
Where are the best graphViz tutorials to learn graphViz fast?

Duplicate of this question ? I've got this link. Maybe I'll do my own tutorial on that, because I find it hard to learn. The documentation lacks examples. ...

I am looking for some Expression Design tutorials. Can anybody point me to them?

I used google but could only find some msdn tutorials. I am looking to create some nice visual arts using expression design. ...

Any good tutorials on creating blackberry web and native applications?

The tutorials for creating blackberry applications seem to be severely limited. Even on the blackberry site the samples aren't very good. I want to learn about building a user interface with form objects like text boxes, drop downs, and buttons. ...

Ruby on Rails Question - Answer Website

Does anyone know of a good tutorial or application for asking and answering questions for Ruby on Rails, much like this site (although it probably will be for a very different purpose in the end)? ...

tutorial on using flash or java servlet to upload microphone data from browser to server?

There was a question on how to get data from a microphone on a client to a server via an HTTP browser, and the answer was "use flash or maybe a java servlet applet". Fine, but how? Is there any sample code or tutorial out there? Can it be done with a vanilla server or do I need adobe media server? ...

What's a good online resource for SQL server and T-SQL?

Background: I have an interview some time next week (for a Jr position) that requires SQL Server. The job descriptions states "Must be able to score high in a C# and a SQL Server design test." I feel I'm solid on the C# portion, and I think I'm pretty good on implementation-agnostic DB design (Reread "Mastering Data Modeling" by Car...

Generic guide to programming concepts?

I'm looking for a guide to the basic concepts of programming, that are explained in a good amount of depth. By this I mean something that describes what: Object oriented programming is... What compilers are, how they work, etc.. General descriptions of how programs work on a deeper level - such as, say, everything is in binary. But we...

Assembly Language Primer video tutorials?

I've seen a lot of text based Assembly tutorials but finding it tough to learn from them. What video tutorials exist for Assembly Language? ...

Using Boost on ubuntu

I've heard a lot of good comments about Boost in the past and thought I would give it a try. So I downloaded all the required packages from the package manager in Ubuntu 9.04. Now I'm having trouble finding out how to actually use the darn libraries. Does anyone know of a good tutorial on Boost that goes all the way from Hello World to ...

Beginning PHP development - programming stack recommendation and web site resources

I'm beginning PHP development, and I'm looking at picking brains for ideas and best practices, and also website resrouces, such as www.w3schools.com Yes, it has to be PHP as that's the existing website technology that's being used. I'm using Windows, although I'll be doing development on a Virtual Machine, maybe Virtual PC or Virtual B...

Where can I find tutorials or webcasts for doing Sharepoint development?

Where can I find tutorials or webcasts for doing Sharepoint development? ...

List some sites for Free C# video podcasts

Hello, Can someone list a few sites where I can find some video podcasts related to C#? (Free ones ofcourse). The only one I know is dnrtv.com. Thanks Edit:The list built so far based on my search and your answers put together....Please continue to add more ...Thanks http://www.dnrtv.com http://www.ScreenCastADay.com http://www.vi...

How do I write events and eventhandlers in C#?

I've been trying a good way to memorize how to write events and eventhandlers in C# for a while. Whenever I want to refer to a tutorial on the Internet they tend to be verbose. The question is how do I write events and eventhandlers in C#? Have you got a code example that illustrates easily how to write such? ...

silver light videos

Hi I am trying to watch tutorials on the official site for the ast 2 days, but its not respoding (only the videos section) Do you have an idea why? Do you know any other site the contain video tutorials? ...

Resource for learning Java generics?

Hello I'm clearly in need of improving my knowledge in this Java field, or I'm doomed to produce "look the same but not exactly" code. I'm already have the bases... but I'm looking for a training / tuturial oriented only to this. Thanks ...

What are some good learning resources for SSIS

What are some good learning Resources for SSIS. Some members of our team are going to inherit some SSIS Code and we are looking for some good books, blogs, tutorials, etc. The one thing we are looking for specifically is doing SSIS from a programing point of view vs a DBA point of view. ...

Silverlight crash course for WPF developers

Hi, I'm looking for a Silverlight book (unlikely) or some tutorials aimed at people who know how WPF operates. I mean there's obviously lots of overlapping stuff and I would prefer reading something that assumes that I understand how WPF works, describes things that are available in Silverlight and not in WPF and vice versa and highligh...

Looking for an ASP.NET C# tutotial or refernece that preferably avoids the use of web forms.

I have been working with PHP for a long while now, and I am in general pretty familiar with Microsoft IDEs and concepts behind everything including OOP. What I am trying to find, And have looked for, is a tutorial or reference website that shows the specifics about the syntax of C# like how to make classes, functions, variable types...ec...

Introductory Programming Podcasts with C++ emphasis?

Hi Is anybody aware of any introductory podcasts/screencasts about programming in general that step by step familiarize viewers with the key concepts of programming using C++ as a teaching language (making basically few if any assumptions)? I am hoping to refer some folks to such a resource, who would a) need a complete basic introduct...

Steps recorder tool to make tutorials

This weekend I installed Windows 7 (brilliant!) and there I found this genious tool called Problem Steps Recorder. Apparently a tool that came with the beta bug reporting tool thingy. I am currently trying to document some application usages for other developers. (In this exact case, how to get Showplan XML Statistics in SQL Profiler an...