
Designing a client/server app to update client software automatically

I am designing an app using .NET 2.0 remoting. It has a single server and multiple clients which are workstations or laptops which may be on or off-line at any time. Part of the design is that the server holds a copy of the client installer MSI. The plan is that for the first installation, the clients will be rolled-out using group poli...

MVVM Update binding issue

Hi. I have user control to which I bind a viewmodel, this implements the INotifyPropertyChanged, thru the datacontext, this has a property that is a IList that I bind to the itemsdatasource of a grid, then on the code, in another class I add some values to the list, but the UI doesn't reflect this change although in debug I can see that...

How to get rid of pygame surfaces?

In the following code, there is not just one circle on the screen at any given point in time. I want to fix this to make it so that it looks like there is only one circle, instead of leaving a smudge trail where ever the mouse cursor has been. import pygame,sys from pygame.locals import * pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode(...

Downloading updates from web address. C#

Ok, so I have an app that checks for updates at http://mysite.ext/sub/sub2/sub3/appname/ and after the very first publish (a few days ago) it was checking for/downloading updates from that url correctly with no problems. But today, I published a new version, only minor changes to the ui (changing button text etc), then uploaded latest...

SQLite Update date sql

SQLite Newbie I am trying to update a table with a date. Something like this: Update MyTable Set MyCol=GetDate() What is the correct syntax? ...

When my View POSTs a Model back to my Action, how do I save it back to the database it came from?

I'm kind of confused... I have one action that takes an ID, loads up an object, and passes it to the View which is bound to the Model of that object's type. After editing the data in the form supplied by the View, I POST back to another action that accepts an object of the same exact type as the Model. However at this point I can't ju...

LINQ to SQL doesn't update if I include a calculated column

I am populating a DataGrid with the following LINQ code : Dim myClients = From p In dc.Persons _ Select p I can navigate my DataGrid, make changes and then click on a button that calls dc.SubmitChanges() All of this works well and updates SQL Server. I then wanted to add a single additional colu...

Sqlite iPhone "unknown error"

Strangely my app works in the simulator. When run in debug on my iTouch, I get the error , "Unknown Error" when I try to run a "Update" sql command. I can read from the SQLite db fine though. The database is in the root and it's being found as the open() command works. I'm using MonoTouch but think it may be a more general error. The ...

Best Practice: How to Insert into Multiple Tables Through the Business Layer and Data Layer?

I USED to be a developer and part-time db designer, but it's been many years and I'm re-learning... I'm building a web app and have a Person (actually "Profile") table with a number of child tables which have N:N relationships with my Person table, e.g. FavoriteSports MusicalInstruments ArtisticSkills After reading through Scott ...

How to update existing IIS 6 Web Site using PowerShell

Hi, I am trying to create a PowerShell script that creates a new IIS 6 web site and sets things like App Pool, Wildcard application maps, ASP.NET version, etc. After extensive search on the Internet I found a script that allows me to create a new Web Site but not to modify all the properties I need. $newWebsiteName = "WebSiteName...

Flex-AIR: how to handle failure to update?

OK my flex app checks for a file on the internet (update.xml) which contains the most recent version number and a location on where to download the update, if the most recent version number is not the version of the current app, then the app auto-updates using the file at the location listed in the (update.xml) file. If my app fails to ...

How can I update cookies after having it set on the header in a Perl CGI program?

I have cookies set when the user log in to the application. Yet I need to modify that when the user updates his profile. Can anyone tell me how to update an existing cookies? Thanks in advance.(I'm using perl). ...

How patching or updating of the compiled application works?

Could you help to understand generally how the applying of patch or an update works for already compiled and live application at the level of code? I mean, if we want to fix an error (or improve a functionality) in some piece of code, what is happening with that already compiled code, how it gets changed? ...

How does a swapping data between two tables in SQL Server work?

I could probably google this, but it seemed quirky enough that it might be worth having logged as an answer on SA. So in development land, if you want to swap interchance the values of two variables, you need a third temp variable. e.g. string x = "ABC"; string y = "DEF"; string temp; temp = x; x = y; y = temp; However in a SQL Up...

iPhone, app release, change device requirements

I have released an app in the appstore months ago. It was first made only for iPhone (because I wanted to do so), now I would like to release it also for the iPod Touch. What I have to do to make the iphone app available to ipod touch too? When I update the app (new version tested on the ipod) I cannot change the value of the dropdown ...

Update ListView's ItemsSource Constantly?

I have a ListView that I set it's ItemsSource to list all the Assignments (a table in my SQL Database, ORM is LINQ to SQL) like so: ltvAssignments.ItemsSource = _repo.ListAssignments(); (This bit of code is exactly after InitializeCompenent() is called) And for the heck of it, I added a sample: Assignment sample1 = new Assignment() ...

Increment value in mysql update query

Hello. I have made this code for giving out +1 point, but it doesn't work properly. mysql_query("UPDATE member_profile SET points= ' ".$points." ' + 1 WHERE user_id = '".$userid."'"); the $points variable is the user´s points right now.. I want it to plus one to it.. so example if he had like 5 points, it should be 5+1 = 6.. but it do...

update values of checkbox with HABTM relationship -- Rails

Hey guys I've been using the has_and_belongs_to_many relationship with checkboxes example from the Railscast Episode #17 . I had some problems and now everything is working kind of smoothly except the update button will not work. the edit view looks like so <% form_for :users, :action => 'update' do |f| %> <% for interest in Intere...

How can I redirect to a specified page after performing a MySQL insert or update?

After using form data to perform a MySQL update (via PHP), I'd like to direct the user to a page that displays that data as it will appear on the site. How can I automatically redirect the user to a page (preview.php, for example) AFTER running the MySQL update? I'd like to keep the solution to HTML or PHP if possible. ...

SQL Update hangs Java program

Hello I'm writing a combination Java/Perl program that parses XML files into an Oracle SQL database. There are two tables in the database - one that holds the data from the XML files and another that holds information about the files themselves (file name, creation time, etc.). Basically, when a new XML file comes along, the Java progra...