
Will [NSSet allObjects] return an array with the same order each time?

I have a list of custom objects being returned from a .NET WebService and am storing them using a To-Many relationship from the parent enitity with Core Data. I want to use the NSSet as the datasource for a UITableView and push a new controller onto the stack when a row is selected. When using [NSSet allObjects] does the array re...

Scrollable Backgroundview for UITableViewController

UIImageView *tblBG = [[[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds] autorelease]; tblBG setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"evt_det_bg.png"]]; self.tableView.backgroundView=tblBG; I want this background view will be scrollable.Now its positioned in same place. Thanks ...

Background image scroll issue with two cellview in UITableViewController

self.tableView.backgroundColor = [[[UIColor alloc] initWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"evt_det_bg.png"]]autorelease]; I want this background view will be scrollable. I tried the above code.But the background applied each row.I am using two cellview for the tableView.How can i achieve this. Thanks ...

MFMailViewController Not Working.

Hi, I have a View Based application and I have added a UITableView in the view with navigation bar and tab bar. But now when I try to add the MFMailViewController on the same view when there is no table or tab bar it does not work at all. I am using the following the code to add MFMailViewController MFMailComposeViewController *mai...

iphone tab bar app view life cycle question

This is probably a stupid question with an easy answer. I'm new to iOS dev and this is killing me. I have a basic tab bar app. The app loads the initial tab upon launch and it is a tableview controller. The data for this tableview is supplied by a datacontroller where it creates an array from data fetched from the internet. When I firs...

UITableView - hide all groups/cells while data is loading

I don't want to display my table view cells until the data has been loaded from an external source. I want to show an activity indicator over the table background while the data is loading. I can get the indicator to show by adding it as a subview to tableView, but I can't figure out how to hide the rows until they are ready to be displa...

UITableViewController crash on delete row because cell is drawing and accessing core-data

Hello, I have a UITableViewController backed by a NSFetchedResultsController. I'm currently experiencing a SIGABRT when deleting a row, after I save the managedObjectContext in commitEditingStyle. The crash then happens in drawRect: in my UITableViewCell where it tries to access the core-data object for this row: [self.document.name...

UINavigationController always loads table view with same data

I have a navigation controller based app. My views consist of two tableviews laid out like this: Category Item within category Basically i allow users to create the categories using the + button on the navigation bar. Then they select a category, and can then press the + button again to create items in that category. My problem ...

Why do I get this error "error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before MyTableViewController

1) I have the CoreData.framework imported. In Groups & Files I see it in the Framworks list together with UIKit.framework, Foundation.framework, CoreGraphics.framework. 2) I have this code, I am not sure what this error means #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface SQLLiteDemoAppDelegate : NSObject <UIApplicationDelegate> { UIWindow *wi...

When is viewDidLoad called?

Is it safe to assume that an attribute, namely fetchedResultsController, of chatViewController, an instance of a subclass of UITableViewController, is always nil when viewDidLoad is called, assuming that it's set to nil in viewDidUnload? Phew! If that's the case, then I see no immediate need to redefine the accessor function like in the...

Strange iPhone NSTableView cell.textLabel.text Bug?

Hey guys, I'm working with a UITableViewController, and I have a section of code as follows: Subject *subject = [[context subjects] objectAtIndex:[indexPath row]]; cell.textLabel.text = [subject name]; cell.showsReorderControl = YES; return cell; This code is in the UITableViewDataSource method that returns an UITableViewCell for an...

Resizing a UIView subclass with dynamic sized subviews

I currently have a UIView subclass that acts as my header view for my UITableViewController. All of the subviews vary in size depending on data retrieved for a particular item. layoutSubViews is getting called for the UIView before I can determine the size of each label. This causes a problem because I set the size of the view within th...

UITableview freeze the app while scrolling

hai Guys, in my app i am using the combination of tabbarcontroller, navigation controller and tableview controller. The view hierarchy of the app is UITabBarController | |_ UINavigationController | |_ UITableView | ...

How to resize UI Table View of a UI Table View Controller programmatically?

Hi, I subclassed UITableViewController and called it FeaturedGamesViewController. Ok, I also have a navigation controller to which I added this FeaturedGamesViewController as the root. All pretty standard stuff that you do in the App Delegate. Also note that there is no NIB file created for FeaturedGamesViewController. Just subclassing...

NSFetchedResultsController and UITableViewCell

I have a UITableViewController fetching a collection of objects A with a NSFetchedResultsController. This works well and if these objet A's properties are updated, the UITableViewCell for A reflects the change. The problem: this object has a relationship A->[B1, B2, B3...]. The cell is using some of the B's properties in its display. ...

Can I subclass UITableView to make it a specific style?

Basically I want to re-style UITableView(Controller). Each cell will have a picture as a background and such. this tableview will be used throughout the app thats why I want to subclass it, because I want to be able to define the style once and then reuse it everywhere, but still be able to change things per view. For instance, I'd like ...

reloading a tableview when source is NSURLConnection and gets new data

I tabController app with uitableview getting NSURLconnection data and trying to display it. I can't figure out the issue. If I replace the connection with an array I'm storing all the drill-down works, but updating doesn't, So I think that the tableView end of things is fine. BUT: If I put [[self.tableview] reloadData]; in the -(void) ...

iPhone UITableViewController move only specific rows in a table

I have implemented a standard UITableViewController. I have made only some rows in the table to be moveable, ie. canMoveRowAtIndexPath returns true only for some indexPaths (for rows in the first part of the table). I would like to allow exchange of only those rows that are moveable, ie. for which canMoveRowAtIndexPath returns true. Eg...

Initialization for ViewController under NavController in TabBarController

I have the relatively common setup of a TabBarController whose tabs contain NavigationControllers which have TableViewControllers as their roots. I'm trying to perform some logic on initialization of one of these TableViewControllers but can't seem to find what init function gets called. My goal is to add a listener in the TableViewCont...

Managing View Controllers in iPad port

I've got an app that I've developed for the iPhone, but now want to port to the iPad. The iPhone app is navigation style and based on discrete table view controllers managed by a nav controller. The larger screen real estate of the iPad means that I can comfortably fit a couple of these table view controllers on to the screen at the same...