
Use case modelling for calculator

hi, i need help modelling a use case diagram from a topic, it will be in java GUI Design a Calculator that 1.Allow user to key in a legitimate arithmetic statement that involves number, operator +, - and bracket '(' and ')' ; 2.When user press “Calculate” button, display result; 3.Some legitimate statement would be ((3+2)-4+2) (equa...

hierarchical statecharts designer with code generation

What is the best free and the best commercial tool that lets me draw uml hierarchical statechats like in the picture below. It would also be cool if it could generate the c# source code stubs. ...

What UML diagram should I use for simple application features..?

I'm really confused about this, tried to read a lot about diagrams but I just can't understand what is most suitable for this case. I need just TO SHOW that I have 10 modules, which have 10 features. One of that feature can call other module feature.. something like this. very simple. it's better just to be some kind of blocks with de...

How to design a UML diagram with a scripting language?

I'm designing a software component which will get instructions from other components on how the UML diagram should look like, and then will produce this UML diagram in different presentation ways (in SVG, GIF, etc.), for example (in Java): DiagramDesigner designer = new DiagramDesigner(); designer.setStyle('Use Cases') designer.addActor...

Does any MOF implementation exist in C++?

Is there any alternative to JMI for C++? Thanks for the links or suggestions. ...

Who is the primary actor of an automated system?

In an automated black box trading application who should be identified as the primary actor in the use cases? Is it the system itself or the system administrator or the organization who has a vested interested in the system? ...

Modeling software using Eclipse plugin

Hey all, I am brand new to modeling software (my greatest reference so far has been the Wikipedia page on UML). Are there any free tools that I can use with Eclipse to auto-generate diagrams? Thanks EDIT:Just to clarify, I am not necessarily looking for the 'right' solution, as I don't have a specific problem. I am just trying to s...

What is the technique behind the code generation feature of UML tools

Hello everyone. I am an engineering student, and deciding upon my final year project. One of the many candidates is an online UML tool with code generation facilities. But I did not take compiler designing classes, so I am not much aware of the code generation techniques. I want to know about the techniques that I should look to stud...

Reverse Engineer to get UML with PostgreSQL

Are there are any tools available for use with Postgres so that I can generate UML for the database that I have already created. ...

C# & UML: Looking for an example of using uml for modeling a software and its related c# code?

hi I'm looking for an example of using uml for modeling a software and its related c# code? windows-based application is prefered. Thank you ...

UML Diagram choice

What would be the best UML diagram to show decoupling of two multithreaded classes, joined by a producer consumer queue. I've done a whole bundle of class diagrams in the past, but they seem to be really static. Is it possibly the case that UML is not very good at modelling threading. Thanks. ...

Enterprise Architect version 7.5.844 State Diagrams

i am trying to learn EA but got stuck trying to produce State Diagrams. when i start a new project it gives me several option regarding what kind of document i wish to create. but i dont see the option to creat state diagrams. am i overlooking something? apologies for not being a programming question. thank you. ...

object oriented analysis and design

hi guys, i'm doing a system these days, my first one actually and i'm in trouble doing OOAD, i need some help from you all, i'm familiar with diagrams drawn in UML,but when given a scenario i can't make a link, can't see a flow of them, for example now i'm designing the system, i've done use case diagrams and activity diagrams and now i...

Is it legal UML in a Statemachine diagram, to give Final state a name, ex. "deleted" ?

Is it legal UML in a Statemachine diagram, to give Final state a name, ex. "deleted" ? I can't do it in Astah. /hw ...

Learn UML but from C# perspective... (i'm beginner)

Hi, I need to learn UML but from a C# perspective. I'm beginner with C# language, so I don't have any experience in C/C++ and other languages. I'm a freshstart learner with C#. So I check google/books but they explain with VB/JAVA code and other IDEs. I need to find a book or extensive page about learn UML with C#. I know a little ...

USE CASE UML Modeling different ways to System access (SMS, IVR, WEB)

Hi, I’m working on a USE CASE diagram but I’m having problems modeling the following: A user wants to inquire his balance, but he can do it by phone, SMS or IVR. How should I represent the different ways? Each one has different flows. Should I model just one use case for each one, or should I represent the different ways as extended use ...

What is draw the structure of php application?

I have been asked to make a php application. There is a part in the requirements that says draw the structure of application and scripting as well. What does it mean? I have already done the script. Does it mean that I have to make a diagram of it, like DB diagram in dia or in some other software? If it is like UML design then ...

Modelling a permissions system

How would you model a system that handles permissions for carrying out certain actions inside an application? ...

UML class diagram: to add fields used to implement relationships or not?

Hi all, I am trying to figure out if it is correct to put in the fields of the particular class a reference to an object/collection that this class is related with. Let's say I have a class University that aggregates many instances of Student class. When I put on my diagram both classes, I add the relationship of aggregation between th...

reverse java code to UML notation?

Class Engine has "start(c:Component)" method. So do we need to draw an association between Engine and Component Class IF there is no "new Component()" inside Engine class. Thanks & regards ...