
How would you go about auto-detecting Textile versus Markdown?

I'm considering supporting both Textile and Markdown on a current project. I would prefer not forcing users to choose one or the other. Is there a way to auto-detect which the user is using? How would you go about this? I'd like to find / develop both a JavaScript and a PHP solution so I can provide live previews as well as process the u...

How can I convert HTML to Textile?

I'm scraping a static html site and moving the content into a database-backed CMS. I'd like to use Textile in the CMS. Is there a tool out there that converts HTML into Textile, so I can scrape the existing site, convert the HTML to Textile, and insert that data into the database? ...

How to store lightweight formatting (Textile, Markdown) in database?

I'm going to be implementing a lightweight formatting language (probably Textile, maybe Markdown) in a project I'm working on, and I'm wonder how best to store it in the database. If the user is able to edit the content they're posting, it makes sense to me that the original, non-converted markup be stored so that the user doesn't have ...

How do I textile and sanitize html?

Now i ran into some stupid situation. I want the users to be able to use textile, but they shouldn't mess around with my valid HTML around their entry. So I have to escape the HTML somehow. html_escape(textilize("</body>Foo")) would break textile while textilize(html_escape("</body>Foo")) would work, but breaks various Textile features...

Compare and contrast the lightweight markup languages (Textile, Markdown, and reStructuredText)

Please identify the most popular lightweight markup languages and compare their strengths and weaknesses. These languages should be general-purpose markup for technical prose, such as for documentation (for example, Haml doesn't count). See also: Markdown versus ReStructuredText ...

Online notepad with Textile support

I know this is not a stricly programming-related question, but does anyone know any good web application able to provide the following features: full Textile markup support a way to organize multiple documents, i.e. as a wiki or just categorization/searching HTML preview Public and private pages Free Hosted remotely [bonus] Export to H...

PHP: Textile giving me single quotes instead of apostrophes

I'm using v2.0 of ClassTextile.php, with the following call: $testimonial_text = $textile->TextileRestricted($_POST['testimonial']); ... and all of my apostrophes (ex. It's hot in here) are being translated to ASCII &#8216; (which is a single quote, which slopes the wrong way). What it should be is ASCII &#8217;. I've also tried usi...

How to style links via textile?

Is it possible to apply style attribute or class to link in textile? I've tried to find a reference, but found nothing. ...

JavaScript libraries for Markdown, Textile and others; Anchor references

I need a javascript library to convert structured ascii text to html on the fly. I am especially interested in the following point: I would like do use anchored links inside pages, see http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/struct/links.html#h-12.1.1 Which library for structured text would support this or if it is not supported could be easil...

Is it possible to encode (<em>asdf</em>) in python Textile?

I'm using python Textile to store markup in the database. I would like to yield the following HTML snippet: (<em>asdf</em>) The obvious doesn't get encoded: (_asdf_) -> <p>(_asdf_)</p> The following works, but yields an ugly space: ( _asdf_) -> <p>( <em>asdf</em>) Am I missing something obvious or is this just not possi...

Only the link gets messed up with acts_as_textile plugin in rails?

Following is the model. I've already installed Redcloth((4.2.2) and acts_as_textiled plugin on Rails 2.3.2 class Post < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_textiled :content end Now from console: [Staging]>> post = Post.new(:title => 'the post title', :content => 'the link is "linked":http://www.cc.com', :user_id => 1) => #<Post id: nil, ti...

Textile on Ruby. Restrictions? Proxies?

Can I restrict a specific "rule of conversion" from Textile markup into HTML markup? What should do to prevent such a text to be converted? p<. align left Is there a convenient way (maybe by means of Redcloth?) to create a proxy for a Textile -> Proxy -> HTML conversion? In the proxy I'd like to apply the class attribute with a specifi...

Rails: installing & running Textile Editor Helper

I'm trying to get a Textile Editor Helper on my Rails site. I installed the latest version from git, installed it and now trying to get things running. I put the code: <p> <%= f.label :message %><br /> <%= f.textile_editor :message -%> </p> but Rails return an error, pointing I don't have a proper method: undefined method `tex...

Javascript to convert Markdown/Textile to HTML (and, ideally, back to Markdown/Textile)

There are several good Javascript editors for Markdown / Textile (e.g.: http://attacklab.net/showdown/, the one I'm using right now), but all I need is a Javascript function that converts a string from Markdown / Textile -> HTML and back. What's the best way to do this? (Ideally it would be jQuery-friendly -- e.g., $("#editor").markdown...

other alternative texthelpers in rails

I have text input I get from a variety of sources which is not HTML but is simple text. I've tried using Redcloth to fit this with HTML tags to that it integrates nicely into my site, but it doesn't get bullet points or paragraphs... I checked around an found some text helpers built in, but those also didn't do the job. http://api.ru...

A "safe" python HTML text formatting (ala textile)

I've been looking around for an existing python library in the style of textile to format text for users to enter. If it was just me entering it, just textile would have been fine, but since the input is meant for a django app that will take user input and display it, while still maintaining some formatting. I managed to find little lo...

Mimic Tabs in Textile and HTML (in Ruby)?

How do you mimic tabs in HTML? Specifically, I would like to be able to use tabs to align things in a textile document, and convert those to "non-breaking spaces" and whatnot in HTML, using RedCloth in Ruby. Is this possible? Is there an alternative working method? ...

Convert HTML to Textile in Ruby?

Is there a ruby library like RedCloth that converts HTML to Textile? ...

What markup language to store in a DB?

Related: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/492515/how-to-store-lightweight-formatting-textile-markdown-in-database I want to store comment formatting in some markup language in our DB. However, we want to allow multiple formatting languages (markdown, textile, restructuredText). It seems we should store a superset of their features, so...

textile and maruku problem

Hi, all. I've developed custom filters for HAML (http://github.com/alec-c4/cb-haml-filters) and have a small problem with textile and maruku. Maybe you can help me with this Problem with textile with code %h2 Textile test :cbtextile h4. YouTube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_IXrjqKbE4&amp;feature=player_embedded ...