
iPad Keyboard comes on from wrong side

Hey everyone, I've been working on my first iPad based project which has proven a massive learning curve but I'm nearly there. I have a small issue left however. I've got my iPad to work in all orientations as dictated by Apple however they keyboard always comes on from the Portrait position unless the user rotates the device first. Doe...

Why does the iPad stop auto-rotating when I start overlaying View Controllers?

I have a fairly hefty project, where I am loading a few view controllers, one after the other. First, a splash screen, followed by a menu system, and when the user clicks on the menu it goes through to an article view controller. Putting all these in with shouldAutorotate... set to YES for all rotations, this works fine. However, I have...

Problems with Interface Orientation and UITabBarController

Hello there dudes. Quick problem: I have an UITabBarController with 2 navigation controllers [lets call them Left and Right Controller] On the default selected Left Controller I can push a new View Controller that detects interface orientation. On the Right Controller I can push the same View Controller but it won't detect interface ...

Is there a way to rotate the view after it has loaded completely?

I am looking for a way to rotate a view after the view has been load when it has been present as a modal view. I envoke my view by calling: [self presentModalViewController:cntrol animated:YES]; And in that modal view controller i am rotating via: - (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)orientation...

How do I detect orientation on app launch for splash screen animation on iPad!!

Hi I have an app and I have two *.pngs for default splash screen: Default-Landscape.png Default-Portrait.png What I want is to animate this default splash screen away when my app is loaded and ready to go. To achieve this I would normally present an UIImageView with either default-landscape or default-portrait (depending on the devic...

wait_fences: failed to receive reply: 10004003 in iphone

Hi, i am developing an application on ipad to read and annotate pdf's.My application is working fine in Portrait/landscape mode but when I rotates the device or simulator its giving me weired error *wait_fences: failed to receive reply: 10004003* whenever i rotates either from landscape to portrait or from portrait to landscape. some t...

How do you force an orientation change in an Android Instrumentation test?

I'm writing some acceptance tests for an application using the ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 class. I want to cause an orientation change from within the test to ensure that a number of things happen. Among these things are ensuring that Activity state is preserved, but also I'd like to ensure that the appropriate layout for the orien...

UIViewController orientation problems in iPad

I am presenting MFMailComposeViewController as modal from a view controller (lets call it xyz) added to nav stack. When user clicks on cancel button, the MFMailComposeViewController is dismissed. This works fine when xyz is added to nav stack in portrait/landscape mode and the device orientation doesn't change until after cancel is click...

One UIViewController or Two for portrait / landscape views

I am looking for some clarification with regards to view controllers and views. Should one view controller be used exclusively to control one view? Basically, my portrait view is going to be a 4x3 grid of buttons (within a scrollview). When i rotate the view to landscape, i am going to want maybe a 6x4 grid. Obviously the functionali...

orientation auto rotation

hi guys i have 2 different views for a single nib. when i rotate the screen on iphone "simulator", the view rotates perfectly fine and the output is the desired one. but when i deploy my project on iphone and go through the same process the view doesnot change on changing the phone orientation ? in view did appear i have used [[UIDev...

iPad landscape modal view incorrectly sized

I have a iphone app where I want to present one of the views modally in landscape mode only and have set the code below its view controller. All works fine on the iphone (its intended platform), but when run on the iPad for demonstration, the left hand edge of the landscape view is truncated by approx 10 pixels. i.e. it looks like the di...

Can we forcefully make an orientation change in iphone or ipad through programming?

I will explain my problems in a few steps. Plz go through them and reply I have a mainView with 9 child view in it. Clicking on any of these child view it will goto a splitview replacing this whole mainview. SplitView consists of a tableview on left and a normal view on right. If I goto the splitview in portrait mode, everything works...

rotating the uiview withoud IB

hi everybody. in my app all my controls are created in code. i have not used IB for controls. now i want to rotate the view to landscape mode. i know i have to use the shouldAutorotate method for this purpose. but since i have not used IB, how can i resize the controls when they are in landscape mode? how can i position them correctly us...

Changing interfaceOrientation based on image dimensions

I'm looking to change the phone's rotation based on the size of an image. is there a way to detect if the image has 480px x 300px dimensions then use landscape rotation and vice versa? I have many photos some of which are best view landscape and other best viewed in portrait mode. thanks for any help. ...

Strange black square when loading Facebook Connect for iPhone

Hey all, I've been playing with Facebook Connect for iPhone recently and got it working great. Except for one thing. As you can see in the image (which shows just before loading the log in screen), there is a hideous black area on the right hand side. Do anyone know why this happens and how to fix it? I can only think that I may have t...

interfaceorientation in certain views only.

Hello everybody. I have a Main View that contatins uitableview, and i am pushing another view when the user taps on a row. I want only the child views to rotate and have written code for that. But the problem is once i push the view, it also enables the orientation on the Main View. when i rotate the main view to the left, the statusbar ...

[iPhone] Support only portrait orientation

I need to support only portrait orientation in my app. How can I do it? I have tried adding <key>UISupportedInterfaceOrientations</key> <array> <string>UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait</string> </array> and -(BOOL) shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation { return UIInterfaceOrienta...

Views and buttons unresponsive to touches after rotation

I am coding against iOS 3.0 and I am trying to add rotation (landscape) support to my app. Everything about the rotation was easy enough. However, after rotation to landscape mode from portrait, the right-third of the screen (480-320) is unresponsive to all events (touches, drag, etc.). I've verified that the key window is receiving th...

in split view how to adjust the views to the screen when app launched in landscape mode

i am displaying master view and detail view in portrait mode of split view controller , i hav not used the pop up window to show master view as like most of hte ipad apps showing... i am facing issue with orientation when my app is launching in land scape mode i cannot able to adjust that to view ...

Three20, different images for portrait and landscape orientation possible?

I am using three20 to present a photo essay of a story I made after the February earthquake in Chile. I would like the app to display portrait type images when iPad device is in portrait orientation and landscape type images when iPad device is in landscape orientation. So there would be two versions of every image, one cropped for portr...