
Eclipse plugin or a Open source tool to reverse engineer java code for sequence diagram

I am looking out for a eclipse plugin or an open source tool to reverse engineer the sequence diagrams. I tried using Alto UML, but it just gives out sequence diagram of the class chose. I would like to have a sequence diagram of the whole call stack with methods, input arguments and output arugments as well. Could you please let me kno...

Difference between types of messages in sequence diagrams.

What is the difference between? Self message Recursive message Re-entrant message thanks ...

Enterprise Architect Communication Diagrams question

I want to achieve something like this in Enterprise Architect's Communication Diagrams: start() ---------------- 1. create() ------------ ------------> | RGController | ---------------> | U : User | ---------------- ------------ But I am facing 2 problems: It seems I have to always make a c...

Should I draw 2 sequence diagram if I have one use case with different behaviour according to the roles of user?

If a use case is performed by 2 different users and the flow of activities changes according to this role, should be specified in 2 different sequence diagram one per role? ...

Sequence Diagram return a new constructed Object

I am drawing a Sequence Diagram where the scenario is. 1. an Actor calls :Table::query(query:String) :Table::query Calls :Connection::execute(query) :Connection::execute <> a new :Row Object :Connection::execute calls :Row::fillData(result) :Connection::execute returns :Row ...... There are More But I am Stuck in Step 5 I cant Under...

How to express loops in Communication Diagrams?

I'd like to know how to express in a Communication Diagram something like: foreach (User user in UsersCatalog) { list.add(user.getId()); } I actually have something like the following (Utilizador = User) but as you'll notice it does not represent well the fact that I am doing something like a loop. How can I accomplish this? ...

deriving activity diagram-based GUIs and CRUD them with a DB?

i received a big book full of processes. i was thinking about the end user (they will be lawyers) and decided the best GUI would be showing activity diagrams or business processes. It reminded me Quickbooks and how non-accountants can successfully use it and understand accounting processes. i began doing research before sending my proje...

Eclipse UML plugin?

I want a UML modelling tool, preferably as an eclipse plugin that can perform the following: model UML diagrams Generate stub java code from the diagrams Edited: The tool must be open source as I don't want to purchase it. ...

Making the domain-model of tic tac toe

I am trying to make the domain model of a Tic Tac Toe game. I'll try then to go on through the various steps of the Unified Process and later implement it in some language (C# or Java). I'd like to have some feedback if I'm going on the right path: I've defined the game with two actors, Player O and Player X. I'm not sure about def...

anybody using AmaterasUML in eclipse

Does it automatically creates the sequeance diagram? or we have to drag and drop the related java files and then manually create the sequence diagram? This was the only link i could find on google Thanks ...

Using collections/containers/catalogs in Domain Models

Let's say I want to model a cinema. The cinema will have a couple of rooms(for example, 7), where the movies are being played. I wonder how should I design the domain model for this scenario. Should the Cinema class concept concept have a direct association with the 7 rooms? Should the Cinema class concept have an association with a ...

Where to start when doing a Domain Model?

Let's say I've made a list of concepts I'll use to draw my Domain Model. Furthermore, I have a couple of Use Cases from which I did a couple of System Sequence Diagrams. When drawing the Domain Model, I never know where to start from: Designing the model as I believe the system to be. This is, if I am modelling a the human body, I sta...

Export a Quick Model from Xcode?

I was looking for a quick way to generate UML like documentation for my project when I stumbled across the Quick Model menu item in Xcode. I was wondering if there were a way to export these diagrams in a non-platform-specific file format like png or pdf? Basically I want to take some quick visual diagrams (illustrating component relatio...

How can you represent a .NET DataType in a UML Diagram

I am new to UML diagramming, but I'm trying to learn the ropes. Using a tool such as Visio or AgroUML how would you represent a .NET Datatype in your diagram? Two examples that I would like to do: DataTable List<MyObject> The only method I see right now is creating a class that represents a datatable. As far as representing collect...

When to define SDD(System Sequence Diagram) operations System->Actor?

I am having some trouble understanding how to make System Sequence Diagrams, as I don't fully grasp why in some cases one should define operations for System -> Actor and in others don't. Here is an example: Let's assume the System is a Cinema Ticket Store and the Actor is a client that wants to buy a ticket. 1) The User tells the Syst...

I have many processes in my usecase , is this normal ?

Hi, I'm working now on a big system that consists of many subsystems , each subsystem depends on the other. I wrote a usecase for this system , but I note that I have many processes in my usecase ( more than 40 processes ! ) . it looks like this : Group subsystem: add Group. remove Group. join to Group. upload file. create poll. remov...

TDD and UML together

I'm new to TDD approach so I'm wondering if anyone experienced wit this could enlighten me a little. I would like to get some leads how to use UML and TDD methodology together. I've been used to: Design with UML --> Generate skeleton classes (and then keep it synchronized) -> Implement and finally Test. I must admit that testing part wa...

GUI editor for DOT language (Mac OS)

Hi, i have a problem. I need to create pure diagram for my project (Django). I use django-extensions to generate DOT diagram. Diagram is very pure, but now i want to add for example comments on this diagram. It is possible to do this? Maybe anyone can advise me some software for this? ...

Domain Model and Contracts

I am modelling a DVD Rental Store: A Client gives its clientNumber to the System. The System checks whenever the given clientNumber is valid. The Client gives the name of the DVD he wants to rent. ... ...I will later have to form an association between a new instance of Rent DVD class concept to the current Client c. My Domain Model ...

UML interface: URL iframe integration

I have two applications, A and B, both with a web-based user interface. Both applications are integrated via an URL iframe mechanism. A user can click on a link in application A and then gets the UI of application B as am iframe in application A. Now, since both applications have an interface between each other (do they?): Who provide...