
how can I save results of a Fortran77 code into a text file?

I want to save results in a text file. How can I do that? Write command? ...

Add lines to top of text file, retain formatting

I have a config file to which I nee to add a couple of lines at the top of the file. When I try to do it from the command line, it removes the new line characters from my file and gives me an unformatted file. So, my question is: Can I add some lines to the top of an already existing file and it should retain its formatting and new line...

French Text stored in SQL Server Appears Wrong, how to make it appear correctly

I've got a table that is comprised of the following structure. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblData]( [ID] [numeric](18, 0) NOT NULL, [QID] [varchar](25) NOT NULL, [Data] [nvarchar](255) NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_tblData] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [ID] ASC, [QID] ASC ) ) ON [PRIMARY] In the above example, the column...

Automatic selection of <p></p>-text rendered in browser

Hello who would know of a possibility to automatically select Paragaph text as it gets rendered in a browser, preferably using JavaScript? In my case I have an amount of text in <p></p> tags and would like the page to appear with the text fully selected, just as if someone had done it manually with the mouse. Many thanks for your sugg...

Embed characters in multiple dynamic textfields

How can I embed some characters one time, and have them embedded in all my dynamic textfields? ...

Shell: adding a new line between a given line of text

What this question isn't asking is how to add a new line below or above every line which matches a pattern. What I'm trying to do is add a new line between a pattern that exists on one line. Here is an example. before: Monday:8am-10pm after: Monday: 8am-10pm Thus in this case, insert new line after every 'Monday' patt...

How do I change the color of the text cursor in an input field in IE?

From what I saw, in Firefox and Chrome, the color of the text cursor in an input field changes to the value of the "color" css property. However in IE it has no effect whatsoever. Is there any way to achieve this effect in IE? ...

Text on a image

Is it possible to dynamically place text on an image in php? And then send it to an rss feed? ...

How do you format a fractional percentage with java.text.MessageFormat

My percentages get truncated by the default java.text.MessageFormat function, how do you format a percentage without losing precision? Example: String expectedResult = "12.5%"; double fraction = 0.125; String actualResult = MessageFormat.format("{0,number,percent}", fraction); assert expectedResult.equals(actualResult) : actualResult ...

SIFR 3 Beta: Has Anyone been able to text-align right?

SIFR 3 Beta is working so well for me except for the text alignment tag. Is it just me or it is possible that it is a bug? I will post some details soon. In the meantime, let me know if you succeeded aligning right or center. ...

CDC text drawing issue

I'm trying to draw text using CDC::ExtTextOut() to a device context (CDC), but I'm getting garbage outputs. The output text was drawn is weird fonts. The CDC pointer that got passed to me was originated from a unicode build ActiveX control (.ocx). The text drawing code resides in an ANSI build DLL. It seems like there're some kind of ...

Search in SVN repository for a file name

Issue:- Search in SVN epository for with file name. The Problem is:- We have a bulk repository for code contain thousands of folder and sub folder, i want to search under this repositor with file name or with some word. Exp:- Root folder a\ b\ c\ d\ e\ f\ab\ f\ab\cd.txt I want to search for cd.txt but don...

IE6 Text Resize in JavaScript Modal

I am having an issue where IE6 will not re-size the text in a JavaScript generated modal window. If I leave the parent page text size at medium open the modal window and then re-size the the text to largest, the text becomes cut off in the modal window. If I close the modal window and leave the text size at largest, then re-open the moda...

Python Bayesian text classification modules

A quick Google search reveals that there are a good number of Bayesian classifiers implemented as Python modules. If I want wrapped, high-level functionality similar to dbacl, which of those modules is right for me? Training % dbacl -l one sample1.txt % dbacl -l two sample2.txt Classification % dbacl -c one -c two sample3.txt -v one...

one liner to extract data block by block

I always deal with data files that consist of many data blocks of the following format: *name* attr ( VALID ( late_lead_up xxx ar uclk reff xxx slope xxx late_lead_dn xxx af uclk reff xxx slope xxx early_trail_up xxx af uclk reff xxx slope xxx early_trail_dn xxx ar ...

How do you parse a poorly formatted HTML file?

I have to parse a series of web pages in order to import data into an application. Each type of web page provides the same kind of data. The problem is that the HTML of each page is different, so the location of the data varies. Another problem is that the HTML code is poorly formatted, making it impossible to use a XML-like parser. So...

What is a minimal set of unicode characters for reasonable Japanese support?

I have a mobile application that needs to be ported for a Japanese audience. Part of the application is a custom font file that needs to be extended from only containing latin-1 characters to also containing Japanese characters. I realise that this will make it rather large, but that is not todays problem. Note that I have no control ov...

Learning text analysis and text semantics where to start?

Hello all Im very interested in text analysis, where can I start leaning about the subject? Algorithms and stuff for beginners? ...

How do I translate a &#174; into Silverlight Text Represenation

I make calls to a webservice to get information that bind to the Text property of a TextBlock. Sometimes the information will contain encoded special characters for HTML - most notably the ® which I believe to the (r) symbol. The silverlight TextBlock just displays the raw text and not the (r). Of course, I can strip out the text, but...

Ugly looking text when drawing NSAttributedString in CGContext

Hello, I want to display strings inside CoreAnimation layers, but unfortunately CATextLayer is not enough, mostly because it's difficult to use when using constraints and you want to wrap the text. I am using NSLayoutManager, using the following code (PyObjC): NSGraphicsContext.saveGraphicsState() # THIS SOLVES THIS ISSUE CGContextSe...