
Strange data swapping error occurs when I attempt to update rows in my table from another table in my sql database...please help!

So I have a table of data that is 10,000 lines long. Several of the columns in the table simply describe information about one of the columns, meaning, that only one column has the content, and the rest of the columns describe the location of the content (its for a book). Right now, only 6,000 of the 10,000 rows' content column is filled...

updating lucene index

What is the best way to update an existing Lucene index. I dont't just have to add/delete documents from it, rather update the existing documents. ...

zend framework update problem(update multiple rows)

i want to update multiple rows in DB using Zend Framework(Zend_db). i want to add 2 to one field of each row what should i use? im a beginner to ZF. ...

Update table instantly or “Bulk” Update in database later? And is it advisable?

Hi, I have a question regarding a semi-constant update in a database. In short it is regarding a checkout function on a web page, which each time the checkout function is evoked it do five steps. I want to try to optimize this function and have my eye on a step where I update a table each time the checkout is performed. I take the info...

select for update problem in jdbc

I'm having a problem with select for update in jdbc. The table i'm trying to update is the smalldb table, i'm having problems-- i'm using select for update which does a lock on the selected row the update statement is -- String updateQ = "UPDATE libra.smalldb SET hIx = ? WHERE name = ?"; the select statement is -- rs = stmt1.execut...

How to detect if object was updated using Nhibernate?

I need to find out how to perform some action (flush cache) when an object of type X is updated. So when I save object of type Y, nothing is done, when I save unchanged object of type X nothing should happed, but when this object is changed and UPDATE is made, I want to know it. I tried various NHibernate events (IPostUpdateEventListe...

SQL Server Update Group by

I'm trying to execute this on MS-SQL but returns me an error just at the Group by line update #temp Set Dos=Count(1) From Temp_Table2010 s where Id=s.Total and s.total in (Select Id from #temp) group by s.Total Do anyone knows how can I solve this problem having good performance. ...

What are your suggestions for best practises for regular data updates in a website database?

My shared-hosting asp.net website must automatically run data update routines at regular times of day. Once it has finished running certain update routines, it can run update routines that are dependent on the previous updates. I have done this type of work before, using quite complicated setups. Some features of the framework I created ...

SVN tags: How not to update/checkout them?

In many projects, I check out the complete repository and have then the standard directory structure: project/ branches/ tags/ trunk/ If I do an svn up project, it's all fine with the branches and trunk folders, but, of course, the tags folder is updated, too, and filled with (mostly) lots of tagged versions that are of no...

Mysql question about UPDATE

UPDATE counter_reports SET `counter`=`counter`+1,`date`=? WHERE report_id IN( (SELECT report_id FROM counter_reports WHERE report_name="emails_sent" AND `year`=1 ORDER BY report_id DESC LIMIT 1), (SELECT report_id FR...

Android - update widget text

Hi, i have 2 questions about widgets update I have 2 buttons and i need to change one button text when i press the other one, how can i do this? The first time i open the widget it calls the onUpdate method, but it never calls it again. I need to update the widget every 2 seconds and i have this line in the xml. android:updatePeriodM...

How to update a record without selecting that record again in ADO.NET Entity Framework?

Hi all I am doing something like this - void update(ClasstoUpdate obj)//obj is already having values to update... { var data= (from i in Entityobject.ClasstoUpdate where obj.Id==i.Id select i).FirstorDefault(); data.Name="SomeCoolName"; EntityObject.SaveChanges(); } I want to perform an update without a...

Combining two UPDATE Commands - Performance ?

If I want to update two rows in a MySQL table, using the following two command: UPDATE table SET Col = Value1 WHERE ID = ID1 UPDATE table SET Col = Value2 WHERE ID = ID2` I usually combine them into one command, so that I do not to have to contact the MySQL server twice from my C client: UPDATE table SET Col = IF( ID = ID1 , Value1 ...

Is there a way to detect when a WSS default.aspx page is updated?

That is detect when the user makes web part changes and selects to exit editing the page. I want to be able to capture a page event, then create a SharePoint task to instruct a user to translate that page to another language (note that MOSS and variations is not an option because the client wants to use the free version of SharePoint). S...

Updating an Eclipse product

We're developing an open source SDK based on Eclipse and to make users life easier, we offer the SDK download. This way users are less likely to get lost in Eclipse's bewildering download site, less likely to make a mistake installing the Eclipse Web tools platform and less likely to make a mistake entering our BONDI SDK update URL. The...

Update query (access & vb.net)

Hi: QUESTION 1 I have to update some fields of a table of access according to the value of parameter. If this paramter is "true" I need to update. Table idInvoice price percentageTax1 tax1 percentageTax2 tax2 total Example values: idinvoice: 12300 price: 100 € percentageTax1: ...

How to update Native Air Appilication?

I created native air 2.0 app. (exe file) how to implement auto update for it? ...

Update no-ip service programmatically

Hey people! Do you know how can I update my ip address on no-ip.com redirecting service, like some commercial modems/routers do? Is there any source code available? ...

SQL server 2005 :Updating one record from 2 identical records

I have 2 records in a table in SQL Server 2005 db which has exactly same data. I want to update one record.Is there anyway to do it?Unfortunately this table does not have an identity column and i cant use a direct update query because both will be updated since data is same.Is there anyway using rowid or something in SQL server 2005 ? ...

Jquery Calling lightbox from updated div not working

Hi! I'm working in a website were we update the content of a div using Jquery. Inside the content we use to update the div there are some buttons with jquery actions attached. The first time the document is loaded lightbox is OK, but after the div content is updated the jquery lightbox doesnt works. Any comments welcome ;) ...