
iPad modal form sheet takes up the whole screen anyways

I'm trying to create a form sheet modal on iPad, which should be a 540x620 modal view. I've created a view controller with a NIB file whose view is a 540x620 sized UIView (with stuff on it). I set the modal presentation style to UIModalPresentationFormSheet, and call presentModalViewController:animated: on the current view controller. ...

Presenting UIModalViews in Landscap mode

Hello, I'm trying to present some UIModalFormSheets in a my iPad application. It's working without any problems, except one thing: When I have my iPad in landscape mode my modal form sheet is moving to the center of the screen and THEN rotates into the appropiate angle. All I want is to present the modal form sheet in the right angle a...

Modal Dialog Does Not Dismiss Keyboard

I am running into an issue where the keyboard does not get dismissed when leaving a UITextField or UITextView in a UIModalPresentationFormSheet. In addition, I've created a large button to serve as the view's background so if the user taps outside the fields it gets triggered. I am using the same code in a regular view controller, and it...

Adding an Image to View Controller transition

Hey Guys, I currently have several view controllers and transitions set up throughout my app using: //switches controller ViewController2 *controller2 = [[ViewController2 alloc] initWithNibName:@"ViewController2" bundle:nil]; controller2.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleCoverVertical; [self presentModalViewController:contr...

UIModalPresentationFormSheet With Square (0 Radius) Corners?

By default iPad modal form sheets get rounded corners. In a couple of Apple's apps, such as iTunes, the form sheets have perfectly square corners. Is there a relatively easy way to remove the corner radius that won't get me rejected from the App Store? ...