
How to remove searchResultsTableView?

I have a UISearchDisplayController that displays some cells after a user has searched. After the user clicks on the cell, I am pushing a new view to my nav stack. How can I remove searchResultsTableView from the view so that when the user goes back, he doesn't see the searchResultsTableView? ...

iPhone SDK: SearchDisplayController with Core Data Table Sample Code?

Are there any good samples of using a SearchDisplayController with a Core Data backed tableview? None of the Apple samples I see use Core Data, NSFetchedResultController or NSPredicates. ...

How to set scope in UISearchBar

I have a UISearchBar which is working fine, but I was wondering how I can set a scope and filter results based on certain criteria like: "Dogs and "Cats" Tutorials and example code welcome. ...

How to disable UISearchDisplayController History

I don't want to show a history when the user starts typing into my UISearchBar. How can I tell the UISearchDisplayController not to show previous search results? ...

How to show No Results screen on UISearchDisplayController?

How can I manually show No Results on a UISearchDisplayController? ...

How do I close a UISearchDisplayController programatically?

I want to close my UISearchDisplayController when the user clicks the "Search" button since I'm loading new data from the web. How do I close the controller programatically? I already have the proper method called, but don't know how to do it. I thought that the below would work, but I'm wrong. - (void)searchBarSearchButtonClicked:(UIS...

How to add my swipe code to UISearchDisplayController's SearchResultsTableView

Hello All, I have implemented the Tweetie like swipe action on a UITableViewController which has custom drawn cells using a UITableViewCell subclass. For this I have used the code provided here: http://thermoglobalnuclearwar.com/opensource/ My UITableViewController has a UISearchDisplayController implemented and the searches are work...

How to add my swipe code to UISearchDisplayController's SearchResultsTableView

Hello All, I have implemented the Tweetie like swipe action on a UITableViewController which has custom drawn cells using a UITableViewCell subclass. For this I have used the code provided here: http://thermoglobalnuclearwar.com/opensource/ My UITableViewController has a UISearchDisplayController implemented and the searches are work...

iPhone UISearchBar view not updating immediately?

I currently have a UISearchBar and UIDisplayController defined in my RootViewController as: - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; //Add the search bar aSearchBar = [[UISearchBar alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero]; [aSearchBar sizeToFit]; aSearchBar.delegate = self; aSearchBar.placeholder = @"Search YouTube......

Reloading UITableView behind UISearchDisplayController

Hey all. So I've run into this really strange phenomenon that I can't quite figure out. I have a UITableViewController that manages a UITableView. Pretty simple. I also have a UISearchDisplayController for searching the contents of the table view. The searching functionality will be able to delete items of the content displayed by t...

iphone hide UISearchDisplayController results?

I currently have a UISearchBar and UISearchDisplayController implemented as: - (void) viewDidLoad { videoList = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init]; //Add the search bar aSearchBar = [[UISearchBar alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero]; [aSearchBar sizeToFit]; aSearchBar.delegate = self; aSearchBar.placeholder = @"Search YouTube..."; ...

UINavigationBar Disappears using UISearchBar and SearchDisplayController

Here is my scenario: (1) I have a TabBarController with the following: (A) Navigation Controller (rootviewcontroller is a uitableviewcontroller) = Tab 0 (B) UIViewController = Tab 1 (2) The Navigation Controller is using a UISearchBar along with UISearchDisplayController (3) I click into and enter a search into the...

iPhone - Change UISearchDisplayController "Cancel" button text

Sort question: Is there a way to change the "Cancel" button text within a UISearchDisplayController to "Done" or "Close"? Rationale: I have a UITableView that contains a list of options, each option can be checked or unchecked. I want to enable search through these options, so I've created and added a UISearchDisplayController. The...

How can I add a UISearchDisplayController to a UIView?

How can I add a UISearchDisplayController to a UIView? Interface builder won't let me. ...

setContentOffset not correctly when canceling a search

I have a view which contains a UISearchBar. This UISearchBar is not displayed at the top of the page - it is about 90 pts down from the top of the screen, under a header image. All elements of the view are wrapped in a UIScrollView. The right thing happens when the user taps in the UISearchBar - the entire view is scrolled up so the sea...

How do I change the searchDisplayController table view style to grouped?

Hey guys, I have a searchDisplayController that searches a UITableView that I have. After entering the search terms, I can see another UITableView that contains the search results. However, I want this UITableView to be GROUPED, not PLAIN (like it is by default). Would anyone know how to do this? Thanks alot!! ...

Search Display Controller does not show searchBar

Hi there!! I created a simple TableViewController using the template offered by xCode. Then I open the xib file of the TableViewController with Interface Builder and I drag/add a uisearchdisplaycontroller on the top part of the tableView. xCode automatically creates and link all the outlets. I save the xib file and I run the app but the...

UISearchDisplayContoller – can't prevent table reload on typing in search bar

I'm trying to set up a search display controller to handle async results from a web service. I've got the basic bits in place but have run into a really strange issue that I can't figure out. Seems like to rig up the search display controller for async you really just need to do two things: return NO for searchDisplayController:shoul...