
What does my project need to reference in order to use the Windows shell?

Specifically, I want to use IShellFolder, IExtractImage and ShellInterop in order to extract thumbnails from PDF and DOC files. Also, the namespace I need to import would be handy too Thanks so much for taking a look at this newbie question :) Iain ...

Thumbnailing and then Saving as a Blob with PHP in Wordpress

The below code seems like it should work; however, the blob in the database only contains 0 after the function is run. Does the below code look accurate? If not how can I fix it? $tmpName = $_FILES['picture']['tmp_name']; $fp = fopen($tmpName, 'r'); $binary = fread($fp, filesize($tmpName)); fclose($fp); $originalImage = imagecre...

Why does this thumbnail generation code throw OutOfMemoryException on large files?

This code works great for generating thumbnails, but when given a very large (100MB+) TIFF file, it throws OutOfMemoryExceptions. When I do it manually in Paint.NET on the same machine, it works fine. How can I improve this code to stop throwing on very large files? In this case I'm loading a 721MB TIF on a machine with 8GB RAM. The Ta...

Create a thumbnail of a dwg in in a linux environment

Creating a ruby on rails site that uses RMagick to create thumbnails for many types of images. RMagick cannot read dwg files however. I've tried a few things, looked into the Java library JDWGLib, which would probably allow me to write a converter, but it would be a total from the ground up solution, where I just need a thumbnail. Als...

Resizing JPEG image during decoding

I'm working on a program that creates thumbnails of JPEG images on the fly. Now I was thinking: since a JPEG image is built from 8x8-pixel blocks (Wikipedia has a great explanation), would it be possible to skip part of the decoding? Let's say that my thumbnails are at least 8 times smaller than the original image. We could then map eac...

How to create thumbnail from swf games?

Hi I know there is way of creating thumbnail from swf video files using ffmpeg to take snapshot, but is there any way out there to create thumbnail from swf games files? ...

Rewrite Query String

Hello, I am trying to write some mod_rewrite rules to generate thumbnails on the fly. So when this url the script should rewrite it to and if the file exists on the disk it gets served by Apache and if it doesn't exist it is called a script t...

How can I programatically force Windows XP to display thumbnails for a folder?

I have an application that calls ShellExecute with a folder path. This brings up the folder in explorer. However, I want to make sure that the folder is set to display the contents in thumbnail view. How can I ensure this happens? ...

How to retrieve video thumbnail from an absolute path?

Hi everyone, I know this has to be trivial but I just don't find the right resource, I guess. So all I want to do is retrieving a thumbnail for a video. All I have is the absolute path to the file on the sdcard as a String. So please point me into the right direction. And believe me, this is embarrassing enough to ask... Regards, Stef...

Create Thumbnail from url like Digg in

How I can create thumbnail from url. For example: Like Digg website, when I submit a link, Digg for me chose a Thumbnail from any images on that URL. Or like Facebook, when I submit a link, I can chose a thumbnail for that link. So, how i can do that with I just want create thumbnail (not Screen Shot of web page) Thanks so...

Jquery image preview plugin issue...

I have a problem with an image preview that comes up when you hover over a thumbnail. I can change the distance between the preview and the cursor, but if a thumbnail is close to the side of the window, the preview cant fit and you only see part of it.. hope that makes sense... is there a way to make it so that if the preview doesnt fit...

how to retrieve the image product in the list of sub-product ( select form ) of a bundle product

can i retrieve the thumbnail product in the list of sub-product ( select form ) of a bundle product ? how to change the query? thanks in advance ...

Image gallery control for ASP.Net with filtering capabilities

I'm writing an ASP.Net application which needs to display a large number of thumbnails, preferably in a paginated format. These thumbnails will be stored on the server's hard disk, but will have their filenames listed in a SQL Server database. What I want to do is to be able to filter the images being displayed based on criteria within...

imagecreatefrompng() Makes a black background instead of transparent?

Hi, I make thumbnails using PHP and GD library but my code turn png transparency into a solid black color, Is there a solution to improve my code? this is my php thumbnail maker code: function cropImage($nw, $nh, $source, $stype, $dest) { $size = getimagesize($source); $w = $size[0]; $h = $size[1]; switch($stype...

Upload image thumbnail dynamically in background thread iphone

Hi All, I want to upload thumbnail in my table view dynamically. I am not getting the images in a proper way as App Store's App Table does. How to do that? Thanks in advance ...

problem creating jpg thumb with php

Hi, I am having problems creating a thumbnail from an uploaded image, my problem is (i) the quality (ii) the crop If you look the quality is very poor and the crop is taken from the top and is not a res...

Wordpress thumbnail creation question

I'm trying to use Wordpress' built-in thumbnailing and image re-sizing in my Wordpress 2.9.2 installation. I'm trying to get various sizes (post listing/results 160x160 & "single.php" 618x150) and for some reason the single.php one works, but only half way. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong here. I have it working…sorta. I’m totally...

How to make a thumb from a big image file in J2ME?

I'm trying to display a big image file in a J2ME application. But I found that when the image file is too big I can not even create the Image instance and get a OutOfMemory exception. I suppose I can read the image file in small chunks and create a thumbnail to show to the user? Is there a way to do this? Or is there any other method to...

JPEG-2000: Can I dynamically resize an image without resampling?

One of the nice features of JPEG 2000 is that it's easy to downres an image -- just feed out fewer bytes. Is there a similar way to scale the image, such that I could send a thumbnail using bytes in the full-size file, without resampling? ...

[Concept] How does unlink() find the file to delete?

My app has a 'Photo' field to store URL. It uses sfWidgetFormInputFileEditable for the widget schema. To delete the old image when a new image is uploaded, I use unlink before setting the value in the over-ridden setter and it works!!! if (file_exists($this->_get('photo'))) unlink($this->_get('photo')); Photos are stored in uploa...