
What's the point of some of shoulda's macros?

I think shoulda is really neat, but what I don't understand is why some of the macros exist, such as: should_validate_uniqueness_of :title should_validate_presence_of :body, :message => /wtf/ should_validate_presence_of :title should_validate_numericality_of :user_id I'm relatively new to testing, but what purpose do these serve? The...

How do you create a unit-testing stub for an interface containing a read-only member?

I am writing some unit tests for an extension method I have written on IPrincipal. To assist, I have created a couple of helper classes (some code for not-implemented members of the interfaces has been omitted for brevity): public class IPrincipalStub : IPrincipal { private IIdentity identityStub = new IIdentityStub(); public ...

When using a mocking framework and MSPEC where do you set your stubs

I am relatively new to using MSpec and as I write more and more tests it becomes obvious to reduce duplication you often have to use a base class for your setup as per Rob Conery's article I am happy with using the AssertWasCalled method to verify my expectations, but where do you set up a stub's return value, I find it useful to set th...

.NET Test Harness what should it have

Hi Folks, We have a software house developing code for us on a project, .NET Web Service (WCF) and we are also paying for a test harness to be built as a separate billable task on a daily rate. I have just joined the company and am reviewing what we are getting from the software house and wanted to know what you guys in industry thought...

Is there an automated way to make sure that all parts of code is unit tested?

I have written JUnit tests for my class, and would like it to tell me if there is any part of my code that is not unit tested. Is there a way to do this? ...

Doing TDD Silverlight 4 RC using Visual Studio 2010 RC

[EDIT] Based on feedback yes, VS2010 seems to support SL4 Library TDD despite a couple strange messages when first creating the tests which said the test could not target Silverlight - problem seemed to go away - chalk it up to an RC bug I guess. I think my real out-standing question now is how to TDD a standalone library that uses eleva...

GWT: Best practice for unit testing / mocking JSNI methods?

I have a class which uses JSNI to retrieve JSON data stored in the host page: protected native JsArray<JsonModel> getModels() /*-{ return $wnd.jsonData; }-*/; This method is called, and the data is then translated and process in a different method. How should I unit test this class, since I'm not able to instantiate (or seemingly ...

Where to place unit test project

I'm thinking about where to put the unit/integration test project. I follow the 1 test project pr. project convention I can think of 3 ways, that all seems good to me, which make it kind of hard to choose :-) Test project is put under a Tests sub folder to the project it tests. Test project is put next to the project it tests, in a "p...

Unit-test FileSystemWatcher.Error Event

I'm trying to unit test a private method that I have attached to my FileSystemWatcher's Error event. MSDN says that this event "occurs when the internal buffer overflows." I've tried to cause a buffer overflow but have not been successful so far. The FileSystemWatcher's various properties are: fileWatcher.IncludeSubdirectories = fals...

What is the current state of Unit testing support in the R language

R is a statistics programming language. Part of R is the use of Packages, which themselves are written in the R language. Programming best practice includes the use of unit-testing to test the functions within these packages while they are being written and when they are used. I am aware of a few packages for unit testing within R, th...

Android unit testing & using a different database file

I'm trying to start unit testing on my application (should have done so from the beginning). I've got an Eclipse project structure set up and everything seems to work well, but... I'm subclassing SQLiteOpenHelper to access the application database. This works well for the application, but when using the same class in the unit tests, it ...

Boost Unit testing memory reuse causing tests that should fail to pass

We have started using the boost unit testing library for a large existing code base, and I have run into some trouble with unit tests incorrectly passing, seemingly due to the reuse of memory on the stack. Here is my situation: BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_select_base_instantiation_default) { SelectBase selectBase(); BOOST_CHEC...

Bad linking in Qt unit test -- missing the link to the moc file?

I'm trying to unit test a class that inherits QObject; the class itself is located up one level in my directory structure. When I build the unit test I get the standard unresolved errors if a class' MOC file cannot be found: test.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void * __thiscall UnitToTest::qt_metacast(...

How to override/control the way the JVM gets the system date?

How do you mock-up/trick the JVM to get a date other that the current system date? I have a set of tests in JUnit I don't want to change, but instead I want to change a setting so that when the JVM retrieves the date it retrieves the date I want. Have you done something similar before? Thanks. ...

How do I properly unit test a Django session?

The behavior of Django sessions changes between "standard" views code and test code, making it unclear how test code is written for sessions. Googling this yields two relevant discussions about this issue: Easier manipulation of sessions by test client test.Client.session.save() raises error for anonymous users I'm confused because b...

Unit Testing Codeigniter Classes with fooStack - clashes

I'm having 'fun' testing interactions in a CodeIgniter based web app. It seems when running the entire test suite "phpunit AllTests.php" it loads all of the test classes, their targets (Systems under Test) and creates a PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite instance which presumably iterates over the classes which extend CIUnit_TestCase and runs ...

Grails unit testing domain classes with Set properties - is this safe?

I've created a domain class in Grails like this: class MyObject { static hasMany = [tags: String] // Have to declare this here, as nullable constraint does not seem to be honoured Set tags = new HashSet() static constraints = { tags(nullable: false) } } Writing unit tests to check the size and content of ...

Testing the context in asp.net mvc

I got pretty experienced with testing controllers, my question here is though, aren't we supposed to test the data context as well, and how ? I mean, there are a lot of relationships and constraints coming from the DB that simply testing controllers does not cover. On the other hand, testing against the DB is not considered a good prac...

WAMP phpundercontrol installation guide / tutorial

Our team just thinking to start using php unit test for our problem. I not able to find a complete tutorial or installation which is install phpundercontrol in WAMP environment, I have no any experience about php unit test, but we know we need it. Our goal is everyday we would like to build the project, so we know where is the bug happ...

Based on your development stack, which is easier for you and why? Debugging or logging?

Please state if you are developing on the front end, back end, or if you are developing a mobile/desktop application. List your development stack Language, IDE, etc.. Unit Testing or no Unit Testing Be sure to include any AOP frameworks if used. Tell me if it is easier for you to use a debugger or to using logging during development, ...