
Unable to generate test for ASHX handler methods in ASP.NET solution

I try to create a simple handler (ashx) file for my site and test it. I am unable to generate Unit Tests for it (using Visual Studio Team System). I try: Test > New Test > Unit Test Wizard and it says "unable to load or locate assembly" Why is this so? Am I missing something. My web project is uploaded here if you need to take a look....

Mocking tools for c# on .NET

Im new to C#/.NET . But Ive been doing TDD for quite some time now. I wanted to what is the best framework that can be used for mocking objects while writing tests in c3 ...

How test that ASP.NET MVC route redirects to other site?

Due to a prinitng error in some promotional material I have a site that is receiving a lot of requests which should be for one site arriving at another. i.e. The valid sites are http://site1.com/abc & http://site2.com/def but people are being told to go to http://site1.com/def. I have control over site1 but not site2. site1 contains ...

Writing tests for Rails plugins

I'm working on a plugin for Rails that would add limited in-memory caching to ActiveRecord's finders. The functionality itself is mature enough, but I can't for the life of me get unit tests to work with the plugin. I now have under vendor/plugins/my_plugin/test/my_plugin_test.rb a standard subclass of ActiveSupport::TestCase with a cou...

Are unit tests also used to find bugs?

I was reading the following article and the author made it quite clear that unit tests are NOT used to find bugs. I would like to know what your thoughts are on this. I do know that unit tests makes the design of your application much more robust but isn't it the fact that finding bugs through unit tests that make the application robust,...

Not Able to call The method Asynchronously in the Unit Test.

Hi everyone, I am trying to call a method that passes an object called parameters. public void LoadingDataLockFunctionalityTest() { DataCache_Accessor target = DataCacheTest.getNewDataCacheInstance(); target.itemsLoading.Add("WebFx.Caching.TestDataRetrieverFactorytestsync", true); DataParameters param...

Anyone using Moles / Pex in production?

Hi all, I did search the forum and did not find a similar question. I'm looking to make a final decision on our mocking framework of choice moving forward as a best practice - I've decided on Moq... untill I just recently discovered MS has finally created a mocking framework called Moles which seems to work similar to TypeMock via the p...

Using Python, what's the best way to create a set of files on disk for testing?

I'm looking for a way to create a tree of test files to unit test a packaging tool. Basically, I want to create some common file system structures -- directories, nested directories, symlinks within the selected tree, symlinks outside the tree, &c. Ideally I want to do this with as little boilerplate as possible. Of course, I could hand...

How do you set a custom session when unit testing with wicket?

I'm trying to run some unit tests on a wicket page that only allows access after you've logged in. In my JUnit test I cannot start the page or render it without setting the session. How do you set the session? I'm having problems finding any documentation on how to do this. WicketTester tester = new WicketTester(new MyApp()); ((M...

Using IDLE to run Python PyUnit unit tests

Is there a way, within IDLE, to run the PyUnit (unittest module) unit tests directly? I ask because I have a short test module and when I run it with python mymodule.py from the Cygwin shell I get all tests passed, but when I use Run->Run Module from IDLE the tests pass but then I get an exception (SystemExit: False). For example, here...

Is unit testing the definition of an interface necessary?

I have occasionally heard or read about people asserting their interfaces in a unit test. I don't mean mocking an interface for use in another type's test, but specifically creating a test to accompany the interface. Consider this ultra-lame and off-the-cuff example: public interface IDoSomething { string DoSomething(); } and the...

Should you unit test the return value of Hardcode Properties?

Should we be testing values that we already know the answer to? If a value is important enough to be a dedicated hard code value then should should it be important enough of to change a test at the same time as the value? or is this just overkill?! ...

Can PartCover work with WCF (remotely running) ?

Can PartCover coverage for remotely running binaries ? ...

unit test service layer - NUnit, NHibernate

Hi, I would like to unit test a DEPENDENT service layer which allows me to perform CRUD operation without mocking using NUnit. I know this is probably bad practice but I want to give it a try anyway - even if the tests have to run over night. My data is persisted using NHibernate and I have implemented a little library that 'bootstraps'...

Writing a Makefile.am to invoke googletest unit tests

I am trying to add my first unit test to an existing Open Source project. Specifically, I added a new class, called audio_manager: src/audio/audio_manager.h src/audio/audio_manager.cc I created a src/test directory structure that mirrors the structure of the implementation files, and wrote my googletest unit tests: src/test/audio/aud...

Unit testing huge applications - Proven methodologies?

Hello members I've been working in windows forms applications and ASP.Net applications for the past 10 months. I've always wondered how to perform proper unit testing on the complete application in a robust manner covering all the scenarios. I've the following questions regarding them - What are the standard mechanisms in performing u...

Testing code for a dynamic website

Our website code is written in PHP. We have very little testing in regards to it. Most of the pages of this website are generated from SQL queries. What is the suggested method of testing these pages (to make sure that the expected data comes out, etc)? Sorry, I know how to test. I guess my question is, what specifically should I be...

NUnit [Test] is not a valid attribute

I've included the necessary assemblies into a Windows Class project in VS2008. When I start to try to write a test I get a red squiggle line and the message [Test] is not a valid attribute. I've used NUnit before... maybe an earlier version. What am I doing wrong? I'm on version 2.5.2. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; usi...

Moq - How to mock a function call on a concrete object?

Hello, How can I do this in Moq? Foo bar = new Foo(); Fake(bar.PrivateGetter).Return('whatever value') It seems I can only find how to mock an object that was created via the framework. I want to mock just a single method/property on a concrete object I've created... In TypeMock, I would just do Isolate.WhenCalled(bar.PrivateGetter...

PHPUnit: force display of asserted values

When in PHPUnit test fails, actual and expected values are displayed. But when the test passes, this information is not displayed. How to force PHPUnit to always display expected and actual assertion result? ...