
Looking for a good php mysqli class tutorial

Hi, I'm looking for a good tutorial that describes how to create your own complete mysqli connection class, maybe demonstrating catching and all that good stuff. If your wondering I have in fact done some some searching of my own, but I have not found any articles that really go into detail. ,Thanks ...

Looking for a good tutorial for ICU

I was looking recently for a toolkit/library with good unicode support. I had checked ICU, Qt3, Qt4 and Glib. Unfortunalty all of them with exception of ICU had some missing features or had implemented them incorrectly. Unfortunalty, ICU library has quite bad documentation and is very hard to use because it ignores most of modern C++ de...

Any known resources for Secured Socket Programming with Jetty?

Do you guys know fine tutorials, sample codes for SSL socket programming with Jetty? I am going to implement some secured applications with Jetty.. :) ...

Socket programmimg in C, need sample codes and tutorials

I want to do socket programming in C. Where client and server are exchanging messages. I have the sample codes with me, but i wanted some elaborate links and tutorials for socket programming C, so that i can write effective and error free code. I will be working with WinSock library and not on Linux. Any help? ...

Any good tutorials for JMS + EMS + Spring?

I have been searching the web, but can't find any good tutorials for getting started with JMS under Spring connecting to TIBCO EMS. Anyone can point me to a good one? ...

What tools do you recommend to someone who wants to learn Java in a short time?

Greetings! I’m a .Net developer (VB.Net, C#) with 5 years experience. I would like to learn the Java programming language. What tools do you recommend for a programmer who wants to learn to program in Java SE? I’m specifically interested in books, tutorials and tools that would enable an existing programmer to learn Java in a short time....

What are the most helpful OpenSocial tutorials and videos to learn from?

There are many tutorials and videos which Google and other people have created to help educate on how to build applications using Opensocial as well as understand the container architecture. A cursory search yields a lot of information. However I would like to know what tutorials exist which people think stand out in terms of showcasin...

Basic AJAX example with ASP.NET MVC?

I'm in the process of making a demo ASP.NET MVC app for educational purposes. I have an image/link that flags a post as offensive. I would like to request from the server via AJAX to flag offensive and check to make sure that the user has this ability. If the user does, then I want to flag the post as offensive in the database and r...

Great C tutorial?

I really want to learn C (I'm planning on joining an open source GNOME project). What would be a good tutorial? ...

What is a good online tutorial for PHP?

I'm looking for a good online tutorial for PHP. It would be great if it includes exercises. ...

What are some good HTML beginner tutorials?

My friend is interested in getting into web design. Unfortunately, I cant seem to find a cool hands on HTML tutorial for him to try out. I am running out of practical examples for him, and I don't have the time to sit around and teach him. Do you have any suggestions? EDIT: I have already introduced him to W3 Schools, it does not show ...

Programming tutorials for people with zero experience

A friend of mine is interested in learning how to program computers, but she knows nothing about programming. I suggested that Python might be a good language to start with, but after some googling, I couldn't find any tutorials that covered both programming and Python in an adequate way. I don't want her to go through the tiresome "lea...

Advanced LaTeX Tutorial/Book

I've been using LaTeX for about 3-4 years now. In that time I've picked up what I've needed as I've needed it, most often by Googling. However, I'd like to learn some more advanced features of LaTeX such as editing or even creating my own class files and bibtex styles. I've worked with some fairly powerful class files before, but I have ...

Moving From Eclipse to Visual Studio 2008

After working in Eclipse for the past 3 years and memorizing all of the great shortcut keys and features, my new job has me moving back to Visual Studio. I've found some listings of shortcut keys on VS, but am looking for a comprehensive guide mapping Eclipse features to Visual Studio. Does anyone know of a good tutorial aimed at helpi...

jXchange - How To Get Started?

jXchange is apparently some sort of Web Service made by a company called Jack Henry. It's used for (I'm assuming) talking to your core AS400 system. I've quite literally found nothing useful for documentation on how to get started using this. Does anyone have experience with this and can direct me to a good starting point? ...

Ruby metaprogramming online tutorial

I have just started to learn Ruby and got a good take on the basics. I keep hearing that one of the cool things that Ruby does very well is metaprogramming, but none of the tutorials I've read cover this. Searching Google I can only seem to find paid for ruby metaprogramming screen casts. So, where can I find a good Ruby metaprogramming...

Can anyone show me a good tutorial of Apache Wicket ?

I want to use apache wicket for pagination but i am not much aware of that . so if anyone can tell me where can i find the examples and tutorials , ...

How to go about learning perl

I am a bioinformatics student and am in the process of learning perl. I don't have a strong programming background but would like for that to change. Right now I am in the process of reading/following and coding from this book I want to know is this the best way to go about learning perl? Should I be experimenting with regular expr...

Is there a Catalyst tutorial that uses HTML::Template instead of TT?

I've been looking through a couple of Catalyst tutorials and they all tend to use Template Toolkit instead of HTML::Template. I've spent a lot of time with HTML::Template and I like it, and while I can see the power of TT, I don't know it, and I feel like I'd be learning two things at once; plus, because it does its processing in-templa...

A Developers guide to SQL Server Analysis Services and OLAP

This post from SqlBatman describes a situation similar to my current client and, in reality, indicative of many companies that rely on tons of reports which have been shifted to over-night processing because of their performance impact. How do I get started using Analysis Services in general and OLAP Cubes in particular to help my clie...