
JQuery MySql update

Hi, im trying to adapt this little snippet: $("#checkbox_id").change(function(){ /* CODE HERE */ }); I have a series of checkboxes that are dynamically generated and their id's are always like "hug3443" were "hug" is the column in the DB and "3443" is the unique id for each row. My objective would be that every time the checkbo...

How do I add a limit to update-query in Zend Framework?

Hey! How do I add the LIMIT 1 clause to an update when using Zend Framework? I'm kind of forced not to use Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::update() since it executes itself unlike the sweet Zend_Db_Select-classes. The reason to do this is just precaution and I think Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::update()'s syntax makes more sense when found in code...

Update HttpResponse Every Few Seconds.

My application in Django can create some very big SQL queries. I currently use a HttpRequest object, for the data I need, then a HttpResponse, to return what I want to show the User. Obviously, I can let the User wait for a minute whilst these many sets of queries are being executed and extracted from the database, then return this mon...

Deploying using Setup project with update functionality of ClickOnce

Hi, I want to deploy a wpf client appllication, I need to allow the user to choose a directory for the install, eg. c:\program files\myapp. Unable to do this with clickonce, I need to use a setup project to deploy my app. How can I have the same update functionality as a ClicOnce app in my setup project? ie Have the app check an adddres...

Adding and changing usercontrol at run time in a WPF application

I have a situation as follows, i am going to use WPF for first time, so any suggestion abt how to proceed whould be great: I hav a drop down, when i select any item from it - it should change the structure of controls in same window. New controls contain - two menu items and a text box and a list box. Selecting one menuitem will display ...

Update Array field in progress DB using ODBC

Dear All: I access the progress DB using ODBC in my C# program, and I need to update some fields,which are array data type. so how can I write my sql statement to do such things? I read some progress documentations,in which some methods were mentioned as bellow: update pub.sometable set arrayfield='X;X;X;X;X;X' where condition.... but ...

Issues with re-rendering objects on a canvas - Java

Hi, guys. I'm having some serious problems with this, have been working on it for some time now - about 2 weeks - and I just can't see the issue I'm having here. I'm sure I'm making a dumb mistake somewhere. Anyhow, enough of my rambling. I'm having trouble with the code below, in that it doesn't want to update the world. WHat I mean is...

Optimize simple update on table

Hi All, I am running following query in a stored proceudre and it is taking 30 milliseconds to execute. Can anyone help me out to optimize this query: Table Definition is: Create Table Customer ( CustID int not null auto_increment, CustProdID int, TimeStamp DateTime, primary key(CustID) ); Update Customer Set TimeStamp =...

Dataadapter update performance - do I need to use datatable.Getchanges?

This is a simple question, but I'm having trouble finding the answer. I have a large datatable of which I have updated many, but not all rows. I am using a dataadapter to update these changes to SQL server. Does the dataadapter send update queries only for the updated rows from the datatable, or does it send one for every row, and esc...

How to update clients which access a windows service on a remote server?

Update involves updating the binary and quite a few libraries. Please advise if this is possible by tweaking just the server side? Maybe, if I could just send a message with a link for the updates. Currently, There is no provision It uses a tcp channel configuration to communicate. ...

How to update a table with null values with data from other table at one time?

I have 2 tables - A and B . Tbale A has columns -pkey(primary key) and col1.Tbale B has columns pr_key(primary key, not a reference key) and column1.Table B has no values,while table A is populated with 4 rows.I want to update table B taking exactly the same values as table A at one go. Please help! ...

SQL Trigger 1 row at a time

I'm creating an update trigger that goes like this (SQL Server 2005): Is the state column of the row is 23 or 25 don't update it. Else update it. It's very simple. I'm trying OldState = (Select State from Deleted) If OldState in (25,23) Update it --how to do it easily? else dont do nothing for this row The problem is that the ...

Creating installers for complex cross-platform programs

I'm sketching an application deployment process for a bunch of relatively complex desktop applications. We have both native and Java apps, so the deployment must be able to check for existence of the JRE and install it if needed. Some of the apps depend on special hardware, so the deployment must also be able to launch the necessary driv...

Catching update errors on MySQLdb

I have a function that updates a MySQL table from a CSV file. The MySQL table contains the client account number -- this is what I use to compare with the CSV file. At some point, some of the queries will fail because the account number being compared from the CSV file has not been added yet. How do I get the records from the CSV file t...

Hibernate saveOrUpdate fails when I execute it on empty table.

I'm try to insert or update db record with following code: Category category = new Category(); category.setName('catName'); category.setId(1L); categoryDao.saveOrUpdate(category); When there is a category with id=1 already in database everything works. But if there is no record with id=1 I got following exception: org.hibernate.St...

PostgreSQL: UPDATE implies move across partitions

(Note: updated with adopted answer below.) For a PostgreSQL 8.1 (or later) partitioned table, how does one define an UPDATE trigger and procedure to "move" a record from one partition to the other, if the UPDATE implies a change to the constrained field that defines the partition segregation? For example, I've a table records partitio...

ADO .net 2.0: PrimaryKey not updated after calling DataAdapter.Update()

Hi, I came across a problem while updating a typed DataTable that has a primary key column. At some point in my code I fill DataTables (some of them have primary and foreign key columns) and then I insert the data of all DataTables in one transaction using DataAdapters and Update(). Because the typed DataTables do not allow the PrimaryK...

change xml namespace

Hi, I have an xml file as following: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ABC version="1" xmlns="urn:Company"> </ABC> I am releasing version 2 and the namespace changed to "NewCompany". How do you update the namespace? I tried XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); using (XmlReader xmlReader = XmlReader.Cr...

empty Datagridview in virtualmode with millions of rows slows

I am trying to create datagridview connected to sqlserver. But it seems that even in simple datagridview cannot handle quickly millions of rows. And so scrolled to upper rows datagridview updates noticably faster, that scrolled down to last row. The effect can be seen: Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As O...

Python MySQLdb: Update if exists, else insert

I am looking for a simple way to query an update or insert based on if the row exists in the first place. I am trying to use Python's MySQLdb right now. This is how I execute my query: self.cursor.execute("""UPDATE `inventory` SET `quantity` = `quantity`+{1} WHERE `item_number` = {0} ...