
Get ID of the newly inserted record, using SqlDataAdapter

BGREX.BGREXDataTable _bRexDataTable = new BGREX.BGREXDataTable(); BGREX.BGREXRow bgRexRow = _bRexDataTable.NewBGREXRow(); bgRexRow.BGRes_TITLE = "abc"; bgRexRow.BGRes_VERSION = 123; _bRexDataTable.AddBGREXRow(bgRexRow); int rewEffected = Adapter.Update(_bRexDataTable); Have beed using above to insert record in Database, workes perfec...

incremental update with symfony/propel

Hi, I would like execute a query like this one in symfony using the Propel ORM: UPDATE ADS SET HITS=HITS+1 WHERE ID=10; I know that Propel API can let me set a previously fixed value for a column of a given record, but I definitely don't want to retrieve the column value first before issuing an update query since there are concurrent...

add new session product - PHP

When a user is buying a product (lets say they have 3 products) and they have typed their information, the product automatically goes into database with a status = 0. If the user is going away from the basket, lets assume into product overview(and buying an extra product, now they have 4 products in basket). I have to find out how to...

Update ms access database via vb.net

How can I do that? I already have the code I'm working on but it seems that it doesnt work really fine. Here is how my program works. I input an id number(unique) on a text box and click the search button. The entries that corresponds to the id number is then displayed on the other text boxes. And then I try to edit one of the entries...

Update Field When Not Null

I have an update statement that updates fields x, y and z where id = xx. In the table I have a few different x_created_datetime fields (for different portions of the record that are maintained/entered by different folks). I'd like to write a single query that will update this field if is null, but leave it alone if is not null. So what...

Using comma with an update sentence

I want to update a row which has some html tags inside. For instance src='/imagem.png'></ p></ body> > UPDATE ISTANBUL_TABLE SET TEXT = '< > body>< p>< img src='/imagem.png '></ > p></ body>' WHERE 1=1 you see after src=' means the query ends, but it does not end. how can i solve it without using " (double comma). any solution p...

Is it possible to change a Javascript Variable from an Ajax Response?

I'm trying to update a Javascript variable that controls a scrolling script based upon some Ajax code. The Ajax code is supposed to add to the JS Var when conditions are true in the Ajax script. Is there any way to trigger this? Thanks! edit: I'm not sure how to change the value of the variable. I've tried changing it via the Ajax but ...

pdo Invalid parameter number

Hello, My problem is the following Y have two functions that are called from inside a function(method) If the outcome of the first function is TRUE, the second function runs a select and an update query. The second function runs a select with the query($sql) command The update query uses: $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $stmt->execut...

Error when Updating/Installing software in Eclipse 3.4.2

I am trying to update installed software and install plugins for a fresh install of eclipse 3.4.2. Whenever I try to update/install I get this error: "Unexpected error encountered while preparing for the operation. org.eclipse.core.runtime.AssertionFailedException" Details: "Unexpected error encountered while preparing for the opera...

Updating Uncommitted data to a cell with in an UPDATE statement

I want to convert a table storing in Name-Value pair data to relational form in SQL Server 2008. Source table Strings ID Type String 100 1 John 100 2 Milton 101 1 Johny 101 2 Gaddar Target required Customers ID FirstName LastName 100 John Milton 101 Johny Gaddar I am following the strategy given below, Populate the Customer t...

Is it really no solution to update multiple records in MySQL?

I want to do all these update in one statement. update table set ts=ts_1 where id=1 update table set ts=ts_2 where id=2 ... update table set ts=ts_n where id=n Is it? ...

How to update two tables in one statement?

UPDATE table1, tmpList SET table1.ts = tmpList.ts_value WHERE table1.id = tmpList.id UPDATE table2, tmpList SET table2.ts = tmpList.ts_value WHERE table2.id = tmpList.id I'm using MySQL ...

Named Routes in Rails: how to capture a custom url and then send params to update

I want to have this exact named route that I can put in views: <%= link_to publish_review_path(@review) %> ... I would like it to map to a path like this: "/reviews/3456/publish" ... and then when that pattern is matched, have the following sent to the controller: { :controller => "reviews", :action => "update", :id => "3...

Selected row does't update in DataGridView

I have a datatable bound to my datagridview. One of the columns is a DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn. By clicking on a button you should change all checkboxes in the column to true. private void btnPublishAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { for (int j = 0; j < this.dgrView.RowCount; j++) { this.dgrView[7, j].Value = true; } ...

MySql Question - way to update portion of a string?

I'm looking for a way to update just a portion of a string via mysql query. For example, if I have 10 records all containing 'string' as part of the field value (i.e., 'something/string', 'something/stringlookhere', 'something/string/etcetera', is there a way to change 'string' to 'anothervalue' for each row via one query, so that the...

Tree data in MySql database table

I have a table that uses Adjacency list model for hierarchy storage. My most relevant columns in this table are therefore: ItemId // is auto_increment ParentId Level ParentTrail // in the form of "parentId/../parentId/itemId" then I created a before insert tigger, that populates columns Level and ParentTrail. Since the last column al...

Update a table with records from another table

I am trying to update my table 1 with some field value from table 2 based on a condition. But am unable to get the proper query. Here's the condition: I have a table 1 with date field which should be updated from table 2 date field. The condition is that the id of table 1 should be equal to id of table 2 (Table 2 has id of table 1 as FK...

CVS silently brings back deleted code during update

Our team has noticed that CVS brings back deleted code if you have changes in your working file within the block of code that has been deleted. CVS does this silently without presenting the merge conflict markings. Does anyone have a work around for this? Is there a clever way to detect that this is about to happen? ...

SQLITE update fails with error code 1 (SQLITE_ERROR)

Hey sqliters, I am having a strange or maybe not so strange problem with my sqlite db. I have a field of "Text" type and it worked like a charm with any English texts for ages. The text in the field used to come from an MFC CEdit. Now I switched to CRichEditCtrl to support formatting and UNICODE texts. The CRichEditCtrl dumps the for...

popViewControllerAnimated doesn't update info iPhone SDK

When I try to pop a view controller, it doesnt update info for the previous view. Example: I have a cell that displays text in a label in View1. When you click on the cell it goes to View2 (for example) When I choose an option in View2, popViewControllerAnimated is used to go back to View1, however, I want the label to now be updated wit...