
Flex 4 - Wrapping text around an Image

Is it possible to wrap text around an image? Here is a link of what I would like to do with Flex, not HTML as in the example. Will it be possible to use the textFlow component like we tried here? <s:TextArea width="100%" height="100%" editable="false"> <s:textFlow> <s:TextFlow> <s:img source="imageLocation" width="80" height="80" ...

WPF TextBlock custom wrapping : on the left and after a "."

Hello everybody, I'm trying to display a text that would be wrapped on the left and only after special characters in the string. I Hope the first part could be done in XAML, and I'm pretty sure the second part cannot. The aim is to wrap a text this way : - Original text : "Object1.Object2.Object3.Property1" - Wrapped text could be (d...

WPF Button text wrap as far as possible and then scroll

As its container's width shrinks, I'm trying to get Button 1 to wrap its text until it can no longer do so, at which point the horizontal scrollbar kicks in. Right now, the button recognizes that it's got plenty of space due to the scrollviewer and doesn't wrap at all. <ScrollViewer HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto"> <Grid> <...

Wrapping text around an image or linking two TextBlocks in C# WPF

Hi, I am creating a program that shows text and an image in the same window. The Image is in the top-left corner of the screen and the Text will begin to the right of it, and then continue down below the image. Currently, what I am trying is to take two TextBlocks (one to the right of the image and one below both the image and the firs...

WPF ListBoxItem how to wrap Text in it?

WPF ListBoxItem how to wrap text in it? My Item container style looks like this: <Style x:Key="GroupListBoxItemStyle" TargetType="ListBoxItem"> <Setter Property="OverridesDefaultStyle" Value="True" /> <Setter Property="FocusVisualStyle" Value="{x:Null}" /> <Sette...

How can you turn on word wrapping for all tool tips in Silverlight 4?

In my Silverlight 4 application I have some long tooltips. By default these tooltips appear one one very long line. For example: <TextBox Text="Test1" ToolTipService.ToolTip="One tasdg asdg as da sdg asdg asdg asdg asd gas dg a sdg a sdg a sd a sd g asdasdgasdg sadgasdgasdg asdg asdg asd as a sd g a sdg ...

How to wrap long lines in a text using Regular Expressions when you also need to indent the wrapped lines?

How can one change the following text The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. to The quick brown fox + jumps over the + lazy dog. using regex? UPDATE1 A solution for Ruby is still missing... A simple one I came to so far is def textwrap text, width, indent="\n" return text.split("\n").collect do |line| line.sc...

SSRS wrap text in Text Boxes....

I have an SSRS report with a Text box that the user needs to enter notes into. If the user types a super long sentence, the text extends beyond the edge of the page in MS Word. I have set the property CanGrow to false. Is there something that needs to be done to ensure the text wraps inside the text box? ...

Prevent ? (question mark) from being treated as a white-space like separator

Is there any way to prevent '?' from being treated as white-space-like in HTML/CSS? Is this default behavior, or am I doing something wrong? I have a div that holds a very long URL (the length is dynamic). I want the URL to treat the question mark as any other character and not force a line break at that character, but I don't want to u...

PHP: test line length for wrapping

How can I test if a chunk exceeds the image size and wrap that text to the next line. Not sure if I am even doing this correctly with my if statement. $text="Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem http://somelongurl.com/then-we-make-it-super-long-with-some-more/ Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum"; $string_chunks = explode(' ', $te...

ExtJS: How to wrap text in a ListView with columns?

I have an ExtJS ListView control with 4 columns. One of the columns contain text which extends the width of the column, thus some of the text are located beneath the next column. How can I set white-space to normal for the cells in the listview? ...

WPF Text overflow

I'm currently trying to make it so that when I take a string, it fills up the first textblock until it overflows and then it should start in textblock 2. Currently, I have it to where the string is cut into two pieces at the last end of the last word before it hits what I guess to be the max characters that can fit into textblock one, an...

WPF DataGrid: How do I set columns to TextWrap?

I'm not sure why my code isn't doing the TextWrapping properly. It doesn't wrap the text for the Description column (which is what I want). It just cuts it off and it doesn't even use the "..." to let me know there is more data. I tried to use this code I found online to do the job, but it didn't work. Ideally I'd love to be able to onl...

JComboBox sizing issue in a table with Multi line Cells

Hello Everyone, I recently had a problem where I needed to have a field that can wrap the text and increase the height of the row as the text is wrapped, similar to Microsoft Excel. I managed to get it working correctly, the only problem is that the table contains multiple JComboBoxes. When the row's height increases from the field tha...

How to wrap text using CSS?

<td>gdfggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg</td> How do I get text like this to wrap in CSS? ...

Word wrap a a string in multiple lines

I am trying to word wrap a string into multiple lines whit every line respecting a defined width. For example word wrap the following text to fit an area of 120 pixels in width. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed augue velit, tempor non vulputate sit amet, dictum vitae lacus. In vitae ante justo, ut...

TextBlock.TextWrapping - how to make the text wrap so that the lines are center-aligned?

In a Windows Phone 7 application, when I place a TextBlock in the grid and set its HorizontalAlignment to "Center" and its TextWrapping to "Wrap", why does the text that overflows the width of the container and is placed on the next line, align with the left side of the otherwise center-aligned block? Is there any way to setup text wrap...