
HOW TO: Layout images in a view that mimics the layout of application icons on the iPhone?

The iPhone shows applications icons, with the application name below ea. icon, on the screen 4 across and 4 down. What is the best way to replicate this type of view in a custom iPhone application? For example, I'd like to show a grid of players in a game I'm developing in a UIScrollView that shows a thumbnail of each player and their ...

How to adding custom views around a UITableView?

Is there a way to add custom views above and below a UITableView? I'd like to have a custom header and a custom back button in the footer. What would be the best to do this? I've started by subclassing UITableViewController and tried resizing the UITableView. In vain. Tried adding a new main view to UITableViewController and adding t...

iPhone Key-Value Observer: observer not registering in UITableViewController

Hi Fellow iPhone Developers, I am an experienced software engineer but new to the iPhone platform. I have successfully implemented sub-classed view controllers and can push and pop parent/child views on the view controller stack. However, I have struck trouble while trying to update a view controller when an object is edited in a child ...

UITableViewController problems

I have a nib that contains two TableViews. The table views are of the same class that I have created that is a subclass of a UITableViewController. I believe that everything is hooked up correctly. However, when I set the UITableView to the UITableViewController then run [uitableviewcontrollervariablename reloadData]; I first get a w...

Core Data backed UITableView with indexing

I am trying to implement a Core Data backed UITableView that supports indexing (eg: the characters that appear down the side, and the section headers that go with them). I have no problems at all implementing this without Core Data using: - (NSString *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView titleForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section; - (NSA...

Cocoa-Touch Fun. Name the Alphanumerically Longest Method Name?

So, as I get comfortable with Cocoa/Cocoa-Touch I, like others can't help but notice the rather verbose method names. What is the absolutely longest method in Cocoa-Touch that you have come across? To kick things off, I submit that perennial favorite from UITableViewController - tableView:accessoryButtonTappedForRowWithIndexPath: Che...

Fast Scrolling table cells with images. Is this how it is done?

Hello, I'm try to create a fast scrolling list using the creator of Tweetie, Loren Brichter's technique. I believe the idea is to "do your own drawing" instead of using using subviews and images in the UITableViewCell. Below I have extend his example to include an image and I'm not sure if this is the correct way to do it? I have bee...

What is the easiest way to add a row in a UITableView with a user-provided string?

I have a simple UITableViewController in a UINavigationController that displays a list of strings from an array with the default Edit/Done button on the right-hand side of the navigation bar. When pressing the Edit button, the UITableView animates correctly and shows the red minus icons to delete. Pressing the delete button removes the ...

UITableViewController cell fadeout

Hey, I'm creating a UINavigationController based app. And in the first view i have a UITableViewController. I want to have the same behaviour that the Contacts App have. 1) User select contact 2) System show contact details 3) User selects que back button 4) System returns to the tableview, and fadeout the cell I can only do this if ...

iPhone UITableView PlainStyle with custom background image - done "entirely" in code.

Hi I have been all over the place, seems the UITableView with a static background issue is well documented, but no one with a straight forward solution? Im building my TableViews entirely in code, like this: UIViewController *tableViewController = [[TableViewController alloc] init]; navigationController = [[UINavigationController a...

UIButton inside UITableViewController

I have a UIButton that is created inside of each table cell. I want to hook up a touch event like so: [imageButton addTarget:self action:@selector(startVote:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; I want to pass data about the current row (the id of the object for that row) to the startVote method. Is th...

Is it possible to programatically set a UITableViewController's dataSource?

I've created an application using the Navigation-based template in Xcode. I've also created a class that implements the UITableViewDataSource protocol and would like to use it for that UITableView in the RootViewController. I've tried setting the dataSource property in viewDidLoad, and in all flavors of initializers, but I can't get it ...

How do I do a View Transition in an iPhone app without allowing back?

This is a total noob question. I have a starting view -- it's very simple: just some text and a button. When the user clicks the button, I want to go to the real "meat" of the application, which is a Navigation/Table View. How do I connect the button on the IntroViewController to a transition to the RootViewController? I don't want to m...

Load UITableView inside a UIView

Do I need a UITableViewController in addition to my UIViewController if I want to load a UITableView as a subview along with several other views at one time? ...

Present Navigation Table View modally, who is the delegate?

Basically I have a hierarchy of locations: country, state/prov, city. I want to present an "Add Location" modal table using a delegate. I realize the best way to do this is to present my top level elements in a TableView, and if they are selected, I want to go down to the 'next' level. Any of the locations however, on any level should...

Scrolling the table view after reloading uitableview

In my application, I want to append cells to the current tableview and have it scroll to the first added cell after the cells have all been appended. I have done the appended code by calling appending to the stack and calling [tableview reloadData]. However, I was wondering if there is a delegate or a notification that is sent by the uit...

Replace Xcode's Navigation template UITableViewController with a UIViewController and UITableView

Is there any simple way to replace a UITableViewController from Xcode's "Navigation based application" with Core Data with a UIViewController containing a UITableView? I'm looking to add things that the normal UITableViewController can't have, so I replaced it with a UIViewController, but my problem is that whenever I do replace the UIV...

Method to Display Cell Again in UITableViewController

Which method should I use in order to display a cell again in a UITableViewController? ...

Is it possible to access a UITableView's ScrollView In Code From A Nib?

Right now I am creating a UITableView in a FlipsideView nib. I don't seem to be able to change the background of the table view from within interface builder. I can fix this by creating an outlet and then setting the background. However, I want to give the scroll view rounded corners in order to create a look similar to the iPhone wea...

iPhone: UITableView scrolling under Tab Bar

I've got a UITableView and I can't figure out how to get the size right. My app is based on the Tab Navigator template. One tab's view loads a NIB that contains a Navigation Controller. The root view controller of the Navigation Controller has it's class set to a UITableViewController that doesn't have a corresponding NIB. The UITableVi...