
Jquery .keypress on a dynamically added input

Hello, I am currently adding an input via a .click event and then wanting to listen to any keypress that occurs on this input. However, the appended isn't firing any events after it is inserted (i.e. blur, keypress, focus). Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks in advance! $("#recipientsDiv").click(function(){ $(this).append...

How to know if a TextInput component is active in Flex

Imagine I have two TextInput components. How do I know which one is active, if any? Is there an event or a property that tells me that? ...

Detecting TextInput changes on an editable ComboBox in Flex

If my ComboBox is editable how can I tell if a change event comes from a change to the TextInput or a change in the selectedIndex of the drop down? Is there a way to check for this in the event object? ...

Is it possible to change UITextInputTraits while a UIKeyboard is in view?

Hiya! I want to change the UITextInputTraits of a keyboard while it is in use.... My ideal code would look something like this: - (IBAction)nameTextDidChange:(UITextField *)sender { if ([sender.text isEqualToString:@""]) { sender.returnKeyType = UIReturnKeyDone; } else { sender.returnKeyType = UIReturnKeySearch...

cin>> input does not let me input. It just goes straight to the end

#include <iostream> using namespace std; class CResistor { public: CResistor(){m_dResValue=1000; m_dTolerance=0.10; m_dMinResistance=m_dResValue-(m_dResValue*m_dTolerance); m_dMaxResistance=m_dResValue+(m_dResValue*m_dTolerance); cout<<"Please input resistor name"<<endl; cin>>m_cResistorName[20];}; void DisplayRes...

Displaying Query data in a TextInput Field in Flex?

I'm trying to display query data into multiple TextInput Fields in Flex. <mx:TextInput id="stagInput" text="{acContacts}" width="170" x="120" y="74"/> This is what I'm trying but all that displays is [object Object] I think I need to define the database field I'm wanting to display, but I'm unsure how to do this as TextInput fields d...

Concurrent/Non-blocking console keyboard input in Java

I'm working on a MUD in java. I read player input every tick, but I'm using Scanner which uses blocking operations. I want to have non-blocking input. I've looked at the nio package which has a Selector class, but I'm not sure how to use it with regard to System.in. I figure I'll definitely need it once I'm running a server, but for no...

Load Content into TextInput Flex?

I've got content coming into my application using a query and an ArrayCollection. I know how to display the content into a DataGrid by using the dataProvider propriety, but I'd like to use TextInput components and drop the DataGrid altogether. Does anyone have any examples or information on how I would go about doing this? Thanks! Tha...

Flex TextInput has become uneditable

I have been developing an application for the past couple of weeks and as of yesterday all of the textinputs have become uneditable. It seems like when you click on one it switches between the focusIn state and then back to the focusOut state. What could cause this? ...

how to parse the entered text in textinput

Hi, Is it possible to parse the enetered text in the textinput,i want to find the entered text contain's @ symbol and . symbol without using email validator..is it possible? Thank's in advance.... ...

Flex Text Input with icon inside like mac os x search text input

Hi Everybody, I'm trying to extend the text input that comes in flex to support an icon, just like mac os x search text input has a grey circle aligned to the right, the text input has a addChild method, but it didn't work for me. Is there some way to do this? thanks in advance ...

Java: Using Command line arguments to process the names of files

I'm a writing a program that will determine the number of lines, characters, and average word length for a text file. For the program, the specifications say that the file or files will be entered as a command line argument and that we should make a TestStatistic object for each file entered. I don't understand how to write the code for ...

Counting the number of characters in a file

I'm writing a program that for one part asks for the program to print how many characters (including whitespaces) are in a file. The code I have right now though returns 0 every time though and I'm not sure why it isn't counting the characters. public int getcharCount(Scanner textFile) { int count = 0; while(textFile.h...

input type="text" not clickable in a jcarousel (jQuery based carousel) element

Hello ! I work on a website where almost all objects are in a jCarousel element : <div> <ul id="mycarousel"> <li>object 1</li> <li>object 2</li> </ul> </div> is the "written" code, and : <div class=" jcarousel-skin-tango"> <div class="jcarousel-container jcarousel-container-horizontal" style="display: block;"> ...

move caret to the end of a text input field AND make the end visible

I'm going insane. I have an autosuggest box where users choose a suggestion. On the next suggestion selection the value of the text input box exceeds its size. I can move the carat to the end of the input field crossbrowser, no problem. But on Chrome and Safari I cannot SEE the carat at the end. The end of the text is not visible. Is th...

Setting the value of textboxes with one of their attributes (jQuery)

I have a bunch of input text boxes that have the attribute ORIGINAL set to their initial value, so that when the user changes the textbox value, jQuery can highlight items that have changed (by comparing the text box's current value to the ORIGINAL attribute's value) What Im trying to do now is provide the user with a button that they c...

when text changed inputbox automatically updates next 6 text boxes

I have 7 textboxes. If Top 1 textbox(Volume All Years) text changed, text need to be updated in next 6 inputboxes(Latest 2009 Volume to Latest 2014 Volume). I need javascript or Jquery for this. I will write Js textchanged() or focuschange() for top 1 textbox. So what should I write in focuschage() or textchanged methods() <tr id="row12...

Update textInput from object in C# form

Hi, I have a form in c# with a multiline textInput which content I need to be updated form an object outside the form. How can I achieve this ? Using events ? Passing the textInput to the object's contructor ? Thanks in advance. ...

unobtrusive "default" text in input WITHOUT jQuery

Hello, i'm trying to write unobtrusive default/placeholder text in input (actually, relatively placed label over input, which hides on onFocus, and stays hidden if input isn't empty on onBlur), but I don't want to use jQuery, because this is the only javascript used on page - therefore using jQuery seems a bit over the top. Please, how...

Cocoa/Objective-C - Child window with text input without main window becoming inactive

Hello All, I have a need to spawn a window that will hover just above my main window in a cocoa application. I want this main window to allow the user to enter some text in an input box. All is well until the text input box actually gains focus. The main window becomes "deactivated." This window is borderless and is a slightly custom sh...