
Is StarUML dead?

StarUML is a very powerful, free and easy-to-use UML modeling tool, but it seems the project stopped. Does anyone know what happened? Is it possible to get a new version of it? ...

Eclipse Modelling Framework (EMF): How to get the DomainModel from a Magicdraw UML2 Export

Hi, I want to use the EMF for Code Generation, so I wrote some methods to load my UML2 File which I generated myself. This works fine with the following code: protected void registerResources() { resourceSet.getPackageRegistry().put(UMLPackage.eNS_URI, UMLPackage.eINSTANCE); resourceSet.getResourceFactoryRegistry().getExtensio...

C++ to UML ( Reverse engineer / Round-trip engineering )

I am looking for a tool that can reverse engineer C++ to UML (and vice-versa). However, the crucial requirement is that it can correctly parse method (member function) bodies so that dependencies are correctly identified. More Detail: In the following code, ClassA is dependant on ClassB, so the UML tool needs to show this with a dashed...

Should I use UML when designing new code and algorithms?

I'm designing a new system and finding that I am struggling with the structure of what I want to do. A symptom is that every time I re-approach the problem I have to try to draw the relationships of the components on paper. (It is not yet clear in my mind as to what these components are precisely or what the relationship is - for example...

Is there any term by the name 'consultation' in software engineering?

Is there any term by the name 'consultation' in UML? If yes please explain or point to some resource. (Am writing the the paragraph below because may be you know it by some other name.) From the very limited knowledge that I have is that it is related to 'delegation'. My guess is that in delegation you transfer the task as it is to ano...

How can I represent a Map class member in UML?

When I have a class with a Map member, I don't want to draw a separate class/interface object to represent the Map itself, but I'd prefer to treat the map as if it was a native type, rather than a complex object. Consider the following example public class IndexManagerImpl implements IndexManager { /* ... */ private static Map...

What should be the sequence of diagrams creation in UML?

As we know UML contains 13 types of diagrams (structural and behavioral) before starting a software developement, we are in requirement and design phase so which diagram should be create and when? .. What should be the sequence of diagrams creation in UML in requirement and design phase? In fact if there is no rigid sequence then first...

Is this use case is correct and proper according to uml?

Is This use case is correct/proper according to UML? if not please give some input to improve it.. The ways we can look on it as the boundary value "Use Cases" can be described something as "Release Phase 1"? Writer Module/Reader Module should be proper Ator? ...

Algorithm to create a "scruffy" paper effect for UML Diagrams ?

I like the scruffy paper effect of UML diagrams, is there an algorithm for that preferably not in Ruby but in PHP, java or C#, I would like to see if It's easy to do the same thing in Rebol: ...

Designing JSF applications with UML 2

Does anyone know of a good article about how to represent a JSF application in JSF? I found the article on JSF central about the storyboard approach. However, this is incomplete. This is the only resource I can find on this subject. Any recommendations? Thanks in advance, Zack ...

A UML way to describe a key/value datastore ?

Hi all, I'm currently writing the documentation for a database using berkeleyDB. I'd like to draw UML diagram describing the keys and the values of the datastores. Is there a 'standard' way to describe this kind of database using UML ? Thanks ...

FLOSS sequence diagram programme?

I want to create some sequence diagrams. Is there a good FLOSS tool for creating good sequence diagrams? Preferably I'd like something that takes some sort of simple text input and spits out a pdf/ps/png/svg. The less manual work I need to do aligning arrows and lines the better. Bonus points if it's in ubuntu's standard package manager...

In Uml sequence diagram, shall we include private functions of a class?

In Uml sequence diagram, shall we include private functions of a class? ...

How To create a UML diagram for Source Code Files?

I have one scenario That our program output will generate two source code files as ABC.c (1 code file) ABC.h (1 header file) these two files will be added to many other external programs and exe of those programs will be created Now my issue is for drawing a deployment diagram for those source code files, how can i display this sce...

Display visibility in Argo UML

How do I get Argo UML to display the visibility of properties and methods in a class diagram? ...

How to draw a class's metaclass in UML?

If class A is created by its __metaclass M, how does the arrow look in UML? The stereotype syntax seems to be related. I didn't look in Python UML tools yet. ...

xmi metadata interchange/uml

One of the purposes for XMI (XML Metadata Interchange) is to allow and easy interchange of metadata between UML modeling tools and MOF- based metadata repositories in distributed heterogeneous environments. Although XMI standard has been designed for the above mentioned purpose, it has been largely ineffective in the interchange of UML 2...

how to draw namespace/package scope method/variable in UML?

I'm currently trying to draw a class diagram of a couple of namespaces in C++. Right now, some variables and methods inside the namespace(free, not part of classes) are part of the namespace API, others are the external part of some classes API (like operator<< and those). I'm only willing to represent those methods/vars that expose na...

Should UML be used for creating GUI's?

Anyone has experience using UML to create a GUI? What are the pros and cons? ...

Is there a way in UML to express something like "virtual" use cases?

I am doing requirement analysis so I'm writing some use case diagrams. I'll try to clarify what I mean by virtual test case with the following example: I have a set of operations, for example {create, read, update, delete}. I would like to group them in a kind of virtual use case, so I can later extend it and create a new use case with ...