
Multiple UIView types in one UIViewController

I'd like to load a plain UIView, a UIWebView and a UITableView all in the same nib. Is that possible in the same UIViewController? Is it possible to assign multiple UIViewControllers to the same Window? ...

Interface Builder. How do I Replace Programatic ViewControllers with IB ViewControllers?

As I move more and more of my UI construction from XCode to IB there is one remaining hurdle I need to clear. Currently, I create my custom viewControllers in XCode with custom initializers. They typically have a bunch of ivars that are set during initialization via passed params. I would really like to move as much of this as I can to ...

Framebuffer Object Problem

Hello I'm programming in OpenGLES for the iPhone but I'm currently stuck with a strange framebuffer object error. At first I was following a few tutorials from Simon Maurice: http://web.me.com/smaurice/AppleCoder/Welcome.html But then I moved on to do a few experiments of my own before continuing with other tutorials, however my experi...

Accessing pushViewController's methods from popViewController

Hi All, I am working on a view based application. In this i have two viewcontrollers. They are: Rootviewcontroller and Detailviewcontroller. Now i am passing a values to Detailviewcontroller using pushViewController method.It works fine. But now when i pop out from this Detailviewcontroller i should access myfunction in Rootviewcontrol...

UIViewController loadView method

when overriding the loadView method in UIViewController, should one call [super loadView] in the beginning of the method or at the end of the method? And why? ...

How can I have my iPhone app start with a specific screen showing?

I have a big app with lots of screens, all arranged in a hierarchy, with a UITabBarController at the top, UINavigationControllers below that, and then UIView Controllers below those, maybe with a modal controller somewhere thrown in for good measure. The user is allowed to pick a start screen from a list. Once selected, next time the ap...

Can a subclass of UIViewController directly control a UIImageView

Is it bad form to point the view property of my UIViewController subclass directly at a UIImageView? Or should my UIImageView be embedded in a UIView? I can't think of any problems with it, and it seems to work alright, but I thought I'd ask the hive-mind if there are any negative consequences to doing this. ...

New to iPhone SDK: touchesBegan not called

Hi, I created a very very basic iPhone app with File/New Projet/View-Based application. No NIB file there. Here is my appDelegate .h @interface MyAppDelegate : NSObject <UIApplicationDelegate> { UIWindow *window; MyViewController *viewController; } .m - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)applicati...

How to add an overlay view to a UIWindow that rotates

I have an app that rotates on some (but not all) screens, and I also want to add a UIView as an overlay that shows up on all screens, so I thought I'd add it to the window. The problem now is that when I rotate the device, the screens rotate, but the overlay view does not. I also tried using two UIViewControllers, one for the normal st...

One viewcontroller for multiple UITabBar sections

I'm currently developing a simple iPhone application using a UITabBar and table views for displaying data. The tabbar contains 8 sections, each containing the same view but using a different data source, the title of the table view is also different, but apart from that the views are the same. I'd like to use the same viewcontroller for...

UIDatePicker and previous view

As with the settings page, I have a UI that displays a list of parameters, one of which is a date. When the user presses the row containing the date, a controller displaying a UIDatePicker is pushed. What is the best way to update the table row with the selected value of the UIDatePicker when the user presses the back button to go back...

Transitioning to a view of unknown type in a navigation-based iPhone app

In my iPhone application, a user selects an item from a UITableView to choose a resource to view. The UIViewController subclass required to handle the resource is not known until the resource is retrieved, which may take a few seconds. In response to the selection action, I push a "loading" view controller on the nav stack. That cont...

Elegant architecture for home view search feature (iphone SDK)

Hi, I have an application with a set of tabs. In one of the tabs I have implemented a table with searchbar feature (lets call this controller A). I have now added a home view to the application, which is laid over the tabController view. I would like to add a searchbar to the home view (let's call this controller B), which is essenti...

Showing a one-time UIViewController via presentModalViewController upon launch

Greetings! I have a working iPhone app (huzzah!) that uses a MainView.xib containing a fully-stocked UITabBar with several UINavigationController objects and views at-the-ready. I've now been asked to add a one-time registration view to this mix. This view would appear before the UITabBar at app-launch, get some info from the user, regi...

How to design UIPageControl app?

Is the correct way of designing a UIPageControl based app still like the PageControl sample (7/3/2008) on the Apple developer site...built for OS 2.0? In that sample, it uses the same xib and controller for the pages. If I have five pages, can I use five different controller/xib pairs for each page? Is that as straight forward as it s...

How to push viewcontroller ( view controller ) ?

Hi, Memory management is a very important issue in iPhone. So I am asking a very general question. There are two ways to call a the viewController of another class. Way 1: AnotherClassViewController *viewController = [[[AnotherClassViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"AnotherClassView" bundle:nil] autorelease]; [self.navigationCo...

Passing an NSDictionary to a ViewController from AppDelegate

This is related to a question I asked earlier, but the original question was answered. Hope it's okay to open a new question, if not, feel free to delete it. I'm trying to build a simple iPhone application using tableviews and a tabbar. Every view is the same programmatically, except for the title and the kind of data which needs to be ...

Update UIViewControllers after switching of the tabbar selection

I have two view controllers in a tabbar which can both edit data. Therefore, I need to call a reload_data function whenever the user makes a switch on the tabbar. How can I catch the switch or the appearance of the viewcontroller. Somehow viewDidAppear is not called on a tabbar switch. And I do not want to use the tabbarController delega...

Reusing UIViewController for modal and non-modal situations

I have a UIViewController — let's call it "FormController" — which is simply a form that edits an object. I want to use it in 2 different situations: Creating a new object — using using UINavigationController's presentModalViewController: method. Editing an existing object — push the view controller onto the UINavigationController st...

Load UITableView inside a UIView

Do I need a UITableViewController in addition to my UIViewController if I want to load a UITableView as a subview along with several other views at one time? ...