
Code Igniter Update Engine

Hey, I am planning to develop a pretty awesome new web app that has a one time fee including free updates of 1.X updates (X being the update). I don't want to get people to download a new version and install it manually as it can be a real pain for some people, also it's bad if there is an important bug that needs fixing and people don...

Problem with UPDATE statement in stored-procedure in Oracle Database

Hello, I have stored-procedure in Oracle database like this: create or replace PROCEDURE EDYTUJ_PRACOWNIKA (PR_IMIE IN VARCHAR2, PR_NAZWISKO IN VARCHAR2, PR_PENSJA IN FLOAT, PR_PRZELOZONY IN NUMBER, PR_ODDZIAL IN NUMBER, PRAC_ID IN NUMBER) AS tmpPensja FLOAT := 0; tmpPrzel NUMBER := 0; BEGIN select przelozony into tmpPrzel from pr...

Bound textbox not updating upon DataTable change

I have bound several textboxes to different rows in a DataTable, like this: txtCurLevel.DataBindings.Add("Text", dtTop, "CURR LEVEL"); txtNewLevel.DataBindings.Add("Text", dtTop, "NEW LEVEL"); txtProduct.DataBindings.Add("Text", dtTop, "P LINE"); txtCurRev.DataBindings.Add("Text", dtTop, "CURR REV"); Th...

How to commit inside a CURSOR Loop?

Hi, I am trying to see if its possible to perform Update within a cursor loop and this updated data gets reflected during the second iteration in the loop. DECLARE cur CURSOR FOR SELECT [Product], [Customer], [Date], [Event] FROM MyTable WHERE [Event] IS NULL OPEN cur FETCH NEXT INTO @Product, @Customer, @Date, @Event WHILE @@FETCH_STA...

PHP/MySQL won't update decimal field

I have this query: UPDATE table_name SET field_1 = field_1 +100, field_2 = field_2 +100, field_3 = field_3 +100 WHERE id = 1 LIMIT 1; Where Field_1 is regular integer, Field_2 is decimal(15,6) and Field_3 is double(15,6). When I run this query from php script they update just field_1 and nothing happen with field_2 an...

How do I update a column in 3rd row the same as a column in 2nd row in MySQL?

I'm doing it this way,but get an error: mysql> update products set products_image=(select products_image from products where products_id=2) where products_id=3; ERROR 1093 (HY000): You can't specify target table 'products' for update in FROM clause ...

updating uitableview from the custom cell after changing it

Hi, I've implemented edit menu from my custom UITableViewCell class. I have a small problem of updating a table view from inside the custom table cell class. What is the best approach to do that? TIA Clarification: By edit menu I meant a standard Cut/Copy/Paste... menu, that can complies with a standard UIResponder protocol. I want to...

QuadTrees - how to update when internal items are moving

I've implemented a working QuadTree. It subdivides 2-d space in order to accomodate items, identified by their bounding box (x,y,width,height) on the smallest possible quad (up to a minimum area). My code is based on this implementation (mine is in Lua instead of C#) : http://www.codeproject.com/KB/recipes/QuadTree.aspx I've been able ...

How would I UPDATE these table entries with SQL and PHP?

I am working on an Asset Database problem. I enter assets into a database. Every object is an asset and has variables within the asset table. An object is also a type of asset. In this example the type is server. Here is the Query to retrieve all necessary data: SELECT asset.id ,asset.company ,asset.location ,asset.purchaseDate ,...


This is the code I'm using to update an SQL database: Public Sub main() Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset cnn.Open "ConnectionName" rst.ActiveConnection = cnn rst.CursorLocation = adUseServer rst.Source = "Update Table ....

Now() In ODBC SQL Query?

I'm trying to update a database field to the current time, but can't pass "now()". I get the following error: 'now' is not a recognized built-in function name. The method I'm using to query the database is as follows: Public Sub main() Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset Set cnn = New ADODB.Connectio...

Wpf progressbar not updating during method calculation

Hey guys, In my app, i have an import option, to read info from a .csv or .txt file and write it to a database. To test, i"m just using 200-300 lines of data. At the beginning of the method, i calculate number of objects/lines to be read. Every time an object is written to the database, i want to update my progressbar. This is how i do ...

Providing an application data update from a website

I need to provide an update to application data as a download from a website. The update would actually just be the replacing of some data files with some updated ones. The update, which I assume would be some sort of setup package type program, would need to be able to do the following: access the file system and registry to determi...

NHibernate - EventListener for SaveOrUpdateCopy

Hi. I do Update with SaveOrUpdateCopy(). Now, I have attached an event for this: this.EventListeners.SaveOrUpdateCopyEventListeners = new IMergeEventListener[] { new AuditableSaveOrUpdateCopyEventListener() }; In the AuditableSaveOrUpdateCopyEventListener, I have inherited from DefaultSaveOrUpdateCopyEventListener and overrid...

update columns when value is numeric in tsql

i want to normalize date fields from an old badly designed db dump. i now need to update every row, where the datefield only contains the year. update table set date = '01.01.' + date where date like '____' and isnumeric(date) = 1 and date >= 1950 but this will not work, because sql does not do short circuit evaluation of boolean expr...

Mysql-how to update the "domain.com" in "[email protected]"

Hi there, In my database I have a lot of users who've misspelled their e-mail address. This in turn causes my postfix to bounce a lot of mails when sending the newsletter. Forms include (but are not limited to) "yaho.com", "yahho .com" etc. Very annoying! So i have been trying to update those record to the correct value. After executin...

How do I update my primary key in MySQL?

Ok, this is probably really simple, but I just can't figure it out. I have a primary key in a table that goes from 1-5,000. I need to manually update that id (for other table update purposes) so that it says 5,000-10,000. Can't I manually update this column? Please help!!! Thank you ...

PHP / javascript live chat using too much bandwidth

So I am learning about javascript, so I am making a live chat system with PHP and javascript. I have it so the javascript refreshes the log (each message gets logged in a file on the server), and it refreshes every second. Im using firebug to monitor the resource usage, and I see under the net tab each times its updated, and the bytes ad...

How to update a Widget dynamically (Not waiting 30 min for onUpdate to be called)?

I am currently learning about widgets in Android. I want to create a WIFI widget that will display the SSID, the RSSI (Signal) level. But I also want to be able to send it data from a service I am running that calculates the Quality of Sound over wifi. Here is what I have after some reading and a quick tutorial: public class WlanWi...

help for a query

Hi, i've a problem for a table update. follow table structure: Table1 tableid ... ... productID_1 productID_2 productID_3 Table2 productID Total I've to totalize each product in table2. For example: SELECT COUNT(*) as tot, ProductID_1 FROM Table1 GROUP Table1 then the UPDATE table2 SET total =..??? (how can...