
Best Objective-C tutorial?

What is the best way to learn Objective-C on linux (man I wish I had a mac)? I know C/C++ pretty well and have always wanted to learn Objective-C becuase of the ability to make iPhone apps (if I had a mac). So where do I start? ...

Microsoft Best Practice Tutorials

Are there video tutorials for Microsoft Best Practices with the same caliber as asp.net and windowsclient.net Learn section? What I meant by Best Practices are practices wherein you develop just any kind of application. Take a look at the site for more info: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/practices/default.aspx ...

Servlets and JSP video tutorials

Are there video tutorials for Servlets and JSPs with the same caliber as asp.net and windowsclient.net Learn section? ...

Enterprise Java Beans video tutorials

Are there video tutorials for Enterprise Java Beans with the same caliber as asp.net and windowsclient.net Learn section? ...

Java Web Services video tutorials

Are there video tutorials for Java Web Services with the same caliber as asp.net and windowsclient.net Learn section? ...

What's the best CSS tutorial?

May I know the best CSS tutorials? Site links, books, video tutorials perhaps? ...

What's the best Javascript tutorial?

May I know the best Javascript tutorials? Site links, books, video tutorials perhaps? ...

Videos, Tutorials, Books or All Three to Learn Programming

I'm learning the basics of programming and I've bounced back and forth between various languages. Is there one truly useful source that you found especially helpful in learning programming (whatever the language)? ...

Is there a Perl tutorial for Verilog engineers?

I want to start studying Perl, specifically for checking verilog output files. Is there some tutorial that is specific to say Perl for Verilog engineers or something like that? ...

Really good PHP Video Tutorials

Are there video tutorials for PHP with the same caliber as asp.net and windowsclient.net Learn section? ...

Windows Forms, tutorial?

Question: Looking for a simple, Windows Forms tutorial: Get some user input from a text box into a variable ...

JSF tutorials

Are there any good JSF tutorials? Let's say I'm new to JSF. Any way that my skills would get up to speed? Any good sites? ...

Hibernate tutorials

Let's say that I'm new to Hibernate, is there a way to get my skills up to speed? Are there any good tutorials? ...

Good tutorials on code management?

I have been coding since a long time but I have never ever used the code management systems like CVS or SVN. Can you please suggest any guides which start from basics and then go with the concepts of the individual software and their intricacies. ...

Good Tutorials in general

Can someone tell me why there are so little good programming tutorials in general? I know one site, and that's for flash, but I don't use that much flash: http://www.gotoandlearn.com/ I think it's a nice place. All tutorials are video, you see it happening on the screen as they explain it and most of them are pretty clear on what's hap...

Python file modes detail

In python following statements do not work: f = open("ftmp", "rw") print >> f, "python" I get the error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor But with the following code it works: g = open("ftmp", "r+") print >> g, "python" Looks like I need to revise the...

Are there any good beginner tutorials for threads in windows? C++

Looking for a good site or book that explains windows threads, preferably for a beginner. Maybe has a example program to run, etc.... ...

C# Programming Tutorial Websites

All right, I have an interesting question. I have a person in our company that isn't a tech guy at all. He would like to learn C#, but he is constrained to using 56k at his house. (The company is in the literal middle of nowhere.) Are there any good websites that teach programming concepts from the ground up using C# that do not rely...

Good tutorials for GTK+ in C on Linux for experienced C# developer

I've been working in C# for a while now (about 2 years). I started out programming in C++ but just learned about pointers/classes/etc..., then moved to C#. I've always wanted to learn C but thought it was too much of a challenge for what people were telling me was an almost dead language. I'm a Linux user (GNOME) and want to make some GT...

What are good projects for a novice to learn web development

I've often heard that the best way to learn programming is by actually doing it. I've gone through some tutorials but it seems that in the absence of real application they're not too helpful. What in depth projects could an individual work on to really learn the basics? Specifically, I'm trying to learn C#. Thanks for your help. ...