
Difference in months

In C#/.NET TimeSpan has TotalDays, TotalMinutes, etc. but I can't figure out a formula for total months difference. Variable days per month and leap years keep throwing me off. How can I get TotalMonths? Edit Sorry for not being more clear: I know I can't actually get this from TimeSpan but I thought using TotalDays and TotalMinutes wou...

How can I get the offset as a TimeSpan if I only have the time as a string, such as 09:00 AM

I have the string "9:00 AM". I would like to get the offset from midnight as a TimeSpan in C#? ...

How can I speed up the animations when using FluidKit?

I've using FluidKit in a WPF application and would like to speed up the animations. SlideTransition slideTransition = Resources["SlideTransition"] as SlideTransition; slideTransition.Direction = Direction.LeftToRight; slideTransition.Duration = new Duration(new System.TimeSpan(1000)); //does not work TransitionContainer.Transition = sli...

Is there a way to store and manipulate a span of time that takes month lengths, leap years, etc. into account?

I was just about to write this myself, but I know this has to exist and I'm just managing to avoid all the Google keywords that would lead me right to it. I would be looking for something like DDDMMMYYY where D, M, Y are the number of days, months, and years. So 00103000 would indicate a span of three months and one day, or 000000001 wo...

TimeSpan.Parse time format hhmmss

in c# i have time in format hhmmss like 124510 for 12:45:10 and i need to know the the TotalSeconds. i used the TimeSpan.Parse("12:45:10").ToTalSeconds but it does'nt take the format hhmmss. Any nice way to convert this? ...

C# - Difference between two dates?

I am trying to calculate the difference between two dates. This is what I'm currently using: int currentyear = DateTime.Now.Year; DateTime now = DateTime.Now; DateTime then = new DateTime(currentyear, 12, 26); TimeSpan diff = now - then; int days = diff.Days; label1.Text = days.ToString() + " Days Until Christmas"; All works fine ex...

What is the way to get the timespan between two dates in Oracle 9i

Hi, Which is the best way in Oracle 9i to get the difference between two dates including the times ? Something like the Timespan function in C#. Thanks, Chak ...

TimeSpan subtract method return negative TImeSpan

Hi, These two TimeSpan are stored in the Database with 24hr format. No date, only TimeSpan. Dim r As TimeSpan Dim tsStart As TimeSpan Dim tsEnd As TimeSpan 'tsStard is 12:27:30 (pm) this happened first 'tsEnd is 00:10:25 (am) then this happened later 'You can't store 24:10:25 in the column type Time(7) r = tsEnd.Subtract(tsStart) ...

subtract 2 datetime fields to get the days left difference

Would appreciate it if anyone can help me figure out to substract 2 datetime fields to get the days left difference. ...

A Real Timespan Object With .Years & .Months

To my disappointment I noticed that there is no real timespan object, if you get a timespan, and do a .years or .months you'll get nothing, you'll only get .days and lower because a timeSpan object doesn't carry anything to tell it which month or year the timeSpan was created on. Ttherefore it'll never really know how many months it's be...

Human-readable date formats

You may have noticed that certain web applications (for example, certain parts of GMail) display dates in a more human-readable format than simply DD/MM/YYYY. For example, if I open up a mail item from the 23rd (which happens to be 3 days ago at the time of writing, I'll get the following: Dec 23 (3 days ago) I'd like to implement...

System.TimeSpan creating debugging problems? (Cannot evaluate expression because a thread is stopped at a point...)

Using System.TimeSpan in a C# application, with WPF. TimeSpan is an argument in a method call. SixDOFPosition GetPositionForTimeCount(TimeSpan timeCount) Using VS 2009, this error is displayed in the debugger when trying to look at the value of timeCount: Cannot evaluate expression because a thread is stopped at a point where ...

Lazy timeout resolution Circuit Breaker is throwing ArgumentOutOfRangeException.

Ayende posted a modification to Davy Brion's circuit breaker, wherein he changed the timeout resolution to a lazy model. private readonly DateTime expiry; public OpenState(CircuitBreaker outer) : base(outer) { expiry = DateTime.UtcNow + outer.timeout; } public override void ProtectedCodeIsAboutToBeCalled() { if(DateTime.Ut...

Custome format Timespan with String.Format

Hi, I want to format the Timespan to have format like this 49 hr 34 mn 20 sec I used the String format below : String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}", theTimeSpan.TotalHours, theTimeSpan.Minutes, theTimeSpan.Seconds) It formats the Timespan to this format 49:34:20. How can I add hr mn sec to the String.Format above? or there's another...

C# 4.0: Can I use a TimeSpan as an optional parameter with a default value?

Both of these generate an error saying they must be a compile-time constant: void Foo(TimeSpan span = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2.0)) void Foo(TimeSpan span = new TimeSpan(2000)) First of all, can someone explain why these values can't be determined at compile time? And is there a way to specify a default value for an optional TimeSpan obj...

Incorrect format timespan

Hi I am currently tryibng to convert a given time(Entered via a text box) , The time entered would look a little like 01 52 22 mins secs mili secs. however Timespan.parse(tbName.text) gives me an incorrect format error. I have got it to work if i input something like 46 in to the textbox but then it sets the days to 46 not the second...

Convert .NET Ticks to SQL Server DateTime

Hello all, I am saving in my DB a TimeSpan (from .NET) value as BIGINT in SQL Server (saving the Ticks property). I want to know how to convert this BIGINT value to a DATETIME value in SQL Server (not in .NET). Any ideas? Cheers EDIT: I am using NHibernate to map a TimeSpan property I have, and it persists the Ticks property. I use i...

Calculating past datetime in C#

I am working on an algorithm in C# to calculate a past DateTime based on an input string with the following characteristics: The string contains an integer followed by either 'D', 'M' or 'Y', such as "1D" or "90M". The output will be DateTime.Now minus the corresponding number of days, months or years. The issue I am having is that if...

how to achieve timespan to string conversion??

I tried searching here, but it couldn't help me much .. I want to convert time_span to string, I don't want to return the timespan in days .. but only HH:mm:ss. How to achieve that? My sample code is here: String time_span_par = "06:12:40"; String time_str = "18:13:59"; TimeSpan time_span_var...

Crystal Report Function for converting Seconds to Timespan format.

I have a crystal report where it shows the Agent's activities throughout the day with a pie chart. In the details section it is displaying: Activity [string] StartedAt [DateTime] EndedAt [DateTime] Duration [The difference between EndedAt and StartedAt in seconds - Integer] Report data is GroupedBy Activity and summarized by D...