
Is this the correct object to lock on for thread safety?

The code below is going to be called from a website so having a static dictionary object in a non static class needs to be threadsafe. Basically the purpose of the code is to encapsulate logic and to maintain the life-time of the perfmon counter(s), which are stored in an instance of CounterContainer. The constructor is called passing ...

Iphone: Passing objects and Multiple threads

Hi, Im having some trouble passing an NSNumber object to different threads. I call a function on viewDidload that loads up some objects from core data as a background process. which calls another function which loops through the loaded objects to see if there are any images associated with it alredy downloaded. if its not present, downlo...

c#: controlling access to object from different threads

How do I control when a thread is permitted to access an object and when it is not. For example, if I have situation like below, I want to make sure that when I am doing something with objFoo in my ButtonClick event, I should not be able to touch objFoo from my doSomethingWithObjFoo method. private void button1_Click(object sender, Eve...

Possible ways to manipulate a thread's execution from another thread?

This is a two part question. First, let's say that I have a function that is executing in a another thread: private AutoResetEvent StopEvent = new AutoResetEvent( false); public void WorkerThread() { while( !StopEvent.WaitOne( 10)) { a(); b(); c(); } } Now I want to pause this thread. Thread.Suspend is out of the qu...

Are gcc's STL empty methods threadsafe?

If I have a deque or list that's being manipulated on different threads, can I call empty without a lock? The standard doesn't say anything about threads, so I know this won't be portable, but I'm using gcc 4.4. I'm also curious to know if this is safe on other implementations in case I ever decide to, say, switch to the intel compiler... 2005, threading file locking issue, I think

I'm using 2005, I've got the following code running a thread to download a file. However, the process fails sometimes when trying to read the local copy of the file. I think I may need to unlock the local file somehow but I'm not sure how to do this. Can someone take a look and advise me ? Dim BP1Ended As Boolean = False Private ...

How to use lock_guard when returning protected data

I have a question concerning the use of boost::lock_guard (or similar scoped locks) and using variables that should be protected by the lock in a return statement. How is the order of destroying local objects and copying the return value? How does return value optimization affect this? Example: Data Class::GetData() { boost::lock_...

ThreadPoolExecutor - ArrayBlockingQueue ... to wait before it removes an element form the Queue

I am trying to Tune a thread which does the following: A thread pool with just 1 thread [CorePoolSize =0, maxPoolSize = 1] The Queue used is a ArrayBlockingQueue:,%20java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit%29 Quesize = 20 BackGround: The thread tr...

Is there any way or tool that I can use to verify whether my API is thread safe in Java?

Hi I make a tool and provide an API for external world, but I am not sure whether it is thread safe. Because users may want t use it in multiple-thread environment. Is there any way or tool that I can use to verify whether my API is thread safe in Java? ...

iphone ios running in separate thread

What is the best way to run code on a separate thread? Is it: [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector: @selector(doStuff) toTarget:self withObject:NULL]; Or: NSOperationQueue *queue = [NSOperationQueue new]; NSInvocationOperation *operation = [[NSInvocationOperation alloc] initWithTarget:self ...

WPF Set Owner on Window created on own dedicated UI thread

Hi All I have the following code, which runs a WPF window on it's own dedicated UI thread: // Create the dedicated UI thread for AddEditPair window Thread addEditPairThread = new Thread(() => { // Initialise the add edit pair window addEditPair = new AddEditPair(this); addEditPair.PairRecordAdded += new EventHandler<PairRec...

Is this use of a static queue thread-safe?

The msdn documentation states that a static generic Queue is thread-safe. Does this mean that the following code is thread-safe? In other words, is there a problem when a thread Enqueues an int and another thread Dequeues an int at the same time? Do I have to lock the Enqueue and Dequeue operations for thread-safety? class Test { pu...

Thread Running in Web Page

If I browse to an web page that has the following in the page load, how long will the thread continue to run for after I close the browser? I would assume it would just finish on its own, but I'm not sure if it will terminate when the session ends, or something like that. protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ...

Is ARPACK thread-safe?

Is it safe to use the ARPACK eigensolver from different threads at the same time from a program written in C? Or, if ARPACK itself is not thread-safe, is there an API-compatible thread-safe implementation out there? A quick Google search didn't turn up anything useful, but given the fact that ARPACK is used heavily in large scientific ca...

Question about zombie processess and threads

Hi, i had these questions in my mind since i was reading some new topics on processes and threads. I would be glad if somebody could help me out. 1) What happens if a thread is marked uncancelable, and then the process is killed inside of the critical section? 2) Do we have a main thread for the program that is known to the operating s...

Thread safety in java

All, I started learning Java threads in the past few days and have only read about scenarios where even after using synchronizer methods/blocks, the code/class remains vulnerable to concurrency issues. Can anyone please provide a scenario where synchronized blocks/methods fail ? And, what should be the alternative in these cases to ensu...

BackgroundWorker vs NotifyPropertyChanged issue

Hi all! I have WPF application that performs some calculations in BackgroundWorker. The problem is that when I try to update property (which calls NotifyPropertyChanged in setter) in RunWorkerCompleted event handler I get InvalidOperationException - The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it. This M...

Thread-safe lazy get and release

Hello All, I'm running into kindof an annoying problem and would need some advice... Let's say I have a bunch of small MyObject's, that can construct bigger MyExtendedObject's. MyExtendedObject's are big and CPU consuming so construction is lazy, and I try do remove them from memory as soon as possible: MyExtendedObject * MyObject::Ge...

Difference between "free-threaded" and "thread-safe"

Sometimes I see the term "free-threaded" to describe a class or a method. It seems to have a similar or identical meaning to "thread-safe". Is there a difference between the two terms? ...

Returning to SurfaceView after another Acitivity has taken focus

I'm working on an RPG for Android, using the LunarLander API demo. I've already made a game using this demo (Porcupine Assassin, check it out!) so I've got a good grasp of the Canvas class and things of that nature. My problem is, in RPGs you need a way to access inventory, stats, etc. So I've set the BACK button to start the class Inve...