
Book Recommendation for Visual Basic

I'd like to find a good book to read to come up to speed on Visual Basic for use with MS Access. I don't want a book for dummies. There's plenty that I don't know, but I'm no dummy. I also don't want a book for neophyte programmers. I've programmed in several programming languages, and I'd like to leverage what I already know to help...

Any good tutorial for moving from eclipse to vim?

At present I am using eclipse for JAVA project. I always wanted to use VIM for my project. Is there any good resource or tutorial that can help me? ...

What tutorial do you recommend for learning PowerShell?

I would like to learn PowerShell in my spare time. I already know a bunch of stuff in that line (Perl, Ruby, Python, bash, cmd.exe) so a tutorial leveraging that would be awesome. Also, since I am a software developer (C# mainly, but done some C, some C++, some Java etc.) I am looking for something not geared towards the usual "power ...

Where can I find good programming resources for SharePoint?

I have been trying to find a book or web reference that gives me good understanding on how to build, test, and deploy ASP.NET pages, controls, and web parts to a SharePoint web site. All I have found so far is either draggy-droppy stuff or administration stuff. Is SharePoint really flexible with ASP.NET when is comes to extending it? A ...

Best unit test tutorials for beginners

Most decent programmers know that unit testing is important, but may not know where to begin. For a long time I knew the benefits of unit testing, but could never seem to figure out where a good starting point was. Most articles I read on the subject dealt with the high level theoretical, rather than the down-and-dirty practical. I've...

What are some resources for learning MSIL?

Can someone please give me a link to a tutorial or answer how to read msil. I think once I learn how to read this it could be a very useful tool. ...

Is Spring too complex for JDBC operations?

Just been looking at the Spring framework for JDBC - it looks like there is a bit of a learning curve - and I'm still not able to find a nice up to date quick start Spring/JDBC tutorial of any quality! Is there something lighter than Spring for basic JDBC operations - or has anyone got any good links for tutorials Many thanks ...

What are the best resources to learn writing idiomatic c#?

I am looking for something like idiomatic ruby for c# programmers It should: be for people that can already programm be terse not be to basic just found a better thread for this question on stackoverflow: c-coding-standard-best-practices ...

quaternion libraries in C/C++

Any good libraries for quaternion calculations in C/C++ ? Side note: any good tutorials/examples? I've google it and been to the first few pages but maybe you have have some demos/labs from compsci or math courses you could/would share? Thanks ...

How to get enterprise level programming experience?

Any suggestions on gaining experience? Or where could I see an example (instructions, code, database schema, etc) of an enterprise level application? Oh, and make it .NET. I want to get experience writing enterprise level programming, but do not work at a company that has other developers or projects at this level. This term gets thro...

Simple PHP form Validation and the validation symbols

Hi have some forms that I want to use some basic php validation (regular expressions) on, how do you go about doing it? I have just general text input, usernames, passwords and date to validate. I would also like to know how to check for empty input boxes. I have looked on the interenet for this stuff but I haven't found any good tutoria...

Regular Expressions Tutorials

Does anyone know of a regular expression tutorial that doesn't use a designer? ...

Beginner's guide to 3D graphics programming

What are the best guides / tutorials / books / websites for someone with minimal experience (or none) in the world of 3D graphics programming? I realize that the fundamentals of 3D graphics and mathematics apply across platform specific 3D library implementations such as OpenGL, DirectX, WPF etc.. Therefore it would be useful if answer...

How can I improve my HTML and CSS?

I am frustrated by my lack of aesthetic judgment. As a developer, I have a hard time just to create a decent looking website. The question is where can I learn all the necessary CSS skills or are there things like "Effective CSS design" that allows me to Pick up CSS quickly Use it to make beautiful looking website? I will apprecia...

The Best Place to Start Learning C++

So I have been a .Net developer for the past decade and am thinking of learning either C or C++ (with a strong preference to C++). Does anyone know a good place where a C# fanboi can get started learning C++ (or C)? With so many tutorial sites on the web, it hard to know where to start, and if there is one which might be more accomodat...

Any place where i can find free flash tutorials

As the question above, does anyone know where i can get free flash tutorials and plug-ins ...

Tools for programming tutorials?

I engage in lot of training sessions and I would like to create video tutorials of all my sessions so that I can distribute it. What are the best Windows-based tools to add my PowerPoint slides, notes, voice and video (tutorials of code I write) and compile them into one video? ...

How to Debug Java Application using VIM/GVIM?

I asked this question previously: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/495268/any-good-tutorial-for-moving-from-eclipse-to-vim From the inputs, I started using GVIM instead of Eclipse. I added ctags to it and I am able to navigate now comfortably. Only problem left for me is "Debugging"? I tried searching for some links, and couldn't a...

C++ File Handling

I Googled around, but didn't find any good example / tutorial. So i asking you SOF: How do you Read and Write to a File in C++? ...

SPARC Assembly Tutorial

Any recommendations for a good tutorial on SPARC assembly online for free? Thanks ...