
Are there any good Maven ant tasks documentation/tutorials?

I would like to try using maven from ant (for exaple to build my Java SE apps that needs all dependencies stored in ./lib/*, or just because doing anything short of dependency management in maven is too damn hard ;)). But the documentation is nonexistent, and google also didn't give me a clue on how to use them. So any good docs/tutori...

Texts for the PDF standard

I keep finding myself wanting to manipulate PDF files in various odd ways. I asked some time ago about open PDF tools here; now I find I want to have a much deeper understanding of the spec itself. Does anyone know of any good books or articles explaining the details of the PDF standard itself? Other than the standard — reading standa...

what's a good language for learning machine learning?

I've been thrust into a situation where I need to know something about Machine Learning. Is there a language or perhaps a reasonable tutorial that breaks this subject matter in gently? I'm not a math guy, so it's got to start from a pretty basic level. ...

SOAP using C#

How do you use SOAP using C#? Is there a simple, yet effective tutorial for this? ...

Do you know more interactive tutorials/courses like Try Ruby? (for any language)

Do you know more interactive tutorials/courses like Try Ruby? (tryruby.hobix.com) Once a friend showed me a similar tutorial but for learning C, it was an amazing little program for DOS. Anyone know it? ...

Resources to learn Dynamic Programming, NP Complete, Knapsack Problems, and more on Algorithms

What are the good resources that discuss Algorithms, P NP problems, Dynamic Programming, Special cases of those- Knapsack problems and such. The resource must have working code, preferably in Python. Advantage if it explains some of the TopCoder SRM Dynamic Programming questions. PS: I am a web developer interested in algorithms and an...

What are some of the more obscure parts of C++?

I've read quite a few beginner's books on C++, and a little beyond that, but what are some of the more obscure aspects of C++, or where can I find information/tutorials on these? ...

Where can I find Python tutorials aimed at people who are already programmers?

I'm a reasonably skilled programmer, and I'm interested in branching out into some new languages -- python, specifically -- but frankly I do NOT want to go through a tutorial that assumes I know nothing about programming. I want a tutorial -- again, preferably for python -- that assumes I'm just unfamiliar with the language itself and d...

What are good online resources or tutorials to learn C++

What are (good) online resources to learn C++? Preferably resources focused on programmers with experience in other (object-oriented) languages? Possible duplicates: Language Books/Tutorials for popular languages (78 votes) What is the best way to learn C++ if I have a bit of other programming experience? (9 votes) Good b...

How to add or handle help files to a .NET project?

I have been tasked to add an on-line help file to a windows application. So I have several questions in my mind: How do you create help files and how do you add them to a Windows Forms project? Is there a good way to handle them in a VS solution? Is there a tutorial on how to do this? ...

Using stackoverflow to post tutorials and examples vs. questions?

Possible Duplicate: Is it poor etiquette to answer your own question? So I spent a bit of time trying to solve a problem with JBoss and JSP, and for the life of me, I couldn't find a single solution that worked. I ended up playing around a bit, and figured out what I was doing wrong all on my own (thanks to some gut-instinct re...

ICEFaces + CMS + Netbeans + Tutorial

Do you know any good tutorial, for making a really simple journal(blog) like web app with ICEFaces, using Netbeans (6.5.1) as an IDE? Thanks! ...

Where are good places to start learning VB?

The only programming language I know is C++, and I would like to learn some others, specifically Visual Basic. So what are some good beginners tutorials for VB, and what others languages would you suggest are good ideas to learn? ...

What is the best online SQL tutorial for learning to write complex reporting queries?

My SQL skills are rather limited and since I find myself working with a DB (Oracle) a lot lately I would like to get beyond the basic select statements. I want to write queries that do things like get data from multiple tables, sum quantities, compare dates, group, filter etc. What sites can you recommend for getting SQL reporting skil...

Looking for examples of ASP.NET MVC applications with the Entity Framework

Are there any open-source examples of ASP.NET MVC applications that use the Entity Framework? I have found Nerd Dinner to be helpful but it is using Linq to SQL. I am trying to use the Entity Framework in a strongly-typed ASP.NET MVC project and am finding that anything beyond the simple tutorial becomes rather difficult to implement. ...

Where do I start with Zend Framework?

I have been coding my PHP applications in Notepad. I want to take it a step up and do it professional, and as far as I can tell using the Zend Framework is where to start. I have been reading the documentation and quick start and a few tutorials but I am still completely lost. Is Zend on your local machine or on the remote server? Is ...

Creating nice GUI

I'm seeking graphic advice on how to have your interface look better. So far I've been focusing on usability but its starting to look like a Jakob Nielsen kind of interface. I'm searching for tutorials on how to pimp up my windows forms application or at least general guidelines on how to do so edit : thank you for the info. I was lo...

A free Step by Step guide to learning Sparx Enterprise Architect

I have just downloaded Sparx Enterprise Architect 7.5 but unfortunately I am not able to find a getting started guide or something like that. I have gone through official site of Sparx but there is not step by step guide to learning Sparx EA. I want a guide that will implement a small project and give instructions step by step so that ...

Where to find good WCF video tutorials?

I am learning WCF, and trying to take a look at its power and how it can help me in my projects, so i want to see some videos about it before start reading a book. Please can you send me all good video tutorials you trust. ...

Is there any good tutorial (example) for unit testing kohana base project?

I am looking for the best practices with PHPUnit testing a project on KohanaPHP framework. ...