
Can UIDatePicker's minimumDate and maximumDate include time?

Need a UIDatePicker with specific maximum and minimum dates and times. Currently NSDatePicker.minimumDate and .maximumDate appear to only consider the date. What's the proper way to handle this? ...

How to Pass Date from one View to the next View containing UIDatePicker

How can i get the date from database and load it onto the UIDatePicker? ok i will describe my question in detail I am fetching data from SQLite 3 database and that data is fetched onto the RootViewController from the database.Now i want that data to be forwarded to the next view in which i have my UIDatePicker,So the UIDate Picker shoul...

getDate with Jquery Datepicker

i am trying to get date from my implementation of jquery date picker, add it to a string and display the resulting image in my div. Something however is just not working. Can anyone check out the code and have a look at it? The code is supposed to take the date from date picker, combine it in a string which is to have the necessary cod...

set date error on uidatepicker

Hi guys, I've been stumped by the code below. I pass a string date to a UIDatePicker which seems to work on most devices, yet on some, it crashes the app. here's the code NSDateFormatter *dateFormat = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; [dateFormat setDateFormat:@"HH:mm"]; NSDate *date = [dateFormat dateFromString:dateStr]; [timePicker se...

UIDatePickerView as Timer with more values

The UIDatePicker with it's mode set on "Timer", only has values from 0 to 23 hours. I'd like to have more hours (like, up to 48 hours). It also shows a nice "floating" text next to the number on the selected row. I can actually "imitate" the "floating" hours effect, by adding a label on top of the UIPickerView, but I'd lose the second c...

Trigger jQueryUI datePicker on button click, send result to disabled input field

Hi I've been searching for a way to do this, but could not find anything I want to have a: a disabled input text field, called #XX. This input will store the selected value from datepicker (as this input is disabled I won't be able to use this to trigger the datePicker) A button, besides #XX. When user clicks this button, datePick...

UiDatePicker displays but not UIPickerView

If I drop a UIDatePicker onto a UIView in IB and run the app, the date picker displays. If I delete the date picker, drop a UIPickerView onto the same UIView and run the app, the UIPickerView doesn't display. What is the difference? ...

UIDatePicker Component value

I have a UIDatePicker that shows (ex. April | 13 | 2010). I need to get each component value and set it as an integer so it can be put into three separate keys in a Plist. MyMonth Number 04 MyDay Number 13 MyYear Number 2010 I can set a text label by using: NSDateFormatter *df = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; df.dateStyle =...

UIDatePicker hours are disabled

I have a UIDatePicker object and I am setting it up as follows but for some reason my hours field is disabled on the current date but minutes are not. Not exactly sure what I am missing, any help would be appreciated. UIDatePicker *picker = [[UIDatePicker alloc] init]; picker.date = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:DATE_MIN_SECONDS...

Jquery UI Datepicker not displaying

UPDATE I have reverted back to Jquery 1.3.2 and everything is working, not sure what the problem is/was as I have not changed anything else apart of the jquery and ui library versions. UPDATE END I having an issue with the JQuery UI datepicker. The datepicker is being attached to a class and that part is working but the datepicker is no...

jquery ui datepicker if no active mondays left at the end of the month

I made that only mondays are active in each month like this function onlyMondays(date){ var day = date.getDay(); return [(day == 1), '']; } But at last week of the month there wont be any active mondays left so i want to show next month in ...

Jquery UI Datepicker Date Range Inline Problem

Hey Guys, i have a big Problem with jQuery UI Datepicker. I have two Input Fields "From Date" and "To Date". When i choose a From Date - a Daterange of only 5 Days should appear on the "To Date" Picker. I used the Code from "Russ Cam" http://stackoverflow.com/questions/330737/jquery-datepicker-2-inputs-textboxes-and-restricting-range ...

How do I know if UITableViewCell is selected?

Hello, I would like to imitate a behavior like the one that is in the apple calendar when selecting a date for an event. You have a TableView with to cells and a datepicker. If the first cell is selected the date of the picker is for start date and the opposite for end date. So, my question is: how do I Know, when handling the date ch...

Why would a UIDatePicker with no functionality, added to my app via IB, cause my app to crash?

I just added a UIDatePicker to my iPad app using IB, linked it to its outlet in the code, saved it in IB, added the UIPickerViewDelegate to my UIViewController in the code, as well as added the UIDatePicker outlet in code. When I build and run, the app launches, but will crash intermittently when I attempt to open the popover view that ...

UIDatePicker - Problem Localizing

Hello, I've created a UIDatePicker in my app and I also have support for several languages. My UIDatePicker is created in Interface Builder, and I have created a seperate localization XIB so I can customize my UIDatePicker. Setting the "Locale" option in IB appears to do nothing. Attempting to change my DatePicker programatically wit...

JQuery datepicker

Coud someone help me with this? I am getting these question marks in the graphic and i'm not sure why? I have seen these symbols before and i am sure it had something to do with charset. I am using: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> Here is my JQuery code <script type="text/javascript"> ...

JQuery datepicker numberOfMonths: display current selection month last

Hi, I have a jquery datepicker with the numberOfMonths set to 3, currently when I click on the datepicker, the left side month is the current month. In most cases, the user is only going to be selecting a date prior to todays date so I would prefer the current month selected to be the last calendar i.e. March, April, May instead of the c...

Bring to front DatePicker on an UITextField

Hi, When an UITextField is firstResponder, I would like to bring to front an UIDatePicker (bottom part of the screen) without the "going down keyboard" (no call to UITextField resignFirstResponder). The aim is to process like UIKeyboard of UITextField which pop-up on nearly everything when it becomeFirstResponder. modalViewController s...

How to get second from UIDatePicke?

CGRect pickerFrame = CGRectMake(0, 120, 0, 0); datePicker = [[UIDatePicker alloc] initWithFrame:pickerFrame]; datePicker.datePickerMode = UIDatePickerModeCountDownTimer; according to my code i set UIDatePicker to present as UIDatePickerModeCountDownTimer mode how can i get the value as minutes from uidatepicker ? ...

UIDatePicker date method is picking wrong date: iPhone Dev

Hi, I am getting very strange behaviour on UIDatePicker. I have a view with date picker declared in .h file as IBOutlet UIDatePicker *datePicker; with property nonatomic and retain. datePicker is properly linked in IB file. In the code I am setting the minimum, maximum, initial date and action to call for UICOntrolEventValueChanged us...