transmission - How can one differentiate Page-Processing Time from Client-Transmission Time

The single timing column in the weblog naturally includes client transmission timing. For anamoly analysis, I want to differentiate pages that took excessive construction time from requests that simply had a slow client. For buffered pages, I've looked at the ASP.NET page lifecycle model and do not see where I can tap in and codewise m...

data transmission using TCP

How the data is tranmitted through the network using TCP header fromclient to server or server to client? Please explain it clearly. ...


"I have ssl data sitting on a server. I want to call on the data and have it displayed on an unsecured page. Id the transmission of this data to the display page secure? And if so can anyone point me to a document that I can refer to, to show our clinet that the "generation" and subsequent display of his web reports is done in a secure t...

Dialup modem transmission protocols and reates (client and server)

Hello, Does anybody know why when connecting two dial-up modems the maximum protocol you can use to stablish the communication is V.34 -33.6K? I've read that you can connect with the server modems of the ISP using V.92 or V.90 and I would like to know if there is any explanation to this. Thanks in advance. ...

How to tell Transmission app to not show its window every time the system is restarted ?

I have set autolaunch for Transmission app. Every time, the system is restarted, Transmission shows it's window. Is it possible, to keep it hidden after restart ? ...

Issue sending a base64 encoded string via HTTP with .NET

Ok, so the problem is I'm trying to send a byte array via HTTP encoded as base64. While the string I receive on the other end is the same size as the original string, the strings themselves are not identical, hence I can't decode the string back to the original byte array. Also, I've done conversion to/from base64 on the client side bef...

Strange characters added to file in textmate / transmission

I've recently started using a mac for development, and textmate. Textmate can't work over ftp, so I installed transmission to mount the ftp server as a local drive. This all works fine, except every now and again about 10 unknown characters are appended to a file, which PHP reads as unknown input and throws and error. All I can think of...

Freebsd - Transmission sources

I need my torrent client 'Transmission' to say to a torrent-tracker that it is another torrent client (uTorrent). How can I do it? May be there is a simple way... If no, the question is - where can I edit sources of the transmission port on FreeBSD and then install it? ...