
entity nbsp not defined

I have been trying to load the url http://friscotxcoc.weblinkconnect.com/cwt/External/WCPages2/wcevents/eventsstartpage.aspx?oe=true&ce=true into a webview but it shows up an error 'Entity nbsp not found'. The link works properly over Safari (Machine as well as simulator) but doesnt load properly when loaded through a webview. Can so...

Displaying HTTPS Page in a UIWebView

Hi, I've been searching for hours but can't seem to find an answer to this question. I have an https site that I'd like to display in a UIWebView. I can display simple sites like google in the webview but my https site is giving me no joy. I've tried ASIHTTPREQUEST and everything, but still no luck. Any help/code would be greatly ap...

How to call method automatically when switching views in TabBar app with a single ViewController

My application uses UITabBarController with 4 tabs. Each tab will have a UIWebView along with other types of objects. When the app launches I need to call the method for this first webView to retrieve my web content. I have this method in my viewdidLoad: [self performSelectorInBackground:@selector(getAdvisory) withObject:nil]; The w...

Why my webview detects events along with phone number

Hi friends Why my webview detects events along with phone number? my code is webview.dataDetectorTypes= UIDataDetectorTypePhoneNumber. Is it can disable the events alone. Regards, sathish ...

Using Retina images in a local UIWebView

For some reason, I cannot get a UIWebView to "play nice" with my new Retina images. The issue, step-by-step: I am loading a series of HTML help files out of the bundle. My code loads different HTML files if it's an iPhone 4 (LWERetinaUtils below is a util class I have written). I have read in this question that it is not possible for...

Load HTML NSString into a UIWebView

Im doing a project where I connect to a webpage using the NSURLConnection to be able to monitor the status codes that are returned (200 OK / 404 ERROR). I would like to send the user to the top url www.domain.com if I recieve 404 as status code and if i recieve as 200 status code I would like to load the page in to a webview. I have seen...

window.orientation is not working in UIWebView

Hi, I am using 3.2 and 4.0 iOs and I am trying to run html file in UIWebView. the html file contains to following lines: var pwint = function(text) { var output = document.getElementById('output'); output.innerHTML = output.innerHTML + text + '\n'; }; var reorient = function(e) { pwint('Window Orientation: ' + window.orientation); ...

Detecting of scroll bar is visible in the UIWebView

I need to detect if the scroll bar is visible in the UIWebView, how do I do this? My first attempt was: int scrollHeight = [[webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"document.documentElement.scrollHeight"] intValue]; if(scrollHeight > [webView frame].size.height) NSLog(@"Scrollbar is visible"); But the scrollHeight is alwa...

hiding tabbar and navbar

hi, I have a uiwebview in a navigation bar which is in turn inside a tabbar item. I want to know how to hide the tabbar and navigation bar the moment the user takes off his finger from the screen just like hiding the toolbar in the default photos app in the iPhone. I should also be able to show the tabbar and the navigation bar when i ...

Calling a method when UIWebView scrolls...

I have a UIWebView that contains a lot of text content. I need to be able to get the location of the UIWebView every time it moves. I am using this code to get the point: pageYOffset = [[webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"window.pageYOffset"] intValue]; now I just need to make it so that this variables value is updated e...

If statement in Xcode to determine which HTML page is being loaded by a UIWebView

Hi guys, I have a UIWebView on my interface and I have added a UIToolbar with a next button and previous button. When I press the next button, I want the WebView to load a different HTML page. BUT I also want to run an if statement to determine which HTML page the WebView currently has in it. So For example. If the UIWebView has index...

Acess files with the same name in Sub-Subdirectories

First my structure: Application |---> dirA |---> dirB |---> index.html |---> somefile.js |---> dirC |---> index.html |---> somefile.js |---> dirD |---> index.html |---> somefile.js some problems here. i need to load the index.html of this different dirs in my webview. but ...

Maintaining Directory Structure when loading local files into UIWebview on iPhone

Hello All, I'm noticing a minor annoyance when working with local files in a UIWebview and hoping there is a simple workaround. As a simplified example lets say in my xCode project I have a folder called "WebProject" that contains an html file and a subfolder called "images" where the images reside. The html file references the images a...

How to improve UIWebView scrolling performance?

It seems to be really hard to improve the performance of a UIWebView, especially for websites like Mashable or Ars Technica, where tons of scripts are loaded and long, multi-page articles are common. I'm aware of 3 similar questions, but they both have no working solution: UIWebView scrolls jerkily - private API calls like -(void)_set...