
How to make half curl animation in iPhone like the maps app ?

Hi All, I am using the following code for page curl animation [UIView beginAnimations:@"yourAnim" context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationTransition:UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp forView:yourView cache:cacheFlag]; ... [UIView commitAnimations]; Is it possible to make the half curl animation like the maps.app on iphone/ipod ? Any ideas ho...

How do I control the background color during the iPhone flip view animation transition?

I have some pretty standard flipping action going on: [UIView beginAnimations:@"swapScreens" context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationTransition:UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromLeft forView:self.view cache:YES]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:1.0]; [self.view exchangeSubviewAtIndex:0 withSubviewAtIndex:1]; [UIView commitAnimations]; To Apple...

iPhone: scale UIView about a specific point

I want to animate the scaling down of a UIView, but not about its center: about a different point. As a shot in the dark, I tried translating the view, scaling, then translating back, using a series of CGAffineTransforms. But it doesn't work: it still scales about the center. Anyone know how to do this? Thanks very much. ...

Is it a UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromRight bug ?

Hi, I've got next problem: I've nice worked flip animation, but when before animation i've rotate my device: 1/ Flip going by the horizontal axis (rather than vertical as it should) 2/ My controller.view (i've use controller.view) has previous orientation. Where am I wrong? thanks ...

is it OK to have multiple small UIVIEWANIMATION

Hello everyone, basically i have a game that has multiple UIVIEWANIMATION with small time intervals(0.2sec-0.5sec) and basically 1 animation will trigger another one etc.. The game stars off fine and I cannot see any leaks so far and the mem peaks around 5.0mb in the heap. But as the game goes on it slows down. I first suspected IOS4 sin...

How to pause and resume UIView Animation?

hi all, I have a UIView with several UILabels that is animating from top to bottom and vice versa. A sort of Autoque let's say :) I use 2 functions: -(void)goUp -(void)goDown Those functions start a UIView animation to the required position.They both have an AnimationDidStopSelector defined that calls the other function at the end....

I would like to make UIView animation like Mac genie minimize effect

Hi, I have 2 UIViews and I would like them to replace places in the main view in animation like the mac or a better example is in iMovie, the way how the two windows replacing places. Thanks! ...

Problems with UIView Animation of frame property

Hallo! That's really strange.. i'm changing the frame between two states. In case one, it's animated correctly, in case two (back to original size) only x/y is animated, but width/height instantly changes. Any Idea? Greetz // strange behavior [UIView beginAnimations: @"photobtn" context: nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration: 0.15...

Animating UILabel Fade In/Out

I am going to end up with an array of RSS feeds, and would like a label or some such to display them at the bottom of the view. I would like to animate through each feed in the array. This is what i have so far to animate, which, works for the fade, but only animates the last item of the array. feed = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGR...

How can I define multiple options for UIViewAnimation?

Probably it is just a question of proper syntax. I use the animateWithDuration:delay:options:animations:completion: UIView method. The options: is the problematic part here: when I assign only one option (for example UIViewAnimationOptionCurveEaseInOut) everything works fine. What if I want to assign multiple options to the same a...

UIVIew animation - Scaling + Translating

Hi, I have a view which I want to be scaled and translated to a new location by animating it. I tried to achieve it with the following code: [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:kDurationForFullScreenAnimation]; [[self animatingView] setFrame:finalRect]; [UIView commitAnimations]; The effect of this ...

How to animate views from the Tab Bar Controller iphone

I am having trouble trying to animate views (Xib files) controlled by the Tab Bar controller. My program is mostly built using Interface Builder to implement the Tab Bar Controller with four buttons and the four seperate XIB files that are called by the Tab Bar Controller. Is there a simple way to get the views to animate when pushing a...

UIScrollView touch events during animation not firing with animateWithDuration: but work fine with UIView beginAnimations:

I have a UIScrollView subclass that I am programmatically scrolling using UIView animations. I'd like the user to be able to tap or zoom into the UIImageView content of the Scroll View while the animation is taking place. This has worked fine while using a formulation akin to this: - (void) scrollSmoothlyatPixelsPerSecond:(float)thePi...

show animation when addsubview

Hello, I want to add a subview with animation. i am using add sub view so it is not showing any animation so i want to show any animation when i am doing this... i am using below code :- UIViewController *vControllerHome = [[viewTemp alloc] initWithNibName:@"viewTemp" bundle:nil]; vControllerHome.view.frame =CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 414);...

layoutSubviews during an animation?

I have a UIView with a bunch of subviews, all positioned using -layoutSubviews. When the view is resized, the relative positions all change. I'd like these re-calculations to happen during an animated resize (using +[UIView beginAnimations:] calls). This doesn't seem to be happening. Any ideas? ...

CABasicAnimation is ignored during rotation

I have a UIView that in the layoutSubviews method repositions its subviews based on the orientation of the iPad. Within the layoutSubviews method I have a CABasicAniamtion that is supposed to animate the repositioning of the subviews. The animations are set to specific duration but this duration is being ignored and repositioning happe...

animating a button with delays - iPhone

I'm trying to have a button move to a co-ordinates, pause, move to another co-orinates, pause, then move again. the process should then repeat infinitely. what I have right now just moves the last step. this is what I have so far ('mover' is the UIButton name): - (void) firstAnimation { [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL...

What can be passed in (void *)context?

I'm doing some UIView animation stuff using [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil]; // ... Animation configuration ... [UIView setAnimationDelegate:self]; [UIView setAnimationDidStopSelector:@selector(animationEnded:finished:context:)]; [UIView commitAnimations]; Regarding the following question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3...

animate number change

hi. i want to build a component that will be able to show a integer number max 5 digits in the style of the old analog car counters and animate the digit change. that looks something like this maybe... i have tried searching for this kinda of examples but i couldn't find anything so far. in your opinion what is the best approach t...

UIView animation block not animation view's subviews...

I am unable to achieve any animation with the following code: if (self.segmentControl.selectedSegmentIndex == 0) { [UIView transitionFromView:tableView toView:mapView duration:1.0 options:UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromLeft completion:nil ...