
Using a UISegmentedControl in the footer of UIPopoverController

In my iPad app Viewfinder (iTunes Link), I'm trying to recreate the look of a UISegmentedControl as seen in the footer of Keynote's Build In popover: The iPad HIG suggests using a bottom-aligned UIToolbar, but the appearance is incorrect. This screenshot shows Black Opaque, but none of the standard styles match Keynote. Any advice ...

Can I change the UIPopover animation anchor point?

I'm attempting to achieve a "drop down" menu effect with a UIPopover. When I change the height from 0px to 500px it appears to stretch 250px up and 250px down... essentially anchoring the UIPopover at the original spawn point on center. I would like the anchor to be the top of the popover, so that when I adjust the size it is the bottom...

objective-c : ipad programming : add button to an popover toolbar

hi , i want in my popover a toolbar at the top with an edit button, i can't find how to do that, thx ...

Ipad issue : Selecting a video using UIImagePickerController and UIPopoverController

Hello there, this is my first ever question. I am developing a iPad app that allows a user to select a video, trim it and then choose it. I first prototyped it for the iPhone and everything work fine. I then ported the code to the iPad, changed the modelviewcontroller for a popupviewcontroller and I get a odd problem. There is no cho...

Hiding a button in a UIPopupview for SplitViewController

First: The error. I'm getting a app termination because of a NSInvalidArgumentException, the reason being that "Popovers cannot be presented from a view which does not have a window." Now, an explanation of what's going on: I've got a button on the RootView of the SplitView that removes the SplitView as the main view of the Window, a...

iPad: problems with table rows in popovercontrol

Hi eveybody. I have an iPad application which implements the UISplitViewController. As usual I'm using the popover button to show the root view when the device is in portrait mode. It's seems to be ok at time of launch, but if I turn the device to landscape, then back to portrait, the table in the popover, will have an additional blank r...

Next item in Array to populate image view

Hey guys can someone help me please? I have a popover controller that is filled with an array (detailItem) and in different xib I load an image according to the current cell selected in detailitem. All I want is a button called nextItem which loads the next item in the array? Cheers -(IBAction) nextitem{ NSString * image...

UIPopoverController animates when keyboard pops up

Heey, In my iPad application I have a UIPopoverController with a UIViewController containing some textfields. When the keyboard comes up, the Popover gets animated to fit. Does anybody know how to disable this? Thanks ...

How can I present an UIPopoverController from an UITableViewCell?

- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { if (indexPath.row == 5) { [tableView deselectRowAtIndexPath:indexPath animated:YES]; [enginesPopoverController presentPopoverFromRect:[tableView bounds] inView:self.view permittedArrowDirections:UIPopoverArrowDirectionAny anima...

Is there any way to present an UIPopover from an UITableView index?

Hi, I would like to present an UIPopover from an UITableView specific index. Here's my code: if (indexPath.row == 5) { [tableView deselectRowAtIndexPath:indexPath animated:YES]; EnginesPopoverController *enginesPopoverController = [[EnginesPopoverController alloc] initWithNibName:@"EnginesPopoverController" bundle:nil]; U...

Problem with popover overlaying some of my component

Hello, I'm using a popover to display information about the object the user clicked on. The problem is that sometimes this popover goes on top of a graphical component that need to stay visible. The solution would be to tell my UIPopverController to be displayed strictly inside a specific zone even if the anchor point is at the border...

Popovers cannot be presented from a view which does not have a window.

What is this error indicate "Popovers cannot be presented from a view which does not have a window." ...

change the bordercolor of UIPopOverController

Is it possible to change the default black like color of the UIPopOver to some another color? ...

Get on screen coordinates of a certain UITableViewCell?

So, I have this UITableView. It's in an iPad application. Some of the cells have an accessory button on the right (the small round arrow). When that is pressed, I present a popover view where the user can select actions related to the table cell that they touched. So far, nothing of this is difficult or exceptional. But the popover view...

UIPopover without any arrows

Is it possible to present a popover without any sort of arrows pointing somewhere? ...

How would you create a static version of the UIPopoverView?

I tried using a popover in my interface, but all the convenience features of the UIPopoverController made it impossible. My goal is to use the popover's chrome, but none of the associated events or actions. I need it to stay displayed onscreen (no dismissal) and not be modal. So now I'm considering building my own view using images. ...

How to make the UIPopOver origin at a same coordinate in the mainView even when I am moving its source button?

I have assigned the uipopover to a horizontally moving object. So when I keeps on moving the popover moves along with it. But I doesnt want it to move. Only want that bottom arrow to move and the popover origin should be same always. So it will appear like only the arrow is moving under it. Can anyone know how to get this? ...

UINavigationBar unresponsive after canceling a UITableView search in nav controller in tab bar in a popover

Ok, this is an odd one and I can reproduce it with a new project easily. Here is the setup: I have a UISplitViewController. In the left side I have a UITabBarController. In this tab bar controller I have two UINavigationControllers. In the navigation controllers I have UITableViewControllers. These table views have search bars on them. ...

does uiimagepicker open in ipad without popover controller

In my application I do have a popover controller which opens when I click on a button In that popover i m using a tableview controller in which i an giving option to choose image providing by program. Now in that there is one more option in table view to choose image from saved library. Now on clicking on that I want to open imagepickerv...

Popover's arrow to track an object in a scrollview

I show a popover whenever a cell in my tableview is touched, with the arrow pointing to the cell, and always pointing left or right, not up or down. The table view is set as the popover's passthroughView, so that the user can select a different cell while the popover is still open, resulting in a new popover for the selected cell. Howe...