
What isn't my TimeSpan.Add() working?

There has to be an easy answer: var totalTime = TimeSpan.Zero; foreach (var timesheet in timeSheets) { //assume "time" is a correct, positive TimeSpan var time = timesheet.EndTime - timesheet.StartTime; totalTime.Add(time); } There's only o...

Java pretty print for duration

Is there Java class or some sample code that can convert a java Date or Timestamp into something like: "3 hours" " 20 seconds" "25 minutes" I need those strings in my web application to show how much it took to generate a file (in a pretty print way of course :) ) Thanks, ...

How Do I add only TIME in C#

I need to do a calculation for my crystal report. In report, there will be Times(in Hour:Min:Sec)like this.. 00:12:34 00:52:12 23:19:56 and so on.. I need to add them together so that..results will be Hr:min:ss Hr may be more than 100.. but can't change to day How to achieve that? Thanks a lot.. ...

C#: Edge Cases when removing a subset of a day from a TimeSpan on a daily basis

I'm trying to determine a TimeSpan (eg., time between logout and login), but with the caveat that a part of each day shouldn't be counted (eg., don't count the time between 7PM and 7AM on a given day). Removing that time from full days is easy enough, but what's the best way to check for parts of a day (eg., user logs out at 6PM and log...

Format TimeSpan in DataGridView column

I've seen these questions but both involve methods that aren't available in the CellStyle Format value. I only want to show the hours and minutes portion (16:05); not the seconds as well (16:05:13). I tried forcing the seconds value to zero but still got something like 16:05:00. Short of using a kludge like providing a string or a Dat...

Change DataGridViewCell user input handling behavior

I have a winform app with a TimeSpan column that displays the hours/minutes part of a date. When the user enters text it is converted to a TimeSpan using TimeSpan.TryParse(). This works as expected when the user input is "11:00" in setting a value of 11 hours. The problem is that if the use enters "1100" it is parsed as 1100 days whic...

How can I filter a DataColumn on a TimeSpan value?

Programming in C#.NET. I have a DataTable with a column named Time which is of type System.TimeSpan. When I display the DataTable in a DataGridView I want to filter out all the entries that don't have a time listed. I have tried the following but to no avail. Can you help? DataView myDataView = new DataView(SomeDataTable); myDataView.Ro...

is there a bug in TimeSpan

TimeSpan span = TimeSpan.Zero; span.Add(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)); Console.WriteLine(span.TotalSeconds); -----> will out put "0" however TimeSpan span = TimeSpan.Zero.Add(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)); Console.WriteLine(span.TotalSeconds); -----> will out put "300" Does anyone see this before??? ...

C# count of timespan within a timespan

I would like to know a way to do this in C# Let's say I have 2 timespans : TS1 is 3h and TS2 is 12h. What is the fastest way to calculate how many times TS1 can go within TS2? In that case, the output would be 4. if TS1 is 8 days and TS2 is 32 days, it would return 4 as well. ...

Generic TimeSpan binding in Asp.NET MVC 2

I have an input form that is bound to a model. The model has a TimeSpan property, but it only gets the value correctly if I enter the time as hh:mm or hh:mm:ss. What I want is for it to capture the value even if it's written as hhmm or hh.mm or hh.mm.ss or ... I want many different formats to be parsed correctly. Is this possible? Thank...

Calculating relative time offset

I was reading this article about relative time calculation The problem is that the results are wrong due to the time offset. My webpage is Greek. So how should i modify that function to work correctly, including the GMT+2 or GMT+3 hours offset? ...

c#: whats the easiest way to subtract time?

Hey guys, ive seen a couple posts on this but nothing so far that is specific to this simple operation. I'm trying to put together a tool that will help me make work schedules. What is the easiest way to solve the following: 8:00am + 5 hours = 1:00pm and 5:00pm - 2 hours = 3:00pm and 5:30pm - :45 = 4:45 and so on. ...

TimeSpan that acknowledges working hours in C#

Hello, I need a TimeSpan that takes into account working hours. Let's say that if we configure the TimeSpan with an 8 hour day, two days should return 16 total hours instead of 48. Does anybody know of such a class? Thanks. Edit I need the same functionality as timespan but with configurable day duration. Adding, subtracting,..., shou...

Query Idle Periods from Usage Information stored in SQL Database

I have a table in a PostgreSQL database which tracks usage of various resources. The (simplified) Schema of the table is that each row has a ResourceID, StartTime Timestamp and EndTime Timestamp. Each row in the table represents a timespan in which the resource was in use, so the table might look like: (Note, timestamps also include date...

Simple date computation in C#

Hi experts, do you happen to have a sample code on how to subtract day tomorrow or 2 days from today? And then I will multiply it by a number depending on its reserved value. I am figuring how to operate a hotel checking in and show its price by asking when the customer checks out, so the price will be ready upon checking in ...