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Please recommend a Java profiler
I am trying to track down the methods that are time-consuming in our java code base, and would appreciate it if someone can recommend a free tool for doing java time profiling. Thanks.
Hello everyone, how long do you guys think it should take to develop an app similar to pocketMoney? This is my first iPhone App and my Objective-c knowledge is pretty much academic, I'm the only developer, I had never touched Core Data or Core Animation before.
I need to run 2 tasks around 2 minutes apart but need to insert them both at the same time into the queue. how do i do this?
taskqueue.add('/task1', { 'args' : 'a' })
taskqueue.add('/task2', { 'args' : 'b' })
is there some way i can insert a time component into this execution?
can you please illustrate with an example?
I have this trial timer code to time euler solutions in Ruby.
$RUNS = 12
def run(solve)
times = []
$RUNS.times do
start_t = Time.now.usec
end_t = Time.now.usec
times << (end_t - start_t)/1000.0
#times = times.delete_if {|i| i < 0}
puts times.inspect
mean = times.inject{|a,c| a+c} ...
Hi All,
I am developing a Twitter client application. As with other twitter clients, I would like to display the relative time of tweet with respect to the current time. I am using a list view and a Simple adapter that binds to an arraylist which stores the tweet information. If I calculate the relative time and store a string, I will b...
I want to store event time.
I found these two functions, but don't know which one is faster.
I am new to stackoverflow and fairly new to R but have searched long and hard and cannot find an answer to the following question.
I have a number of data files that are temperature against a time series. I am importing the CSV as a ZOO object then converting to XTS. A correct file looks like this, with readings on the hour and the half...
I am having trouble with converting time, when I use the date() function on a mysql timestamp, it only returns 16:00.
Am I using the date() function wrong?
$date = date('H:i:s A');
echo "System: $date <br />";
$dbc = @mysqli_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME);
I have a globalish variable which is $VARcurrenttime = time(); then I normally call that variable when computing anything with that timestamp (which is a lot). Someone suggested to me that using time() instead of the variable would be somewhat faster. I don't really know but could someone advise me on whether I would bother changing this...
I'm creating comments stored in a MySQL database.
I'm logging the php time function time() as the comment is posted. That way it's displaying a message such as... "comment... posted 4 seconds ago" and if I refresh the page 2 minutes later it'd display "comment... posted 2 minutes ago"
Here's how I am entering time() into the database ...
I happen to have tables with timestamp without time zone column in my database. Now I need to compare them with respect to time zone.
I can do it like:
select my_timestamp::timestamp with time zone at time zone 'EST5EDT'
from my_table
my_timestamp >= '2010-07-01'::timestamp at time zone 'EST5EDT'
and my_timestamp < '20...
I have a text file:
DATE 20090105
1 2.25 1.5
3 3.6 0.099
4 3.6 0.150
6 3.6 0.099
8 3.65 0.0499
DATE 20090105
DATE 20090106
1 2.4 1.40
2 3.0 0.5
5 3.3 0.19
7 2.75 0.5
10 2.75 0.25
DATE 20090106
DATE 20090107
2 3.0 0.5
2 3.3 0.19
9 2.75 0.5
DATE 20100107
On each day I have:
Time Rating Variance
I want to work out the average variance...
Hey all,
I'm trying to get Time Profiler to play nice with me. I am able to set it up with my iPhone and capture data. However, Instruments doesn't really show much information about where the virtual bottlenecks exist in my code. If I click on the memory addresses to show more detail Instruments tells me that they're unavailable.
How ...
I'm creating dummy data for an app, and want to simulate exponential growth while also knowing the final number. So here's the proposal:
Given T = 2000. Total number of "counts" an event will have occurred.
And N = 7. Days of the week: 7.days.ago.day..Time.now.day.
What is the simplest formula for dividing T by N such that we create...
Time Profiler says that statements like these are slowing my app down. Is there a better way to write this so that my app runs faster?
background = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"myfolder.png"] highlightedImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"myfolderOFF.png"]];
I have a table that is structured the following way (that i can't change):
EventName, LocalTime, Timezone
Data would be something like this:
Event1, 10:00, ET
Event2, 11:00, ET
Event3, 12:00, ET
Event4, 10:00, CT
how can i write a sql to sort this by actual time so result would be like:
Event1, 10:00, ET
Event2, 11:00, ET
Event4, 1...
This seems to be a silly question but,
I have to read some data from a text file this data is
ID Time Value
Graph1 0:00 1.0
Graph1 0:30 1.5
Graph1 1:00 2.0
ID Time Value
Graph1 0.00 1.0
Graph1 0.50 1.5
Graph1 1.00 ...
I'm having serious trouble with the function stat(). I have an application compiled under cygwin ond Windows 7 and the same app compiled with MSVC++ on Windows 7. The app contains the following code:
struct stat stb;
memset( &stb, 0, sizeof( stb ) );
stat( szPath, &stb );
cout << hex << uppercase << setw(8) << stb.st_mtime << endl;
What is the best way to send e-mails or perform functions on a small, non-real money auction script? This script is a learning exercise for me and I was wondering what the best way would be to process actions when the auction has expired. A cron job every minute seems - to me - a method which can easily be surpassed.
I'm trying to set some components of todays date with NSDateComponent like so:
NSDateComponents *comps = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
[comps setDay:1];
[comps setHour:1];
[comps setMinute:44];
NSCalendar *cal = [[[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSGregorianCalendar] autorelease];
NSDate *date = [...