
SQL Count distinct times with a 30 minute difference

I'm trying to find a SQL query that will count the number of distinct start times that are at least 30 minutes different. I have a number of employees that are paid a credit when they start work on at least three distinct times in a week, where the start time is at least 30 minutes different from the other start times. For example: se...

Local time with milliseconds

Hello, how can I get current time with library boost. I can do this: ptime now = boost::posix_timesecond_clock::local_time(); tm d_tm = to_tm(now); But the last time unit of tm structure is second and I need in millisecond. Can I get current time with milliseconds? ...

Serious overhead in Python cProfile?

Hi expert Pythonists out there, I am starting to use cProfile so as to have a more detailed timing information on my program. However, it's quite disturbing to me that there's a significant overhead. Any idea why cProfile reported 7 seconds while time module only reported 2 seconds in the code below? # a simple function def f(a, b): c...

Why is gmtime implemented this way?

I happened across the source for Minix's gmtime function. I was interested in the bit that calculated the year number from days since epoch. Here are the guts of that bit: http://www.raspberryginger.com/jbailey/minix/html/gmtime_8c-source.html http://www.raspberryginger.com/jbailey/minix/html/loc__time_8h-source.html #define EPOCH_YR ...

XTS size limitation

Good morning, My question saga continues about R. I have been working on large datasets lately (more than 400 thousands lines). So far, I have been using XTS format, which worked fine for "small" datasets of a few tenth of thousands elements. Now that the project grows, R simply crashes when retrieving the data for the database and p...

Definitive function for get elapsed time in miliseconds

I have tried clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME) and gettimeofday() without luck - And the most basic like clock(), what return 0 to me (?). But none of they count the time under sleep. I don't need a high resolution timer, but I need something for getting the elapsed time in ms. Thanks. EDIT: Final program: #include <iostream> #include <...

Timeserver update rate on Windows CE

I have a Windows CE box that doesn't seem to synchronise its settings with the time server. I have ensured it is on and set the refresh rate to be low (5minutes) yet it still doesn't update. Has anyone had any experience with this? If I refresh the service's settings using services refresh ntp0: it will instantly update the time setti...

rails -- parse military time into AM/PM, using chronic?

Hello, I've been using Chronic, the natural language parser and its awesome. The problem I'm running into now is I cant parse the military time its give me back in to some form of AM/PM time that would be normal for a user to see. <%= Chronic.parse("next monday") %> yields => Mon Jul 05 12:00:00 -0500 2010 Is there a way to go b...

document.getElementById("clock") is null

dear all.. i have a clock time inside my form..it run as a current time same with PC time.. i'm use this code: <script language="javascript"> var int=self.setInterval("clock()",1000); function clock() { var d=new Date(); ...

Fastest timing resolution system

What is the fastest timing system a C/C++ programmer can use? For example: time() will give the seconds since Jan 01 1970 00:00. GetTickCount() on Windows will give the time, in milliseconds, since the system's start-up time, but is limited to 49.7 days (after that it simply wraps back to zero). I want to get the current time, or ticks...

linux time result is not written to file

hi, i am using debian. running my program with time command and want the result of time written to a file, doing as follows: time ./myprog > out.asc ./myprog's output is written to out.asc but not the time's result. is there any way to send the time's output also to out.asc? thanx! ...

how to integrate node.js into a kohanaPHP application for real time status update notification

I wish to add real time status update notification to a kohanaPHP application with MySQL database i'm developing using node.js, while looking around, i could not find any tutorials about integrating node.js in PHP, i will like to know if its possible and how can it be done and what type of servers should i host the php website on. From ...

Convert seconds to Hour:Minute:Second

I need to convert seconds to Hour:Minute:Second for example : 685 converted to 00:11:25 can you please help me achieve this thanks ...

sync client time to server time, i.e. to make client application independant of the local computer time

Ok, so the situation is as follows. I have a server with services for a game, a particular command from the server sends a timestamp for when the next game round should commence. To get this perfectly synced on all connected clients I also have a webbservice that returns a timestamp of the servers current time. What I know: the time be...

Python checking daytime

Basically, I want my script to pause between 4 and 5 AM. The only way to do this I've come up with so far is this: seconds_into_day = time.time() % (60*60*24) if 60*60*4 < seconds_into_day < 60*60*5: sleep(time_left_till_5am) Any "proper" way to do this? Aka some built-in function/lib for calculating time; rather than just using s...

Formatting String into MYSQL time

Ok, So i have a script that reads in a csv file and in there is a time that is formatted in the traditional HH:MM am/pm. I need to convert that into the mysql standard time format (HH:MM:SS). This is what i have so far and it works $schedule[$row]["TIME"] = date("H:i:s", strtotime($data[4])) the problem is, if the input is formatted...

Strange bug in this time calculation script?!

Basically this script will subtract StartTime from EndTime, using a jQuery plugin the html form is populated with Start and End Time in the format HH:MM, an input field is populated with the result, it works except for one issue: If Start Time is between 08:00 and 09:59 it just returns strange results - results are 10 hours off to be pr...

Capturing the executing time between 2 statements Java?

I want to capture the time take to go from statement A to Statement B in a Java class. In between these statements there are many web service calls made. I wanted to know if there is some stop watch like functionality in java that i could use to capture the exact time? Kaddy ...

How do I get my Python date in the format that I want?

I'm reading a date from an Excel cell in Python (using .Value on the cell)... the result that I get is: 07/06/10 00:00:00 I thought this was a string, and so went about trying to figure out how to convert this to the format I need ("yyyyMMdd", or "20100706" in this example). However, after some playing around I realized that it is not...

Embedded Python - Blocking operations in time module

Hi all, I'm developing my own Python code interpreter using the Python C API, as described in the Python documentation. I've taken a look on the Python source code and I tried to follow the same steps that are carried out in the standard interpreter when executing a py file. These steps (sequence of C API function calls) are basically: ...