
SQL Server "AFTER INSERT" trigger doesn't see the just-inserted row

Consider this trigger: ALTER TRIGGER myTrigger ON someTable AFTER INSERT AS BEGIN DELETE FROM someTable WHERE ISNUMERIC(someField) = 1 END I've got a table, someTable, and I'm trying to prevent people from inserting bad records. For the purpose of this question, a bad record has a field "someField" that is all numer...

Insufficient privileges when creating a trigger for a table in another schema

When I try to create a trigger in schema A for a table located in schema B, I get an ora error : insufficient privileges. What privileges do I need? ...

BEFORE or AFTER trigger for maintaining audit log

I've been reading the MySql 5.0 comment stream on the create trigger page and I would like to ask the community if the recommendations are good & whether they still apply to 5.1. What I've noticed playing with triggers today is that it is impossible to update a field in the old table using a AFTER UPDATE. Be careful with BEFORE trigge...

WPF Debugging datatriggers?

I am trying to do something very simple. I have a ToggleButton.IsChecked property bound to a bool. I want the background to toggle between red(false) and green(true). But for some reason it seems to be toggling between red and no background. I used a converter to check if I am getting proper notifications from the source and I am, so not...

What is the best way to maintain a LastUpdatedDate column in SQL?

Suppose I have a database table that has a timedate column of the last time it was updated or inserted. Which would be preferable: Have a trigger update the field. Have the program that's doing the insertion/update set the field. The first option seems to be the easiest since I don't even have to recompile to do it, but that's not r...

Last Updated Date: Antipattern?

I keep seeing questions floating through that make reference to a column in a database table named something like DateLastUpdated. I don't get it. The only companion field I've ever seen is LastUpdateUserId or such. There's never an indicator about why the update took place; or even what the update was. On top of that, this field is so...

Using Triggers To Enforce Constraints

I'm trying to enforce integrity on a table in a way which I do not think a Constraint can... CREATE TABLE myData ( id INTEGER IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, fk_item_id INTEGER NOT NULL, valid_from DATETIME NOT NULL, invlaid_from DATETIME NOT NULL ) The constraint I wan...

Prevent mutually recursive execution of triggers?

Suppose you have the tables Presentations and Events. When a presentation is saved and contains basic event information, such as location and date, an event will be created automatically using a trigger. (I'm afraid it's impossible for technical reasons to simply keep the data at one place and use a view.) In addition, when changing this...

sql to detect fields modified in update trigger ( sql server 2005 )?

In sql server 2005 , inside an update trigger is there a way to find the list of fields\columns those are modified by the original update query. I have a table with 150 columns and inside the trigger need to konw if ONLY one particular field was updated or not ( and no-other field was modified ) I can write a long sql to compare 150 c...

How to add trigger to Updatepanel where the event for trigger is inside a User Control inside Repeater?

I have a UserControl called CustomerFinder for searhing customers. And there is "ADD" button inside the repeater. I have created an eventhandler for Repeater_ItemCommand. Because i am going to use it on the other page. On the other page, i use this User Control which is not in UpdatePanel. There is an update panel for the Selected Custo...

Execute Trigger on View?

I am not too familiar with database triggers and/or views. I am currently using PostgreSQL and HSQL; although the database is not too important. I am just wondering if any database offers something like this: I have an (example) table like this: CREATE TABLE DUMMY_TABLE (ID INTEGER, NUMBER INTEGER); I created a view like this: CRE...

How to get Identity value Column - SQL

I have this procedure which is inserting records from one table to another. the destination table is having an identity column called LeadId Create Procedure prcInsertPrd As Begin Begin Transaction Declare @Identity int Insert into Temp_ProductsArchive (column1,column2,column3) select (column1,column2,colum...

Maintaining audit log for entities split across multiple tables

We have an entity split across 5 different tables. Records in 3 of those tables are mandatory. Records in the other two tables are optional (based on sub-type of entity). One of the tables is designated the entity master. Records in the other four tables are keyed by the unique id from master. After update/delete trigger is present on ...

Are database triggers evil?

Are database triggers a bad idea? In my experience they are evil, because they can result in surprising side effects, and are difficult to debug (especially when one trigger fires another). Often developers do not even think of looking if there is a trigger. On the other hand, it seems like if you have logic that must occur evertime a...

SQL Server Compare field value with its default

I need to iterate through the fields on a table and do something if its value does not equal its default value. I'm in a trigger and so I know the table name. I then loop through each of the fields using this loop: select @field = 0, @maxfield = max(ORDINAL_POSITION) from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME = @TableName while ...

Does deleting a row cause an update trigger to fire?

In SQL Server 2000, by default, does a DELETE query cause a table's UPDATE trigger to be executed? I know I can define a trigger that will be executed on both DELETE and UPDATE, but I thought I would verify that this is in fact required first. ...

Can a sql table be used to generate a hash? [sqlserver2005]

I'd like to take a table, generate it's hash string, store it, then compare it at a later predefined time and see if it matches, if not take note of the modification time and store that with the new change date. This is because I believe an on insert trigger would cause a bad slow down if a batch of over 5000+ insert statements is submi...

Creating trigger for table in MySQL database (syntax error)

I have trouble defining a trigger for a MySQL database. I want to change a textfield before inserting a new row (under a given condition). This is what I have tried: CREATE TRIGGER add_bcc BEFORE INSERT ON MailQueue FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF (NEW.sHeaders LIKE "%[email protected]%") THEN SET NEW.sHeaders = NEW.sHeaders + "BCC:inter...

How can I update a small field in a big SQL table if another field in the same row is changed by an external process?

I'd like to call Update ... Set ... Where ... to update a field as soon as that evil ERP process is changing the value of another. I'm running MS SQL. ...

trigger insertions into same table

I have many tables in my database which are interrelated. I have a table (table one) which has had data inserted and the id auto increments. Once that row has an ID i want to insert this into a table (table three) with another set of ID's which comes from a form(this data will also be going into a table, so it could from from that table)...