called when a web page makes use of Javascript (generally in a sophisticated fashion that adds a significant amount to the functionality of the page) but things are arranged in such a way that if the browser has J...
Within the OO paradigm, we choose to use classes because they help us to break the system down, and provide nice side benefits such as encapsulation, separation of responsibilities, inheritance, modularity, etc. If we look at a software system at the component level, can we simply treat components in the same conceptual way, i.e. a comp...
I have seen it a lot in css talk. What does semantically correct mean? ...
I saw this text while reading wikipedia(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-means%2B%2B) The authors tested their method with real and synthetic datasets and obtained typically 2-fold improvements in speed, and for certain datasets close to 1000-fold improvements in error. and I'm curious about the meaning of -fold, like 1000-fold, 2-f...
I came across the term "domain object" and found a couple of definitions on Google but I just want to verify that my understanding is correct. Is this simply any class that represents business rules - since the word 'domain' usually means rules that are specific to some local problem set such as how to calculate income taxes. So the ...
When you say "thin data access layer", does this mainly mean you are talking about writing your SQL manually as opposed to relying on an ORM tool to generate it for you? ...
When collecting requirements from business users, I run into a point where I need to understand the cardinality between two concepts in the business user's domain. This is usually something I want to know early in the process, since it affects database design which is hard to change later. For example, the busines user may have a domai...
I seem to use bland words such as node, property, children (etc) too often, and I fear that someone else would have difficulty understanding my code simply because the parts' names are vague, common words. How do you find creative names for classes and components to make them more memorable? I am particularly having trouble with generi...
Terminology question ! In many graphics packages the user can draw a line between two objects (two boxes say) and then when the user moves one of the one boxes subseqently the line moves to keep the (visual) connection in place. I want to learn more about this functionality might be implemented (really good to find some open source cod...